
Vaughan 4.0

clases 1 a 20
21 a 40
41 a 60
61 a 80
81 a 100
101 a 120
121 a 140
141 a 160
161 a 180
181 a 195

Common Mistakes

lunes 1 marzo 2010
martes 22 febrero 2011


  • Love makes the world go round.
  • to postpone = to put off = to procrastinate = to delay
    don't put off things
    don't put things off
    ambos valen
  • Don't [leave/put off] for tomorrow what you can do today.


abstract nouns

  • Do you believe in justice?
  • Ask me if I believe in love.
  • Do you agree that there's a fine line between love and hate?
  • What's the key to success?
  • Honesty, perseverance, hard work and ambition, all of those are definite keys to success.
  • Do you believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
  • Do you like the song 'Give peace a chance'?
  • La vida que él llevó fue dura.
    The life he led was hard.
  • El éxito que obtuvo la película fue asombroso.
    The success the movie achieved was amazing.
  • La riqueza que acumularon fue increíble.
    The wealth they accumulated was incredible.


to put off

  • Should we put it off until the week after next?
  • Did you put it off due to a migraine?
  • Did she put off interviewing the new manager?
  • Should we put it off until it stops being so chilly?
  • Did you put it off due to the awful weather conditions?
  • Did she put off going skiing because there wasn't any snow?
  • Should we put it off until the day after tomorrow?
  • Did you put it off due to the extra amount of work?
  • Did he put it off exercising because he hadn't digested?

vocabulary 101

to follow uphacer un seguimiento
to enhancerealzar
to stand the paceaguantar el ritmo
on the way tocamino de

translation list 29

  1. ¿Cuántas listas nos quedan?
    How many lists do we have left?
  2. Todavía nos quedan bastantes.
    We still have quite a few left.
  3. ¿Esperas que yo haga todas estas listas?
    Do you expect me to do all these lists?
  4. Si no, ¿para qué las he creado?
    [If not/otherwise] [what did I create them for/why did I create them]?
  5. ¿No es un hobby tuyo hacer listas?
    Isn't it a hobby of yours to make lists?
  6. ¿Qué crees que soy, masoquista?
    What do you think I am, a masochist?
  7. No, pero te gusta ejercer la mente, ¿no?
    No, but you like [to exercise/exercising] your mind, don't you?
  8. Lo único que quiero ahora es descansar.
    The only thing I want to do now is to rest.
  9. Entonces, échate una siesta.
    Then, take a nap.
  10. No sería mala idea.
    [That/it] wouldn't be a bad idea.
  11. Túmbate aquí mismo en el sofá.
    Lie/lay down right here on the couch.
  12. Si empiezo a roncar, despiértame.
    If I start [snoring/to snore], wake me up.
martes 2 marzo 2010
miércoles 23 febrero 2011


to manage + verb

  • to get = conseguir y recibir
  • lograr, conseguir + verbo = to manage + TO + INFINITIVE

my vocabulary

  • to make it = asistir, ir, presentarme allí
  • sofá: couch [US], settee [UK]
  • here you are/go = aquí tienes


  • settee /se'ti:/


to put off

  • Will we have to put off the meeting until next week?
    Yes, we'll have to put it off.
  • Why will we have to put it off?
    We'll have to put it off because it's bank holiday.
  • Ask me if we'll have to put off the meeting until next week.
  • Ask me why.
    Because I can't make it.
  • Do you normally put off going to the dentist?
  • Ask me if I normally put off going to the dentist.
  • Ask me why.


to get

conseguir, comprar
  • Where did you get those shoes?
  • Where did you get that blouse?
    I got this blouse in a shop for women.
  • Did you get that red car in the end?
  • Did you get what you were looking for?
    Yes, I got what I was looking for.
  • When did you get those shoes?
  • When did you get that blouse?
  • Ask me where I got these shoes.
  • Ask me where I got this shirt.
  • Ask me if I got the tickets to the concert.
  • Did you get the biscuits I like?
  • Did you get the bottle of wine?

to manage + infinitive

conseguir hacer algo
  • Did you manage to study last night?
  • Did you manage to see your friends last weekend?
  • Did you manage to finish your book?
  • Did you manage to get to the studio today without any problems?
  • Did Rocky manage to defeat Mr. T in Rocky III?
  • Ask me if he managed to defeat Ivan Drago in Rocky IV.
  • Did Bill Gates manage to make a lot of money?
  • Did Luke Skywalker manage to blow up the Death Star in Star Wars?
  • Did Alonso manage to win a lot of races last year?
  • Did Cortés manage to conquer Mexico?
  • Did Don Quijote manage to fight the windmills?
  • Did you manage to read the whole book?

vocabulary 102

to waste timemalgastar tiempo
a drawbackun inconveniente
in other wordsen otras palabras
miércoles 3 marzo 2010
jueves 24 febrero 2011


to get or to manage?

  • lograr, conseguir
  • When am I going to get to see him? = ¿Cuándo voy a conseguir verle?
    en este caso es get, NO manage
    to get + to + infinitive = to have the opportunity
  • I couldn't find the way... = I didn't manage to find someone to take me (where... )
  • ... and finally I didn't get to see them.
  • Would I get to attend the concert?
    ( = Would I have the opportunity to attend... ?)
    Yes, if you pass the exam.
  • I didn't manage to pass the exam, I didn't manage to study enough, so I didn't get to go.


  • Smoking is bad for your health.
    'Smoking' is a gerund (a noun)
  • She was smoking before this class.
    'smoking' is a present participle
  • After prepositions we always we use 'the gerund':
    After getting home, I'll say hello to my wife.
    Instead of going by car, why don't you go by train?
    Between going shopping in Madrid and going shopping in Chicago, I prefer going shopping in Chicago.

my vocabulary

  • cod /kɒd/ bacalao
  • salirse con la suya = to get one's way
  • That takes the cake! = ¡Esto es el colmo! (lo mejor)
  • a walk out = un simpa
    We walked out on the bill = nos fuimos sin pagar


  • salmon /'sæmən/


to get

conseguir, comprar
  • Did you get it out of him? (¿Conseguiste sacárselo?)
  • Did you get that extremely expensive coat in the end?
  • Did you get what you came for? (¿Conseguiste aquello por lo que fuiste?)
  • Did you end up getting the salmon or the cod?
  • Did you get the results you expected?

to manage to

  • Does he manage to always get his way?
  • Ask me if I was able to convince him.
    Were you able to convince him? = Did you manage to convince him?
  • Does he manage to read as many books as he wants?
  • Ask me if I was able to prepare all my drills.


gerund after before

Cuando el mismo sujeto realiza dos acciones consecutivas, no hace falta repetirlo: se usa before + gerund .
  • I went to the bank before going to the tailor.
    aunque es correcto: I went to the bank before I went to the tailor
  • Did you deposit money before living the bank?
  • Yesterday I [took out/withdrew] money before living the bank.
  • Did you take off your slippers before getting into the shower?
  • Did you take off your hat before getting into the shower?
  • Did you turn on the light before entering the room?
  • Did you turn off the light before exiting the room?
  • Did you preheat the oven before making the cake?
  • Did you iron your shirt before coming here today?
  • Did you pay the bill before leaving the restaurant?

vocabulary 103

old agevejez
stuffycargado (ambiente)
standard of livingnivel de vida

translation list 30

  1. No quiero que la gente en la sala de espera me oiga.
    I don't want the people in the waiting room to hear me.
  2. Pondré música de fondo para que no te oigan.
    I'll put on [some] background music so that they can't hear you.
  3. Deja de morderte las uñas.
    Stop biting your nails.
  4. ¿Por qué te muerdes las uñas?
    Why do you bite your nails?
  5. ¿No te he dicho un millón de veces que no exageres?
    Haven't I told you a million times not to exaggerate?
  6. Es uno de tus muchos vicios.
    It's one of your many bad habits.
  7. Tal vez, pero a diferencia tuya, nunca he arañado a nadie.
    Maybe, but unlike you, I've never scratched anybody.
  8. Me lo sé de memoria.
    I know it by heart.
  9. Tardé una hora en memorizarlo.
    It took me an hour to [memorize it/learn it by heart].
  10. Quienes estén a favor, que levanten la mano.
    [Everybody/All] in favor, raise your hand.
  11. No puedo levantar esta caja.
    I can't lift this box.
  12. Ví miles de pájaros en el cielo.
    I saw thousands of birds in the sky.
jueves 4 marzo 2010
viernes 25 febrero 2011



