- Love makes the world go round.
to postpone = to put off = to procrastinate = to delay
don't put off things
don't put things offambos valen - Don't [leave/put off] for tomorrow what you can do today.
Vaughan 4.0
clases 1 a 20
21 a 40
41 a 60
61 a 80
81 a 100
101 a 120
121 a 140
141 a 160
161 a 180
181 a 195
to follow up | hacer un seguimiento |
to enhance | realzar |
obsolete | obsoleto |
to stand the pace | aguantar el ritmo |
on the way to | camino de |
to waste time | malgastar tiempo |
a drawback | un inconveniente |
slave | esclavo |
thoughtfulness | consideración |
in other words | en otras palabras |
numerous | numeroso |
old age | vejez |
stuffy | cargado (ambiente) |
standard of living | nivel de vida |
submarine | submarino |
to enable | permitir |
to expel | expulsar |
subsidy | subvención |
to discourage | desanimar |
nevertheless | no obstante, sin embargo |
shoulder | hombro |
to snore | roncar |
sailor | marinero |
New Year's Eve | Nochevieja |
to dismantle | desmantelar |
to go crazy | volverse loco |
cheat (er) | engañar |
challenge | desafío, reto |
to tie up loose ends | atar cabos sueltos |
out of fashion, out of style (in style = de moda) | pasado de moda |
overseas | ultramar |
tadpole | renacuajo |
velvet | terciopelo |
to have a sweet tooth | ser goloso |
enthusiasm | entusiasmo |
to appraise | valorar, tasar |
affluent | acomodado |
chess | ajedrez |
it's a good thing! | ¡menos mal! |
it's pointless | es una pérdida de tiempo |
to grant | conceder (grant = subvención) |
output | producción, rendimiento |
rope | cuerda, soga |
to analyze | analizar |
to satisfy | satisfacer |
to sit up | incorporarse |
neglect | desatención, abandono |
rum | ron |
advantageous | ventajoso |
checklist | lista de verificación |
coriander | cilantro |
to lay off | despedir en masa |
gun | pistola |
pharmacist | farmacéutico |
to despise | odiar |
well-off | acomodado |
sadness | tristeza |
rubber | caucho, goma |
The Middle East | Oriente Medio |
to show off | presumir, fardar |
to deny | negar |
to slap | golpear |
nearly | casi |
The North Pole | el Polo Norte |
harvest | cosecha [you reap what you sow (cosechas lo que siembras)] |
counsellor | tutor, consejero |
dandruff | caspa |
wheat | trigo |
every once in a while | de vez en cuando |
fringe benefits | beneficios sociales de nómina |
talented | con talento |
welfare | bienestar |
virtue | virtud |
for the time being | por ahora, de momento |
the last straw | la gota que colma el vaso |
painless | indoloro |
parrot | loro y también verbo repetir, imitar |
wasp | avispa (avispón = hornet) |
to implement | implantar, poner en práctica |
teammate | compañero de equipo |
catholic | católico |
feather | pluma |
cell | célula |
to influence | influir en |
eventually | a la larga, finalmente |
optimistic | optimista |
mature | maduro |
robe | bata |
tailor-made | hecho a medida |
reputation | reputación |
to run into | encontrarse con, tropezarse/chocar con |
to rely on | confiar en, depender de |
tape | cinta |
to get mixed up | liarse, confundirse |
to challenge | desafiar, retar |
of course | por supuesto |
viewpoint | punto de vista también se dice point of view |
vulture | buitre |
on the whole | en general |
to evolve | evolucionar (evolución = evolution) |