
Vaughan 4.0

clases 1 a 20
21 a 40
41 a 60
61 a 80
81 a 100
101 a 120
121 a 140
141 a 160
161 a 180
181 a 195

Common Mistakes

lunes 1 febrero 2010
martes 25 enero 2011


  • I have a lot of problems teaching this things.
    I have lots of problems ...
    I have loads of problems ...
    I have heaps of problems ...
    heap = montón (físico)
    a heaping spoonful = una cucharada colmada [AM]
    I have piles of problems ...
  • a bunch (racimo, para contables):
    There's a whole bunch of people outside waiting for you.

my vocabulary

  • to look up to sb. = admirar a alguien
  • my hat's off to you = me quito el sombrero por tí
  • oodles of = muchísimo de (no sale en diccionarios normales)
  • to come in handy = resultar útil


appropriate /ə'prəʊpriət/ NO /... priəit/


I'm glad

  • Are you glad you're here?
  • Are you glad you're learning English?
  • Ask me if I'm glad I was chosen for this program?
  • Ask me if I'm glad I came to Spain twelve years ago?
  • Ask me if I'm glad I decided to become a teacher?
  • What am I glad about?
  • Are you glad you're wearing blue?
  • What are you glad about?

to have a go at

  • Did you have a go at learning Chinese last year?
  • Ask me if I had a go at learning German five years ago.
  • What is the last thing you had a go at?
  • Ask me if I had a go at snowboarding.
    I was very sore, but I had a go at snowboarding.


montones de

lots of, loads of, a bunch of (countable), heaps of (muy australiano), stacks of, piles of, bags of (para money),
  • Does Bill Gates have bags of money? Ella tiene un montón de libros.
    She has loads of books.
  • Tengo un montón de trabajo que hacer para el 31 de Julio.
    I've loads/piles of work to do by the 31th of July.
  • Había un montón de gente que no conocía.
    There were a bunch of people that I didn't know.
  • Ella tiene un montón de zapatos.
    She has a loads of shoes.
  • Hay un montón de acentos en español.
    There are loads/oodles of accents in Spanish.
  • There are oodles and oodles of people in China.
  • Había un montón de gente en el concierto.
    There were loads of people in the concert.
    (every one and their dog was there)
  • Tienen un montón de copias de revistas antiguas en la tienda.
    They have piles of copies of old magazines in the shop.
  • Tienen un montón de nuevos productos.
    They have loads of new products.
  • Tengo un montón de amigos.
    I have loads/lots of friends.
  • Ella tiene un montón de vestidos.
    She has [a pile/loads] of dresses.
  • Quieren un montón de nuevos productos.
    They want of new products.
  • Había un montón de gente cuando llegué a la fiesta.
    There were loads of people by the time I got to the party.

vocabulary 81

loose changecalderilla
to witnessser testigo de

translation list 19

  1. He sido nombrado jefe de grupo.
    I've been appointed group leader.
  2. Una agenda de bolsillo resulta útil a veces.
    A pocket agenda/diary (AM/BR) comes in handy at times.
  3. Tendrás que someterte a varias pruebas.
    You'll have to undergo several tests.
  4. Quiero rematar las fechas lo antes posible.
    I want to nail down the dates as soon as possible.
  5. Cuanto más anunciamos, más ingresos ganamos.
    The more we advertise, the more revenue we earn.
  6. Mientras tanto, investiga el otro asunto.
    In the meantime, look into the other matter.
  7. Tendrás éxito si no bajas la guardia.
    You'll succeed if you don't [lower your guard/let your guard down].
  8. Este encabezamiento no es el más apropiado.
    This heading isn't the most appropriate.
  9. El descubrimiento del átomo fué un gran avance científico.
    The discovery of the atom was a great scientific breakthrough.
  10. Es improbable que te hagan seguir ese procedimiento.
    It's unlikely that they'll make you follow that procedure.
  11. Esto sólo es el comienzo.
    This is only the beginning.
  12. Ví a dos hombres discutiendo delante del quiosco.
    I saw two men arguing in front of the newsstand/kiosk.
martes 2 febrero 2010
miércoles 26 enero 2011