I don't mind eels
except as meals.

gerund after prepositions

  • Al llegar, llamé a mi mujer:
    Upon/On arriving, I called my wife.
    Upon/On calling her, I realized she wasn't at home.
    es más común que
    When I got here, I called my wife.
    When I started calling her, I realized...
  • Después de preposición puede usarse el verbo conjugado, excepto después de instead of, tras el cual siempre va el gerundio.

my vocabulary

  • to blow-dry = secarse el pelo con un secador
  • to take it easy = tomárselo con calma, descansar


gerund after before

Before coming here, did you go into the makeup room?
  • Did you drink some water before starting the show?
  • Are you going to drink some water before answering my question?


gerund after after

  • Did you have a drink after finishing work?
  • Did you go to bed after watching the news?
  • Ask me if you're supposed to stir the coffee after adding sugar.
  • Will you blow-dry your hair after having a shower?
  • Ask me if I used to feel guilty after going shopping.
  • Did you use a [band-aid/plaster][AM/BR] after catching yourself?
  • Ask me if my students usually learn their irregular verbs after studying them.
  • Did you forget her name after being introduced?
  • Ask me if I've ever cried after getting my hair cut.
  • Do you usually take it easy after working all day long?
  • Ask me how I feel after watching myself on TV.


  • 3 céntimos el kilo = 3 cents a kilo
  • 4 euros la pinta = 4 euros a pint
  • 100 euros la tonelada = 100 euros a ton
  • 20 euros el gramo = 20 euros a gram/gramme
  • the lobster costs 45 euro a kilo; how much does it cost?
  • and last year it cost 40 euro a kilo; how much did it cost?
  • a litre of petrol costs 2 euro and 10 cents; how much does it cost?
  • last year it cost 1 euro and 90 cents; how much did it cost?
  • caviar costs 100 euro a kilo; how much does it cost?
  • and last year it cost 95 euro a kilo; how much did it cost?
  • do you think you can buy water at 1000 euro a litre?
  • can you buy land for 10,000 euro a hectare?
  • does your apartment cost 1,000 euro a square metre if I want to buy it?
  • will petrol soon cost 3 euro a litre?
  • has oil ever cost 1,000 dollars a barrel?
  • have you even eaten meat that costs 60 euro a kilo?
  • can you buy beans for 2 euro a kilo?
  • can you buy olive oil for 2 euro a litre?
  • is champagne worth 40 euro a litre?
  • would you like to own a diamond worth one million euro a miligram?
  • would you drink coffee if it cost 10 euro a cup?
  • would you go to London if you could buy gold for a pound a pound?
  • does gold cost 100 euro a ounce?

vocabulary 104

to enablepermitir
to expelexpulsar
to discouragedesanimar
neverthelessno obstante, sin embargo
viernes 5 marzo 2010
lunes 28 febrero 2011


  • "While" es una preposición, así que: while + gerundio, persona + verbo.
  • Mientras esperas... =
    while you wait... = while waiting...
  • Y en BR se usa "whilst" para ese caso:
    he met her while waiting for the bus =
    = he met her whilst waiting for a bus
  • Before waiting, after waiting, on/upon waiting, while waiting


after after

  • Did you have a drink after finishing work yesterday?
  • Did you go straight home after leaving the party?
  • What did you do after having dinner last night?
  • Ask me if I went to bed after having dinner last night.
  • Ask me what I did after having dinner last night.


  • You can get olive oil at two euros a litre in that shop.
  • You can get strawberries for 5 euros a kilo, so how much can you get strawberries for?
  • The tomatoes are 2 euros a kilo.
  • How much is petrol at the moment?
  • If you go to my local market you can get potatoes for 1 euro a kilo, so how much are potatoes in my market?


on doing sth.

  • al ver a mi madre me puse contento = on seeing my mother I felt very happy
  • escuchaba música mientras leía el periódico = I listen to the music whilst reading the newspaper
  • Al salir de casa me tropecé con algo.
    On leaving the house I tripped up on something.
  • Al salir de casa me caí.
    On leaving the house I fell [down/over].
  • Al llegar a la oficina me dí cuenta de que había olvidado mi portátil.
    On arriving at the office I realized I had forgotten my laptop.
  • Al llegar al estadio me dí cuenta de que había olvidado mi entrada.
    On arriving at the stadium I realized I had forgotten my ticket.
  • Al bajar del tren me dí un golpe en la cabeza.
    On [stepping out of/getting off] the train I [hit/banged] my head.
  • Al salir de la oficina ví a la mujer de mis sueños.
    On leaving the office I saw the women of my dreams.
  • Al ver su reacción decidí callarme.
    On seeing his reaction I decided to keep quiet.
  • Al ver el letrero me dí cuenta de que nos habíamos equivocado de hotel.
    On seeing the sign I realized we had [gone to/got] the wrong hotel.
  • Al ver a mi jefe me escondí debajo de la mesa.
    On seeing my boss I hid under the table.
  • Al verme esconderme debajo de la mesa, mi jefe me despidió.
    On seeing me hide under the table, my boss fired me.

while/whilst doing sth.

  • yo veía el programa mientras fregaba/secaba/planchaba/doblaba mi ropa/quitaba el polvo.
    I watched the program while/whilst washing up/drying up/ironing/folding my clothes/dusting.

vocabulary 105

to snoreroncar
New Year's EveNochevieja
to dismantledesmantelar

translation list 31

  1. Me lo estoy pasando bomba.
    I'm having a blast/ball.
  2. A medida que se retiraban, volaban todos los puentes que cruzaban.
    As they retreated, they blew up [every bridge/all the bridges] they crossed.
  3. Digamos que sólo es una corazonada.
    Let's say it's only a hunch.
  4. Tengo un extraño presentimiento.
    I have a strange feeling.
  5. Tienes miedo de tu propia sombra.
    You're afraid of your own shadow.
  6. Me gusta sentarme en la sombra y no hacer nada.
    I like [to sit/sitting] in the shade and do nothing.
  7. Lo puedes hacer o de esta manera o de esta otra.
    You can do it either this way or this other way.
  8. Ambos se apuntaron al curso.
    [They both/Both of them] signed up for the course.
  9. Ninguno de los dos firmaron el acuerdo.
    Neither of them signed the agreement.
  10. Este acuerdo es vinculante.
    This agreement is binding.
  11. Estoy en un aprieto.
    I'm in a bind/pinch.
  12. ¿Me puedes encuadernar estas páginas?
    Can you bind this pages?
lunes 8 marzo 2010
martes 1 marzo 2011


  • prior to = before
  • until + verbo en presente

my vocabulary

  • to bind = vincular, ligar, encuadernar
  • binder = carpeta
    ring binder = cuaderno de anillas
  • heat binder = encuadernación por calor
  • to come up with the solution = ocurrírse la solución a alguien
  • cheat sheet = chuleta (para hacer trampas)


on or whilst doing

  • Al salir de la oficina me caí.
    On leaving the office I fell over/down.
  • Escuché la noticia mientras conducía al trabajo.
    I heard the news whilst driving to work.
  • Conocí a mi mujer mientras esperaba el autobús.
    I met my wife whilst wainting for the bus.
  • Al llegar a la oficina se quitó la chaqueta.
    On arriving at the office, he took off his jacket.
  • Al leer el informe se me ocurrió la solución.
    On reading the report I came up with the solution.


prior to + gerund

  • I lived in LA and then I moved to Madrid.
    I lived in LA prior to moving to Madrid.
  • He used to travel a lot and then he had kids.
    He used to travel a lot prior to having kids.
  • She worked at a large company and then started her own business.
  • They revised the contract and then they closed the deal.
  • The company bought the property and then it constructed the stadium.
  • I prepared the document and then I attended the meeting.
  • She spoke to her clients and then she left the company.
  • We remodeled the house and then we sold it.
  • He traveled around the world and then he settled down.


up to
  • Tienes hasta cinco semanas para terminarlo.
    You have up to five weeks to finish it.
  • No sabremos hasta las tres.
    We won't know [up to/until] three.
  • Tenemos que esperar hasta dos meses.
    He have to wait [up to/until] two months.

vocabulary 106

to go crazyvolverse loco
cheat (er)engañar
challengedesafío, reto
to tie up loose endsatar cabos sueltos
out of fashion, out of style (in style = de moda)pasado de moda
martes 9 marzo 2010
miércoles 2 marzo 2011


review: prior to, until

  • Until I started teaching on TV I had never needed to wear make-up.
  • I can't start until they put on the sound system.
    Once they've done that, then I can start.
  • I can't start until she gives me the signal.
  • Until she lowers her hand, I don't say anything.
    Once she's lowered her hand, then I start.
  • I continue teaching until she stops me.
  • Until I see this, then I know that I still have time.
    en español se dice "hasta que no vea eso"

slightly or a lot + comparative

  • Is Spain a lot smaller or slightly smaller than France?
  • considerably + comparative = a lot + comparative
  • slightly + adjetive se usa también
  • quite a bit = bastante
    Spain is quite a bit bigger than Portugal in population.
    quite a few = bastante para contable
    Spain has quite a few more people than Portugal
  • quite a bit = considerably = a lot + comparative

my vocabulary

  • posh English = inglés elegante (también, pijo)


  • Arab /'ærəb/
  • enthusiasm /ɪn'θju:ziæzəm/


prior to

  • I lived in Cork, my home city, and then I moved to Madrid.
  • I worked in a bank and then I became a teacher.
  • I lived in Ríos Rosas and then I moved to Chamberí.
  • I didn't speak any Spanish before I moved to Spain.
  • I had a cup of coffee before I got to work this morning.
  • Jacques Chirac was the mayor of Paris before he became President of France.

until or up to

  • No terminaremos hasta el martes que viene.
    We won't finish until next Tuesday.
  • No estaré contento hasta que dejes de fumar.
    I won't be happy until you give up smoking.
  • Tendremos que parar la producción hasta tres semanas.
    We will have to stop production for up to three weeks.
  • No sabremos hasta las tres.
    We won't know until three o'clock.
  • No haré nada hasta que me lo digas.
    I won't do anything until you tell me to.
  • Tenemos que esperar hasta dos meses.
    We have to wait for up to two months.
  • No saldré hasta que él no llegue.
    I won't leave until he arrive.


slightly/considerably + comparative

  • Am I slightly taller than you or considerably taller than you?
  • Is Texas slightly bigger than Portugal or considerably bigger than Portugal?
  • Are you slightly older than your baby or considerably older than your baby?
  • Are you slightly intelligent than your husband or considerably more intelligent than your husband?
  • Is this class ... more interesting than the last one I did?
    (what can we deduce?)
  • Is Spain ... bigger than England?
  • What about France and Spain?
    Spain is slightly smaller than France.
  • Is Real Madrid ... better than Barcelona?
  • Is Alcorcón ... better than Real Madrid?
  • Is my hair ... shorter than yours?
    My hair is considerably shorter than Nieves's hair.

vocabulary 107

to have a sweet toothser goloso

translation list 32

  1. ¿Cómo puedes beber el café tan caliente?
    How can you drink such hot coffee?
  2. Tengo que dejarlo enfriar.
    I have to let it cool [off/down].
  3. Hay un artículo sobre tí en el periódico de hoy.
    There's an article about you in today's newspaper/paper.
  4. Dice (el artículo) que has llegado a un acuerdo secreto con el Gobierno.
    It says you've reached a secret agreement with the Government.
  5. No te meterán en la cárcel si no vendes tus acciones a los árabes.
    They won't put you in jail/prison if you don't sell your shares to the Arabs.
  6. ¡Qué follón!
    What a mess!
  7. ¿Crees todo lo que lees en los periódicos?
    Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers?
  8. Este sitio me asusta, vámonos de aquí.
    This place scares/frightens me, let's get out of here.
  9. No me apetece ir de compras hoy.
    I don't feel like going shopping today.
  10. Tengo que terminar este informe para el viernes a más tardar.
    I have to finish this report by Friday at the latest.
  11. ¿Hasta qué punto se puede fiar de él?
    How far can he be trusted?
  12. La he besado tres veces en lo que va de mes.
    I've kissed her three times so far this month.
miércoles 10 marzo 2010
jueves 3 marzo 2011


a bit/quite a bit + comparative

  • A is [a bit/a little bit/a little] taller than B.
    A es un poco más alto que B.
  • A is quite a bit taller than B.
    A es bastante/considerablemente más alto que B.
  • delante de nombres incontables, quite a bit of
  • quite a few: para contable
    quite a few more people
  • Turkey is quite a bit bigger than Spain, both in population and in area.

the article a

  • you're progressing at a thousand miles an hour

my vocabulary

  • cool, cool off, cool down = enfriar
  • give sb the creeps = asustar a alguien, ponerle los pelos de punta
  • belittle = menospreciar



  • Is France slightly bigger than Spain or considerably bigger than Spain?
  • Is Spain slightly greater than France or considerably greater than France?
  • Am I ... taller thay you?
  • Is this pencil ... longer than this pen?


a bit/quite a bit

  • Is Madrid a bit warmer or quite a bit warmer than London in summer?
  • Is English a bit easier or quite a bit easier than German?
  • Is Chinese a bit harder or quite a bit harder than English?
  • Am I a bit taller or quite a bit taller than you?
  • Is jogging a bit healthier or quite a bit healthier than smoking?
  • Is a cheetah a bit faster or quite a bit faster than a domestic cat?
  • Is Seville a bit bigger or quite a bit bigger than Granada?
  • Is Javier Bardem a big more famous or quite a bit more famous than we are?
  • Is appearing on TV a bit more nerve-racking or quite a bit more nerve-racking than a normal class?
  • Is this studio a bit smaller or quite a bit smaller than a football stadium?
  • Is the Pope a bit richer or quite a bit richer than the Dalai Lama?

how fast?

  • I was cruising down the road, I was in a rush to get to the airport, and I was doing a hundred miles an hour.
    How fast was I going?
    You were doing a hundred miles an hour.
  • They were doing 120 km an hour, how fast were they going?
  • They were doing 90 km per hour, when the police stopped them.
    How fast were they going?
  • You were doing 120 km per hour, how fast were you going?
  • Do they ever do 100 miles an hour in Brazil on the highways?
  • Ask me if people ever do 100 miles an hour on the highways in Canada?
    Do people ever do...?
    Some people, but they'll get a ticket, they'll get stopped by the police.
  • In Brazil, will you get stopped by the police for doing 10 km more than the speed limit?
  • And in Spain, will you get a ticket for doing 10 km over the speed limit?
  • Ask me if you'll get a ticket for doing 10 km per hour over the speed limit in Canada?
  • Would you get a ticket if you were doing 120 miles per hour in Brazil?
  • What speed do you do?
  • Ask me what speed I do in my car.

vocabulary 108

to appraisevalorar, tasar
it's a good thing!¡menos mal!
it's pointlesses una pérdida de tiempo
jueves 11 marzo 2010
viernes 4 marzo 2011


review a bit/quite a bit

  • I'm really glad [NO very glad].
  • It's funny: se usa mucho como curioso, más que gracioso.

no matter how + adjective/adverb

  • no matter how hard you try to convince them...
  • no matter where you go = vayas donde vayas
  • no matter how/why/where/what/why/when...

my vocabulary

  • quench = saciar la sed
  • in time = a tiempo
  • on time = puntual
  • to turn out = resultar


a bit/quite a bit

  • Is Madrid a bit warmer or quite a bit warmer than London in the summer?
  • Ask me if my flat is a bit bigger than my brother's.
  • Ask me if his kitchen is quite a bit bigger than mine.
  • Is English a bit easier or quite a bit easier than German.
  • Ask me if my boyfriend is quite a bit taller than me.
  • Is Bill Gates a bit richer or quite a bit richer than you.
  • Ask me if this armchair is a bit more comfortable or quite a bit more comfortable than the one at home.

miles per hour and km per hour

miles per hour: mph
kilometres per hour: kph
he was doing ... = he was going at ...
  • He was doing 90 mph when the police stopped him. How fast was he going?
  • The bus was doing 120 kph. How fast was it going?
  • The racehorse was running at 42 mph.