  • Why ...? Because ...; that's why.
  • The basic necessities are food, clothing and shelter
  • Why on Earth have you ...?
    Why in the World, why in God's name,

my vocabulary

  • to discuss = discutir (sin pelea), no lleva "about", ni preposición
    we are discussing politics
  • to argue = discutir (con cierta violencia, subiendo la voz), sí lleva "about"
    we're arguing about money
  • to figure it out = averiguarlo, descifrarlo
  • to cool down, to cool off = refrescar, enfriar (quitar calor)
  • affordable = asequible, barato (sin connotación algo cutre de cheap)
  • caro = costly


desert /'dezərt / desierto
dessert /dɪ'zɜ:t/ postre


montontes de

  • Él tiene un montón de dinero.
    He has loads/bags of money.
  • Había un montón de gente en el concierto.
    There were loads of people at the concert.
  • Tenía un montón de problemas con el sistema.
    He'd [a bunch/oodles] of problems with the system.
  • Había un montón de gente cuando llegué a la fiesta.
    There were a bunch of people when I got to the party.


that's [the reason] why

  • Es por eso que estoy aquí.
    That's [the reason] why I'm here.
  • Por eso vine.
    That's why I came.
  • Es por eso que discutí con ella.
    That's why I argued with her.
  • She bought him a present because it was his birthday.
    That's [the reason] why she bought him a present.
  • They went to the beach because it was very hot.
  • They went to the Moon because it wasn't very expensive.

why on Earth ... ?

  • ¿Por qué demonios le llamaste idiota?
    Why on Earth did you call him an idiot?
  • ¿Por qué demonios se comió ella toda la comida?
    Why on Earth did she eat all the food?
  • ¿Por qué demonios se gastó todo el dinero en ropa?
    Why [on Earth/in the World] did she spend all her money on [clothes/clothing]?
  • ¿Por qué demonios no vino él a la fiesta?
    Why on Earth didn't he come to the party?
  • ¿Por qué demonios no comió ella el postre?
    Why on Earth didn't she eat dessert?
  • ¿Por qué demonios fuímos a Holanda solas?
    Why on Earth did we go to Holland [alone/by ourselves/on our own]?
  • ¿Por qué demonios no le limpiaron el dormitorio?
    Why on Earth didn't they clean the room?
  • ¿Por qué demonios te acostaste tan pronto?
    Why on Earth did you go to sleep so early?

vocabulary 82

nailuña, clavo
to restrictrestringir
to delayretrasar
miércoles 3 febrero 2010
jueves 27 enero 2011


  • I'm doing it for your own good.
  • hasta cierto punto = to a certain extent
    (más frecuente que to a certain degree)
  • si se usa since, necesariamente debe usarse present perfect:
    Since I was a child, I've loved acting.

would you mind if

¿Te importaría [que + presente/si + pasado] de subjuntivo? = Would you mind if + past simple ?

my vocabulary

profit and benefit:
profit = beneficio económico
benefit = beneficio no necesariamente económico


that's why

  • She bought him a cake because it was his birthday.
  • They went to the beach because it was extremely hot.

why on Earth

  • Ask me why on Earth I decided to come to Spain.
  • Ask me why on Earth I decided to become a teacher.
  • Why on Earth did you decide to become an actor?
  • Why on Earth did you decide to become my student?


would you mind?

  • No, I wouldn't mind if you sat next to me.
    Would you mind if I sat next to you?
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you opened the window.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you borrowed my spoon.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if she invited me to dinner.
  • Yes, I would mind if you punched me in the face.
  • I'd mind if a bear attacked me in the forest.
  • Yes, I'd mind if you shot me and set fire to me.
  • Yes, I'd mind if you smoked.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you played the piano.
  • Yes, I'd mind if you played the saxofon in the kitchen at four o'clock in the morning.
  • Yes, I'd mind if you released cockroaches in my house.
  • (Would you mind if I asked you some more?)
  • I wouldn't mind if you took that chair.
  • Yes, I'd mind if you spilled coffee all over my shirt.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you asked me a question.
  • I wouldn't mind if you gave me a piece of advice.
  • I'd mind if you stabbed me in the back.
  • I'd mind if you poisoned me.
  • I'd mind if you pronounced Spain as "Espain".

vocabulary 83

used toacostumbrado a
to delightencantar

translation list 20

  1. Tropecé con un antiguo amigo mío.
    I ran into an old friend of mine.
  2. Hacía años que no le veía.
    I hadn't seen him for years.
    Hace años que no le veo = I haven't seen him for years
  3. No me decepciones.
    Don't let me down.
  4. Tienes que dar ejemplo a los demás.
    You have to set an example in front of the rest of the people.
  5. La rentabilidad es mi única preocupación.
    Profitability is my only concern.
  6. Lo has resumido con bastante elocuencia.
    You've summed it up quite eloquently.
  7. El nuevo modelo presenta unas características completamente nuevas.
    The new model has/presents some completely new features.
  8. El consumo ha bajado.
    Consumption has [gone down/declined/fallen/dropped/decreased].
  9. Estás en medio.
    You're in the way.
  10. Quítate de en medio.
    Get out of the way.
  11. Enseguida vuelvo, no te vayas.
    I'll be right back, don't go away.
  12. Yo nunca hubiera hecho semejante cosa.
    I [would never have/never would've] done such a thing.
jueves 4 febrero 2010
viernes 28 enero 2011


to start + [gerund/TO + infinitive]

  • This morning, when ... , it [started/began] [raining/to rain].
  • Cuando el verbo start está en gerundio, entonces el otro verbo es en infinitivo:
    It's starting to rain.
    NO: It's starting raining.