no matter how + adverb

  • Por muy rápido que conduzcas, no llegarás a tiempo.
    No matter how fast you drive, you won't get there in time.
  • It doesn't matter how nice you are, he won't change his mind.
    No matter how...
  • Por muy dura que intentes ser, no te tomarán en serio.
    No matter how tough you are, they won't take you seriously.
  • It doesn't make any difference how many times you ask, they'll always say no.
    No matter how many times you ask, they'll always say no.
  • Por muy despacio que intentes hacerlo, no te saldrá mejor.
    No matter how slow you try to do it, it won't turn out better.

vocabulary 109

to grantconceder (grant = subvención)
outputproducción, rendimiento
ropecuerda, soga
to analyzeanalizar
to satisfysatisfacer

translation list 33

  1. Eso pasó de moda hace años.
    That went out of fashion years ago.
  2. Ella me quiere a pesar de todos mis defectos.
    She loves me [in spite of/despite] all my defects/faults.
  3. Tengo doce hijos que alimentar.
    I've twelve children to feed.
  4. No me explico por qué no funciona.
    I can't figure out why it doesn't work.
  5. El tío está forrado.
    The guy's filthy rich.
  6. Él no es apto para hacer el trabajo.
    He's not fit to do the job.
  7. Siempre trato de mantenerme en forma.
    I always try to keep [fit/in shape].
  8. Ese hombre responde a la descripción.
    That man fits the description.
  9. Voy a servir una comida apropiada para la ocasión.
    I'm going to serve a meal fit for the occasion.
  10. Estas piezas del puzzle no encajan.
    This puzzle pieces don't fit.
  11. ¿Cómo te sienta el traje?
    How does the suit fit?
  12. Olvidémoslo.
    Let's forget about it.
viernes 12 marzo 2010
lunes 7 marzo 2011


no matter how/what/where/when/who/why...


no matter how + adverb

  • Por mucho que te esfuerces, no tendrás éxito.
    No matter how hard you try, you won't succeed.
  • Por muy bien que hables inglés, nunca llegarás a hablar como la Reina de Inglaterra.
    No matter how well you speak English, you'll never end up speaking like the Queen of England.
  • Por muy rápido que corras, te cogerán al final.
    No matter how fast you run, they'll catch you in the end.
  • Por muy inteligente que seas, siempre habrá alguien más inteligente que tú.
    No matter how intelligent you are, there always be someone more intelligent than you.
  • Por muy tentador que sea, no gastes demasiado dinero.
    No matter how tempting it is, don't spend too much money.
  • Por muy convincentes que sean, no creas lo que te digan.
    No matter how convincing they are, don't believe what they tell you.


no matter how + adverb

  • Por mucho que estudies, no vas a pronunciar como yo.
    No matter how much you study, you won't pronounce like me.
  • Por mucho dinero que ganes, sólo podrás conducir un coche a la vez.
    No matter how much money you earn, you'll only be able to drive one car at a time.
  • Por mucho que grites, no te oirán.
    No matter how much you scream/yell/shout, they won't hear you.
  • Por mucho que trabajes, nunca te harás rico.
    No matter how much you work, you'll never get rich.
  • Por mucho que hagas, no será suficiente.
    No matter how much you do, it won't be enough.
  • Por mucho dinero que tengas, nunca podrás comprar todo.
    No matter how much money you have, you'll never be able to buy everything.
  • No matter how fast you work, you'll never finish on time.

no matter how many

  • Por muchas veces que lo practiques, siempre cometerás errores.
    No matter how many times you practise, you'll always make mistakes.
  • Por mucha gente que llame, no recaudaremos los 10 millones de euros.
    No matter how many people call in, we won't raise 10 million euros.
  • Por muchos años que pasen, siempre será así.
    No matter how many years go by, it'll always be [like that/this way].
  • Por muchas veces que vayamos, nunca nos cansaremos de ir.
    No matter how many times we go, we'll never get tired of going.
  • Por muchas veces que lo intentes, no cambiarán de opinión.
    No matter how many times you try, they won't change their mind.
  • Por muchas flores que él envíe, ella no le perdonará.
    No matter how many flowers he sends, she won't forgive him.

vocabulary 110

to sit upincorporarse
neglectdesatención, abandono
checklistlista de verificación
lunes 15 marzo 2010
martes 8 marzo 2011


no matter how/what/...

  • I don't care = me da igual
    Según el tono con el que se diga, puede ser más o menos fuerte.
    La versión suave es igual que It doesn't matter (to me).


  • Whatever, whenever, however, no matter what, no matter when, no matter how.
  • Whatever you say it's going to be heard.
  • Whatever you decide to do, people will do.
  • You can talk to whomever you want.
    se dice erróneamente whoever
    whom es complemento directo
  • You can do whatever you want = You can do anything you want
  • You can go wherever you want = You can go anywhere you want
  • You can do however you want.
  • Whoever you talk to, I whenver -> anywhere

my vocabulary

  • to go with = hacer juego con
    to match
  • bossy = mandón, mandona


no matter how...

  • Por mucho dinero que ganes sólo podrás conducir un coche a la vez.
    No matter how much money you earn, you'll only be able to drive a car at a time.
  • Por mucho que grites, no te oirán.
    No matter how much you shout, they won't hear you.
  • Por mucho tiempo que tengas para estudiar, nunca aprenderás lo suficiente.
    No matter how much time you have to study, you'll never learn enough.
  • Por muy bien que lo escribas, no lo aceptarán.
    No matter how well you write it, they won't accept it.
  • Por muy rápido que conduzcas, no llegarás a tiempo.
    No matter how fast you drive, you won't get there on time.
  • Por muy a menudo que lo hagas, no lo harás mejor.
    No matter how often you do it, you won't do it better.
  • Por muy sincero que seas, él no te creerá.
    No matter how sincere you are, he won't believe you.
  • Por mucho que ayudes, él no agradecerá.
    No matter how much you help, he won't appreciate it.
  • Por mucha gente que llame, no recaudaremos los 10 millones de dólares.
    No matter how many people phone in, we won't be able to raise 10 million dollars.


no matter how

  • Por mucho tiempo que tengas para estudiar, nunca aprenderás lo suficiente.
    No matter how much time you have to study, you'll never learn enough.
  • Por muy bien que lo escribas, no lo aceptarán.
    No matter how well you write it, they won't accept it.
  • Por muy rápido que conduzcas, no llegarás a tiempo.
    No matter how fast you drive, you wont get there on time.
  • Por muy a menudo que lo hagas, no lo harás mejor.
    No matter how often you do it, you won't do it better.
  • Por muy sincero que seas, él no te creerá.
    No matter how sincere you are, he won't believe you.
  • Por mucho que ayudes, él no lo agradecerá.
    No matter how much you help, he won't appreciate it.

whatever/no matter what

  • Whatever you do it won't make any difference.
    No matter what you do, it won't make any difference.
  • Whatever you say, he's not going to change his mind.
  • Whatever you do, she's never going to be happy.
  • Whatever you say, they're going to complain.
  • It doesn't matter what:
    No matter what you say.
    Whatever you say.
    It doesn't matter what you say.
  • It doesn't matter what you think, he's not going to change his mind.
    Whatever you think, he's not going to change his mind.
  • Whatever you think, it doesn't matter.
    No matter what you think, it doesn't matter.
  • Whatever you get her for her birthday, she's not going to be happy.
  • Whatever you ask for Christmas, you're going to get a tie.
  • Whatever you want, you can have.
    No matter what you want, you can have it.
    It doesn't matter what you want, you can have it.
  • Da igual lo que haga él, ella siempre se queja.
    No matter what he does, she always complains.
  • Da igual cómo lo hagas, ella nunca estará contenta.
    It doesn't matter how you do it, she'll never be happy.

vocabulary 111

to lay offdespedir en masa
to despiseodiar

translation list 34

  1. Me inclino a creerle.
    I'm inclined to believe him.
  2. Esto es lo máximo que puedo pagar.
    This is the most I can pay.
  3. Ella no me impedirá ir.
    She won't stop me from going.
  4. No puedo evitar que vayas.
    I can't keep you from going.
  5. Dame una respuesta clara.
    Give me a straight answer.
  6. La profecía se cumplió.
    The prophecy came true.
  7. ¿Te molesta el humo?
    Does the smoke bother you?
  8. Me gusta cómo presentas los temas.
    I like the way you present the subjects.
  9. ¿De veras esperas que yo termine todo esto para mañana?
    Do you really expect me to finish all this by tomorrow?
  10. Querer es poder.
    Where there's a will, there's a way.
  11. No juegues con mis sentimientos.
    Don't play with my feelings.
  12. Que me llamen.
    Have them call me.
martes 16 marzo 2010
miércoles 9 marzo 2011


no matter

no take/have a nap

  • to take a nap -> AM
  • to have a nap -> UK
  • nappy = pañal UK
  • diaper = pañal AM


whatever/no matter what

  • Whatever you say, I'm not going to do it.
    No matter what you say, I'm not going to do it.
  • Whatever you do, I'm not going to do it.
    No matter what you do,...
  • Whatever you say, I won't believe you.
    No matter what you say,...
  • Whatever he does, I'm not going to forgave him.
    No matter what he does,...
  • Whatever she says, I'm not going to help her.
    No matter what she says,...
  • No matter what they say, he's not going to change his mind.
    Whatever they say,...
  • Whatever she says, he's not going to change his mind.
  • Not matter what you say, they're not going to change their mind.


wherever/no matter where

  • Wherever you go, there will be a lot of people.
    No matter where you go, there will be a lot of people.
  • Wherever you go in August, there are always a lot of people around.
  • Wherever he goes, there's always trouble.
  • Wherever you go, we'll be thinking of you.
  • Wherever you go in the city, there's a (surveillance) camera watching you.
  • Wherever English football fans go, they always create trouble.
  • Wherever you go in the world, there's always a burger bar near by.
  • Wherever you go in the world, you always meet people from the same country as you.
  • Wherever you go in the world, there's always someone who understands English.
  • Nowadays, wherever you go, you always hear music.
  • Wherever he goes, he always complains.

to have/take a nap

  • ¿Te has echado una siesta hoy?
    Have you taken/had a nap today?
  • Voy a echarme una siesta.
    I'm going to take/have a nap.
  • Los fines de semana me echo siestas de dos horas.
    On weekends I take/have two-hour naps.
  • Él me despertó mientras me echaba la siesta.
    He woke me up when I was having/taking a nap.
  • Yo prefiero echarme la siesta en el sofá.
    I prefer to have/take a nap on the sofa/couch.
  • Ella solía echarse la siesta después de comer.
    She used to have/take a nap after having lunch.
  • Echarse la siesta es una pérdida de tiempo.
    Having/taking a nap is a waste of time.
  • Si no me echara la siesta estaría de mal humor todo el día.
    If I didn't have/take a nap, I'd be [in a bad mood/grumpy] all day long.
  • ¿Puedes echarte la siesta en el trabajo?
    Can you have/take a nap at work?
  • Queremos echarnos la siesta antes de ir a la fiesta.
    We want to take/have a nap before going to the party.
  • Ojalá pudiera echarme la siesta todos los días.
    I wish I could take/have a nap everyday.
  • ¿Alguna vez has echado la siesta en la playa?
    Have you ever taken/had a nap on the beach?
  • No me siento bien después de echarme la siesta.
    I don't feel well after taking/having a nap.

vocabulary 112

rubbercaucho, goma
The Middle EastOriente Medio
to show offpresumir, fardar
miércoles 17 marzo 2010
jueves 10 marzo 2011


review: no matter what/how...

to make sb. do sth.


  • candidate /ˈkændɪdət/


wherever/no matter where

  • Wherever you go, people know Beckham.
    No matter where you go, people know Beckham.
  • Wherever he goes, people recognize him.
  • Wherever you go, you can listen to Vaughan Radio on the internet.
  • Wherever you go you can find a McDonald's.
  • Wherever you go you can buy Coca-Cola.
  • Wherever you go people like The Beatles, I've noticed.
  • Wherever you go you can find English speakers.
  • Do people recognize Paul MacCartney no matter where he goes?

to take a nap

  • Creo que me voy a echar una siesta.
    I think I'm going to take a nap.
  • Me gustaría echarme una siesta ahora.
    I'd like to take a nap now.
  • ¿Te gustaría echarte una siesta?
    Would you like to take a nap?
  • ¿Te echarías una siesta si pudieras?
    Would you take a nap if you could?
  • Me apetece echarme una siesta larga.
    I feel like taking a long nap.
  • Dicen que echarse la siesta es saludable.
    They say that taking a nap is healthy.
  • ¿Te apetece echarte una siesta?
    Do you feel like taking a nap?


what made you do that?

  • I changed my mind.
    What made you change your mind?
  • They sold all (of) their shares.
    What made them sell all their shares?
  • He moved to Australia.
  • She quit her job.
  • I studied Anthropology.
  • They started their own business.
  • He called off the wedding.
  • She sold her business.
  • They gave away their dog.
  • She burned all the photos.
    What made her burn all the photos?
    I think it was because of her nasty breakup.
  • She chose that candidate.

vocabulary 113

to denynegar
to slapgolpear
The North Poleel Polo Norte
harvestcosecha [you reap what you sow (cosechas lo que siembras)]

translation list 35

  1. Es bastante más fácil esta vez.
    It's quite a bit/lot easier this time.
  2. A medida que te hagas más mayor, te darás cuenta de que yo tenía razón.
    As you get older, you'll realize [that] I was right.
  3. Vinieron demasiado tarde para disfrutar de la fiesta.
    They came too late to enjoy the party.
  4. Es una lástima que llegaran tan tarde.
    It's [too bad/a shame/a pity] they arrived so late.
  5. La mayoría de la gente ya se había marchado.
    Most [of the] people had already left.
  6. Bueno, dime lo que opinas.
    Well, tell me what you think.
  7. Siempre que le veo está fumando un cigarro.
    [Whenever/Every time] I see him, he's smoking a cigarette.
  8. ¿De verdad quieres saber mi opinión?
    Do you really want to know my opinion?
  9. Lo haré siempre que me respaldes.
    I'll do it as long as you back me up.
  10. En lo que a mí se refiere, puedes llamarlo como quieras.
    As far as I'm concerned you can call him whatever you want.
  11. Yo nunca le hubiera imaginado capaz de hacer semejante cosa.
    I never would've imagined/thought him capable of doing such a think.
    I would never have imagined him capable of...
  12. No puedes seguir así.
    You can't go on like that.
jueves 18 marzo 2010
viernes 11 marzo 2011


to pull out of

  • to pull out of = retirarse de (una competición)
  • to pull out = to withdraw = sacar, extraer
  • retirar, retirarse: to retire, to retreat, to withdraw, to pull out
    distintos usos
  • to pull out a trick = sacar (mostrar) un truco


  • almost = nearly
  • barely = apenas
    (they lost by only one point)
    the other team barely won (almost lost)
    my team almost won (barely lost)

my vocabulary

  • recap = resumen, resumir
  • to give away = regalar
  • I ran for election = me presenté a las elecciones to throw one's hat into the ring = to take up a challenge
    I presented my candidacy
  • cramp = un calambre muscular
    to have/get cramp = tener un calambre


what made you do sth

  • I did it.
    What made you do it?
  • I spoke to her about it.
    What made you speak to her about it?
  • I told her the secret.
    What made you tell her the secret?
  • I gave away all my money.
    What made you give away all your money?
  • I shouted at my boss.
    What made you shout at your boss?
  •    he shouted at me.
    What made your boss shout at you?
  • I didn't go to work for three days.
    What made you not go to work for three days?
  • I didn't study yesterday.
    What made you not study yesterday?
  • They went home early.
    What made them go home early?


to pull out of

  • Have you ever had to pull out of a race at the last minute?
    Yes, I've had to pull out of a race at the last minute.
  • Ask me if I've ever had to pull out of a race at...
  • Ask me why.
    Why did you have to pull out of the race at the last minute?
    I had to pull... because I had cramp.
  • So, why did I have to pull out of the race at the last minute?
    ... because you had/got cramp.
  • Have you ever had to pull out of an important multimillion euro deal?
  • Ask me if I've ever had to pull out of a multimillion euro deal?
  • Ask me why I've had to pull out of the multimillion euro deal?
  • Did the country pull out of the peace negotiations?
    Yes, the country pulled out of the peace negotiations.
  • Ask me if the country pulled out of the peace negotiations.


  • Have you ever almost/nearly missed a flight?
    I've never almost/nearly missed a flight.
  • Is your English nearly/almost perfect?
  • Was Madrid almost/nearly awarded the 2016 Olympics?
  • Have you ever nearly murdered someone?
    No, I haven't almost nearly murdered someone.
  • Have you ever been almost/nearly late for this class?
  • Have you ever almost/nearly discovered a new planet?
  • Have you ever nearly/almost been eaten by a bear?
  • Ask me if I was almost/nearly killed by elephants this morning.
    Were you almost killed by elephants this morning?
  • Was your house nearly flooded last week?
  • Am I almost two metres tall?
  • Ask me if I'd like to be two metres tall.
  • Has the Moon ever almost touched the Earth?
  • Do you almost get to work late everyday?
    No, I never almost get to work late everyday.
  • Are you almost the most intelligent person in the world?
    No, I'm not almost the most...
  • Do you drink nearly/almost a litre of coffee every morning?
    No, I don't drink nearly/almost a litre of coffee every morning.

vocabulary 114

counsellortutor, consejero
every once in a whilede vez en cuando
fringe benefitsbeneficios sociales de nómina
viernes 19 marzo 2010
lunes 14 marzo 2011


review: to put out of

  • This guy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve = Este tipo tiene muchos trucos en la manga
  • And every now and then he pulls one out, he pull out a trick.
    No se usa take out, que sería solamente sacar (como sacar de un bolsillo)


  • hardly = apenas
  • There's hardly any water left in the cup.
    Apenas queda algo de agua en la copa.
  • casi nadie le entiende = hardly anybody/anyone understands him
    almost nobody no se usa
  • almost everybody/everyone es lo contrario de hardly anybody/anyone
  • We hardly have half a minute left, there is hardly any time left.
  • almost always = casi siempre
    hardly ever = casi nunca
  • almost everything = casi todo
    hardly anyhing = apenas nada

present perfect continuous

  • con un verbo de acción se usa el presente perfecto continuo:
    usar este boli es un verbo de acción
    llevo 20 años usando este boli:
    I've been using this pen for 20 years
  • si el verbo no es de acción, sino pasivo, como el verbo to know, entonces es:
    I've known him for 20 years

my vocabulary

  • mi punto fuerte
    my strong point
    my strength
    my forte /'fɔ:teɪ/



to pull out

  • Have you ever had to pull out of a competition at the last minute?
    Yes, I've had to pull out of...
  • Ask me if I've ever had to pull out of a deal.
    Have you ever had to pull out of a deal?
    No, I've never had to...
  • Have you ever pulled out of an important sports event?
    I've never pulled out of a...


  • Did you miss your flight?
    Yes, I almost missed my flight.
  • Have you made dinner?
    Yes, I've nearly made dinner.
  • Did you miss the last train?
    Yes, I almost missed the last train.
  • Have you finished the book?
    Yes, I've nearly finished the book.



  • I hardly ever eat in Bulgarian restaurants.
  • How often do you go ice-skating?
    I hardly ever go ice-skating.
  • How often do you visit Germany?
  • How often do you see celebrities on Gran Vía?
  • How often do you ask for directions?
  • Ask me how often I ask for directions.
  • How often do you go to work early?
  • How often do you hear people speaking Icelandic?
  • How often do you wear a Scottish kilt?
  • How often do you eat outside in the winter?
  • How many people in Spain prefer French wine?
    Hardly anyone in Spain prefers French wine.
    Almost everyone in Spain prefers Spanish wine.
  • How many people in Spain live 20 percent tips when they go to a restauran?
  • How many people in Spain can't speak Spanish?
  • How many people in Spain drive Rolls-Royces?
  • How much tea did you drink last week?
    I hardly drank any tea last week.
  • How many of your friends play musical instruments?
    Hardly any of my friends play musical instruments.
  • How many Eskimos live in Spain?
  • How much of the water did you drink, in that cup? It seems pretty full to me.
    I hardly drink any water.
  • How much of the movie have you seen?
    I've hardly seen any of the movie, I've seen a little bit, but not much.
    I've hardly seen any of it, just a little bit.
  • How much of the lasagna did you eat?
    I hardly ate any of the lasagna.
  • How much of the game did you watch?
    I hardly watched any of the game.
  • How much of the Pepsi did you drink?
    I hardly drank any of it.
  • How many episodes have you seen?
    I've hardly seen any of the episodes.
  • How much of the rice did you cook?
    I hardly cooked any of the rice.
  • How much of the pizza did you eat?
    I hardly ate any of the pizza.
  • How many of the books have you read?
    I've hardly read any of the books.
  • How much of your work is administrative?
    Hardly any of my work is adminsitrative.

vocabulary 115

talentedcon talento
for the time beingpor ahora, de momento
the last strawla gota que colma el vaso

translation list 36

  1. A este paso te va a dar un infarto.
    At this rate you're going to have a heart attack.
  2. Necesitas pensar en otra cosa.
    You need to think about something else.
  3. Alguien ha estado leyendo mi correspondencia.
    Somebody's been reading my mail.
  4. Tienes una manera extraña de mirar a la gente.
    You have a strange way of looking at people.
  5. Le conozco desde hace más de veinte años.
    I've known him for [more than/over] twenty years.
  6. Siempre has parecido un hombre tan pacífico.
    You've always seemed [like such a peaceful man/so peaceful].
  7. Ella me pone tan nervioso que no puedo decir ni una palabra bien.
    She makes me so nervous that I can't even say a single word right.
  8. Lo último que oí es que se habían casado.
    The last thing I heard was that they had got/gotten married.
  9. Él no quiere que nadie le llame.
    He doesn't want anybody to call him.
  10. Si alguna vez necesitas algo, no dudes en hacérmelo saber.
    If you [happend to need something/ever need anything], don't hesitate to let me know.
  11. Prefiero no hablar con él.
    [I'd rather not/I prefer not to] talk to him.
  12. La pobre chica nunca sabe dónde estás.
    The poor girl never knows where you are.
lunes 22 marzo 2010
martes 15 marzo 2011



  • who else = quién más
  • where else = dónde más
  • how else = de qué otro modo

my vocabulary

  • story/storey US/UK piso, planta (de un edificio): a 102-story building


hardly ever, hardly anybody, hardly anything

  • How often do you see him?
    I hardly ever see him.
  • How many people came?
    Hardly anybody/anyone came.
  • How much have you eaten?
    I've hardly eaten anything.
  • How often do you go to the doctors?
    I hardly ever go to the doctors.
  • How many people were there at the meeting?
    There was hardly anybody at the meeting.
  • How much have you spent?
    I've hardly spent anything.
  • How often did you speak to him?
    I hardly ever spoke to him.
  • How many people are saying these sentences out loud?
    There's hardly anybody saying these sentences out loud.



  • ¿Quién más vino?
    Who else came?
  • ¿Con quién más hablaste?
    Who else did you talk to?
  • ¿A quién más viste?
    Who else did you see?
  • ¿En qué otro momento te he visto?
    When else have I seen you?
  • ¿En qué otro lugar te he visto?
    Where else have I seen you?
  • ¿Qué más quieres?
    What else do you want?
  • ¿Alguien más?
    Anybody else?
  • Alguien más.
    Someone else.
  • No hay nadie más.
    Nobody else.
  • ¿Qué más hicieron?
    What else did they do?
  • ¿De qué otro modo lo hicieron?
    How else did they do it?
  • ¿De qué otro modo lo podrían haber hecho?
    How else could they have done it?
  • ¿Qué más dijo ella?
    What else did she say?
  • ¿Qué más quieres comprar?
    What else do you want to buy?
  • ¿Qué más dijo él?
    What else did he say?
  • ¿Quién más llamó?
    Who else called?
  • ¿En qué otro sitio has estado hoy?
    Where else have you been today?
  • ¿En qué otro momento has practicado?
    When else have you practiced?
  • ¿Por qué otra razón viniste?
    Why else did you come?
  • Él es amigo de todos los demás.
    He's everyone else's friend.
  • ¿Quién más tiene puntos?
    Who else has points?
  • Nadie más tiene puntos.
    Nobody else has points.
  • Is it true? Ask me.
    Does anyone else have points?
    Yes, someone else has points.
  • Ask me if that person has more points than you.
    Does anyone else have more points than me?
  • ¿En qué otro momento vamos a practicar esto?
    When else are we going to practice this?


  • ¿Quién más fué a la fiesta?
    Who else went to the party?
  • ¿Quién más sabe?
    Who else knows?
  • ¿Quién más fué a la reunión?
    Who else went to the meeting?
  • ¿Quién más le ayudó a él?
    Who else helped him?
  • ¿Quién más estuvo con él?
    Who else was with him?
  • ¿Con quién más hablaste?
    Who else did you talk to?
  • ¿A dónde más podemos ir?
    Where else can we go?
  • ¿A dónde más fuimos?
    Where else did we go?
  • ¿A dónde más fueron ellos?
    Where else did they go?
  • ¿De qué otro modo puedo convencerla?
    How else can I convince her?
  • ¿De qué otro modo podemos hacerlo?
    How else can we do it?
  • ¿De qué otro modo podemos deshacernos de ello?
    How else can we get rid of it?
  • ¿De qué otro modo podemos deshacernos de él?
    How else can we get rid of him?
  • ¿De qué otro modo podemos pararlo?
    How else can we stop it?

vocabulary 116

parrotloro y también verbo repetir, imitar
waspavispa (avispón = hornet)
to implementimplantar, poner en práctica
teammatecompañero de equipo
martes 23 marzo 2010
miércoles 16 marzo 2011


review: else

  • who else would you like to have class with?

somewhere, somebody else

  • Couldn't we go somewhere else?
  • I would rather go somewhere else.
    Anywhere else, but A (cualquier otro sitio menos A)
  • Let's invite somebody to come with us. Let's invite X.
    Invite sombody else.
    Somebody else? I don't know anyone else.
    Let's see who else could we invite.
    Anyone else but X.
    Think of someone else.
    There's no one else on my list.
  • Think of something else.
    What else? I can't think of anything else.


  • si A o NO = (no IF) WHETHER A or NOT

an expert on/in

  • If anybody is [an] expert on this, it's him.
  • An expert on learning English...
  • He's an expert in mathematics.

my vocabulary

  • don't take it out on me = no la tomes conmigo
  • algo o alguien es especial = it's something else!
  • to knock over/down = tirar, tumbar algo
  • to spill: spill-spilt-spilt BR/spill-spilled-spilled AM derramar


what else

  • ¿Qué más estará él haciendo?
    What else will he be doing?
  • ¿Qué más puede hacer el robot?
    What else can the robot do?
  • ¿Qué más quieres que haga?
    What else do you want me to do?
  • ¿Qué más hiciste?
    What else did you do?
  • ¿Qué más ha roto ella?
    What else did she break?
  • ¿Qué más podríamos probar?
    What else could we try?
  • ¿Qué más pedirán ellos?
    What else will they ask for?
  • ¿Qué más está listado en las instrucciones?
    What else is listed in the instructions?
  • ¿Qué más necesitan?
    What else do they need?


  • ¿Cómo puede hacerse de otra forma?
    How else can it be done?
  • ¿Dónde más podría ser?
    Where else could it be?
  • ¿Cuándo más visitaron España?
    When else did they visit Spain?
  • ¿A dónde más fueron?
    Where else did they go?
  • ¿Por qué otra razón no pedirían ayuda?
    Why else wouldn't they ask for help?
  • ¿Quién más podría saber la respuesta?
    Who else could know the answer?
  • ¿Dónde más podrían estar ellos la semana que viene?
    Where else could they be next week?
  • ¿Por qué otra razón necesitas la respuesta?
    Why else do you need the answer?
  • ¿Quién más prefiere Pepsi?
    Who else prefers Pepsi?


someone, something, somewhere ELSE

  • Él quiere decirte algo más.
    He wants to tell you something else.
  • Otra persona viene.
    Someone else is coming.
  • Quiero ir a otro sitio.
    I want to go somewhere else.
  • Would you prefer to be somewhere else?
  • Would you like to be someone else?
  • Is Paris in Spain or is it somewhere else?
    Paris is not in Spain, it's somewhere else.
  • Is chocolate made from cocoa beans or is it made from something else?
  • Is your brother here or is he somewhere else?
  • Are you from Madrid or are you from somewhere else?
  • Are we in Europe or are we in somewhere else?
  • Is Barack Obama the President of the US or is he the President of somewhere else?
  • Are you looking at me or are you looking somewhere else?
  • Are our students listening to us or are they listening to someone else?
  • Is Iker Casillas a goalkeeper or is he something else?
  • Is Rafa Nadal a goalkeeper or is he something else?
  • Am I an English teacher or am I something else?
  • Ask me if I live in Madrid or [if] I live somewhere else.
  • Ask me if I was born in Ireland or [if] I was born somewhere else.
  • Were you born in Spain or were you born somewhere else?
  • Is New York in the US or is it somewhere else?
  • Ask me if I sleep in a bed or [if] I sleep somewhere else.
  • Ask me if I should encourage you to study English or [if] I should do something else.
  • Is Bruce Springsteen a famous musician or is he something else?
  • If somebody is fantastic, you can say they're something else.

vocabulary 117

to influenceinfluir en
eventuallya la larga, finalmente

translation list 37

  1. Supongo que tendremos que aguantar la mala publicidad.
    I guess we'll have to bear the bad publicity.
  2. Lo que es peor, ¡la gente les cree!
    What's worst, [the] people believe them!
  3. Harás bien en tener más cuidado la próxima vez.
    You'd better be more careful [the] next time.
  4. Cuanto antes aprendas las reglas, mejor.
    The sooner you learn the rules, the better.
  5. Tiré el café en el teclado.
    I spilled the coffee on the keyboard.
  6. Fué sin querer.
    I didn't mean [to do it/it].
  7. Si alguien es experto en esto, es él.
    If anybody is [an] expert on this, it's him.
  8. Él es el hombre más testarudo que jamás he conocido.
    He's the [stubbornest/most stubborn] man I've ever met.
  9. Gracias a Dios que no tengo que tratar con él muy a menudo.
    Thank God I don't have to deal with him very often.
  10. Si alguna vez vuelves, búscame.
    If you ever come back, look me up.
  11. No sé si creerle o no.
    I don't know whether to believe him or not.
  12. Si sigues haciéndome eso, te voy a matar.
    If you keep doing that to me, I'm going to kill you.
miércoles 24 marzo 2010
jueves 17 marzo 2011


  • ... outside of those two people...
  • I really can't think of anywhere else.
    think of: ocurrirse
    think about: pensar sobre algo
  • nadie más = nobody/no one else
    ningún otro sitio = nowhere else
    nada más = nothing else
  • anything, anyone, anywhere else para preguntas y frases negativas
  • cuando la pregunta espera una respuesta positiva, se puede hacer con some:
    would you like something else?
  • I would've liked to have talked to him = me habría gustado haber hablado con él
  • I want to go to Nashville, to the Grand Ole Opry.

my vocabulary

  • to pump sb = sacar información a alguien


someone, something, somewhere ELSE

  • Él quiere decirte algo más.
    He wants to tell you something else.
  • Otra persona viene.
    Someone else is coming.
  • Quiero ir a otro sitio.
    I want to go somewhere else.
  • No puedo creer que ellos querían algo más para comer.
    I can't believe they wanted something else to eat.
  • ¿Has contado su secreto (de él) a alguien más?
    Have you told his secret to someone else?
  • Al final otra persona fué.
    In the end someone else went.
  • Vamos a hacer otra cosa.
    Let's do something else.


nothing, no one, nowhere ELSE

  • Does anything else work?
    No, nothing else works.
  • Can anyone else do it?
    No, no one else can do it.
  • Does anywhere else serve alcohol?
    No, nowhere else serves alcohol.
  • Does anyone else live here?
    No, no one else lives here.
  • Will anything else happen?
    No, nothing else will happen.
  • Is anywhere else open?
    No, nowhere else is open.
  • Was anything else lost?
    No, nothing else was lost.
  • Is anywhere else as cheap as this place?
    No, nowhere else is as cheap as this place.
  • Does anyone else agree with you?
    No, no one else agrees with me.
  • Nadie más vive ahí.
    No one else lives there.
  • Nada más se mojó.
    Nothing else got wet.
  • Ningún otro sitio prepara la paella como aquí.
    Nowhere else prepares paella like here.
  • Nada más tiene que ir en la mesa.
    Nothing else has to go on the table.
  • Nadie más sabe mi secreto.
    No one else knows my secret.
  • Ningún otro sitio tiene tantos camareros.
    Nowhere else has so many waiters.
  • Nadie más va a venir a la fiesta.
    No one else is going to come to the party.
  • Nada más está sucio.
    Nothing else is dirty.

anything, anyone, anywhere ELSE

Para preguntas y en negativo.
  • Do you know anything else about what happened?
    No, I don't know anything else about what happened.
  • Are you going to invite anyone else?
  • Ask me if I'm going to go somewhere else.
    Are you going to go anywhere else?
    No, I'm not going to go anywhere else.
  • Do you know anything about that man we hired?
  • Ask me if he wants to go somewhere else.
    Does he wants to go anywhere else?
  • Do you know anything about the new product they launched?  
  • Are you going to have anyone else help you?
  • Ask me if I'm looking forward to going somewhere else.
    Are you looking forward to going anywhere else?
    No, I'm not looking forward to going anywhere else.
    Yes, I'm looking forward to going somewhere else.
  • Do you know anything about that new guy that started last week?

vocabulary 118

tailor-madehecho a medida
jueves 25 marzo 2010
viernes 19 marzo 2011


  • to turn sth around
  • to turn sth back-around
  • to turn sth over (horizontal)
  • to turn sth back-over


(sin artículo)
  • to lose control
  • to be in control
  • to have control of sth
  • to maintain control

my vocabulary

  • So much the better! = ¡Tanto mejor!
  • scuba-diving = submarinismo
  • a control freak = un maniático del control
  • role model = modelo de conducta
  • autopista = motorway UK, highway US
  • van = furgoneta
  • lorry UK = truck US
  • truck UK = abierto por detrás
  • lose the plot = perder los papeles, perder el control
  • lose one's marbles = perder la cabeza
    marbles = canicas
  • a two-seater plane = avioneta de dos plazas
  • at times = a veces
    sometimes = algunas veces


  • control /kən'trəʊl/
  • hotel /həʊ'tel/
  • report /rɪ'pɔ:t/



nothing, no one, nowhere ELSE en respuestas
  • Does anything else work?
    Nothing else works.
  • Can anyone else do it?
    No one else can do it.
  • Does anywhere else serve alcohol?
    Nowhere else serves alcohol.
  • Has anywhere else launched this product?
    Nowhere else has launched this product.
  • Does anyone else in your department smoke?
  • Will anything else fit in the car?
  • Can anyone else speak Russian?
  • Is anywhere else as beautiful as the Retiro park?
anything, anyone, anywhere ELSE en respuestas negativas
  • Do you know anything else about what happened?
    No, I don't know anything else...
  • Are they going to hire anyone else?
    No, they're not going to hire anyone else.
  • Ask me if I want to go somewhere else.
    Do you want to go anywhere else?
  • Ask me if there's something else in my bag.
    Is there anything else in your bag?
    No, there isn't anything else in my bag.
  • Is there anyone else that's going to the party?
    No, there isn't anyone else that's going to the party.
  • Have you been anywhere else today?
    No, I haven't been anywhere else today.
  • Do you have anything else to tell me?
  • Ask me if I went scuba-diving with someone else.
    Did you go scuba-diving with anyone else?


to lose control of

  • Did you lose control of the car?
  • Where did you lose control of the car?
  • Why did you lose control of the car?
  • Did you lose control of the situation?
  • Why did you lose control of the situation?
  • Did you lose control of the vehicle?
  • What type of vehicle did you lose control of?
  • What were you transporting in the van?
  • When you lost control of the van did your suitcases fall out of the van?
    ... suitcases fell out of the van.
    ... suitcases fell on to the road/ground.
  • When you saw all the suitcases falling on to the ground did you lose the plot?
  • What does to lose the plot mean?
  • Did you lose control of a flying vehicle yesterday?
  • What type of a flying vehicle did you lose control of?
  • Was it a two-seater plane or a four-seater plane?
  • She lost control of a two-seater plane... She gained control of the plane just in time. She didn't crash.
  • How often does your neighbour lose control of the situation?
  • Why does she lose control of the situation?
  • When did you last lose control of the situation?
    I last lost control of the situation yesterday.

vocabulary 119

to run intoencontrarse con, tropezarse/chocar con
to rely onconfiar en, depender de
to get mixed upliarse, confundirse
to challengedesafiar, retar

translation list 38

  1. No me extraña que estén enfadados.
    No wonder they're angry.
  2. Nunca hemos tenido un julio tan caluroso como éste.
    We've never had a July as hot as this one.
  3. Puedes resultar pesado a veces.
    You can be a pain in the neck at times.
    (más vulgar: a pain in the ass)
  4. Deja que el teléfono suene tres veces.
    Let the telephone ring three times.
  5. Cuelga y llama de nuevo.
    Hang up and call back.
  6. Poca gente ha dominado el inglés sin haber vivido en el extranjero.
    Few people have mastered English without having lived abroad.
  7. Prométeme que lo probarás.
    Promise me you'll try it.
  8. Esta comida tiene una pinta horrible.
    This food looks awful.
  9. Una vez más hemos superado nuestra meta.
    Once again we've surpassed our goal.
  10. Te escucharán con mucha educación.
    They'll listen to you very politely.
  11. Y después harán lo que les de la gana.
    And then they'll do whatever they [want/feel like].
  12. Él hizo un par de llamadas telefónicas y después se fué.
    He made a couple of phone calls and then he left.
viernes 26 marzo 2010
lunes 21 marzo 2011


  • She hung up on me.
    Ella me colgó.


  • Después de preposición, el verbo se usa en present participle: "-ing"
    He did it without complaining.
    ... without saying a word.
    ... without doing anything.


  • gerundio = sustantivo
  • my coming to Spain was..., my becoming an English teacher...,
  • posesivo + gerundio

my vocabulary

  • to remind = ayudar a recordar
    remind me to clean the car = recuérdame que lave el coche
    you remind me of a friend = me recuerdas a un amigo
  • to remember = recordar por uno mismo
  • absent-minded = despistado


to lose control of

  • Have you ever lost control of the situation?
  • Is it easy to lose control of your car when the road is icy?
  • Ask me if I've ever lost control.
    Have you ever lost control?
    I've lost control just a few times, no often, doesn't happen often. I'm usually always under control.
  • Does Dr. Jekyll lose control when he becomes Mr. Hyde?
    Yes, he loses control when he becomes Mr. Hyde.
  • Do most people lose control when they've had too much to drink?



  • How long can you run without stopping?
  • They drove all the way and they didn't stop.
    They drove all the way without stopping.
  • She filed the report but she didn't ask for approval.
    She filed the report without asking...
  • He ate the pie and he didn't offer me any.
  • He has plenty of money and he doesn't work.
  • They cooked but they didn't add salt.
  • They broke the window, but the security guard didn't notice.
    They broke the window without [the security guard] noticing.
  • I went to the party, but my girlfriend didn't go with me.
    I went to the party withount her going with me.
  • I bought the shirt, but I didn't try it on first.
    I bought the shirt without trying it on first.
  • She fixed it and we didn't help her.
    She fixed it without ask helping her.
  • I got the drink but I didn't have any ice in it.
  • It came, but it didn't come with the instructions. (verb?)
  • She wrote the email, but she didn't send it.
  • He made the cake, but he didn't serve it.
  • He mailed the letter but he didn't put a stamp on it.
  • He left with the groceries but he didn't pay.
  • She asked me in German and didn't know that I spoke only English.
  • He bought the computer but didn't try it first.
  • They sold the broken watch and they didn't fix it first.
  • I asked for help but I didn't get any.
  • He stopped the penalty kick without using his hand.
  • They approved the invoice but didn't check with the boss.
  • He called her but he didn't use the calling card.
  • They broke the record and didn't even make their best effort.
  • They built it and didn't ask for help.

pronombres complemento

  • She did it and he didn't know.
    She did it without him knowing.
    She did it without his knowing.
  • The thief stole the bag and we didn't see.
    The thief stole the bag without us knowing.
    The thief stole the bag without our knowing.

vocabulary 120

of coursepor supuesto
viewpointpunto de vista
también se dice point of view
on the wholeen general
to evolveevolucionar (evolución = evolution)