  • I was seeing her out of the corner of my eye = Estaba viéndola por el rabillo del ojo
  • dejar de hacer algo = to stop + gerund
  • Voy a dejar de fumar = I'm going to [stop/quit/give up] smoking
  • "to stop + to verb" tiene el sentido de "parar con el objetivo de hacer algo"
  • to keep + gerund

my vocabulary

  • a sum = una suma
  • to sum: no es nada
  • to sum up = resumir
  • in the way = en medio (obstaculizando)
  • on the way = en camino
  • poner un ejemplo = to give an example
  • marcharse = to leave
  • irse (desaparecer) [también objetos: una mancha]= to go away


some /sʌm/
sum /sʌm/


would you mind if

Dada la respuesta negativa, hacer la pregunta.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you sat next to me.
    Would you mind if I sat next to you?
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you opend the window.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you used my computer.
  • No, I wouldn't mind if you sent it to me next week.


to start

  • ¿Puedes empezar a prestar un poco más de atención, por favor?
    Could you start [to pay/paying] a little more attention, please?
  • Empecé a sentirme cansada después del primer partido.
    I started [to feel/feeling] a little tired after the first game.
  • Empezó a llover cuando nos marchamos de la oficina.
    It started [raining/to rain] when we left the office.
  • ¿Podéis empezar a quitar la mesa?
    Could you start [clearing/to clear] the table, please?
  • Empezó a gritar cuando le contamos la verdad.
    He started [shouting/to shout/to yell] when we told him the truth.
  • Estás empezando a mejorar.
    You're starting to get better.
  • Están empezando a hacerlo bien sin la ayuda de nadie.
    They're starting to do it well without anyone's help.
  • Estoy empezando a apreciar tu esfuerzo.
    I'm starting to appreciate your effort.
  • Están empezando a comprender la importancia.
    They're starting to understand the importance.
  • Se empiezan a parecer a sus padres.
    They're starting to look like their parents.
  • Me estaba empezando a encontrar mal antes de que llegara ella.
    I was starting to feel a little sick, before she arrived.
  • No empecé a aprender inglés hasta que tenía veinte años.
    I didn't start to learn English until I was twenty years old.
  • Ask me how old I was when I started learning Spanish.

stop + gerund

  • When didn't you stop studying?
  • Dejó de llover cuando salió el sol.
    It stopped raining when the sun came out.
  • Dejé de gatear cuando aprendí a andar.
    I stopped crawling when I learnt how to walk.
  • Dejó de jugar cuando se cayó al suelo.
    He stopped playing when he fell down.
  • Dejó de nevar cuando dejó de hacer tanto frío.
    It stopped snowing when it stopped being so cold.
  • He stopped laughing when he understood the joke.

vocabulary 84

to lie downtumbarse
to look forward to [ + gerund]esperar con ilusión
to demandexigir
viernes 5 febrero 2010
lunes 31 enero 2011



  • No se usa dos gerundios seguidos. Aunque tras "start" puede usarse gerundio, si el tiempo verbal de "start" es "starting", debe seguir "to + infinitive".
  • I started driving ... and I stopped to have a coffee.
  • I stopped driving because I wanted to stop to have a coffee.
  • When I finished having my coffee, I went back to the car, I got into my car and started driving again.
  • When I reached Medinaceli, I stopped driving, I stopped the car, I stopped to fill the gas tank.
  • I stopped driving, I stopped to have lunch.
  • To stop to smoke = Parar para fumar
    To stop smoking = Dejar de fumar

my vocabulary

  • tener algo a tu alcance = to have sth. at your fingertips
  • ¿de quién es la culpa? = whose fault is it?
  • to quit = dejar de hacer algo para verbos de más acción
  • burst out = estallar, prorrumpir
    She had cracked up, she had burst out laughing
  • catnap = cabezada, pequeña siesta
  • scoop = bola de helado (scoop = pala)


start, stop

  • Empezó a llover cuando salimos de la oficina.
    It started raining when we left the office.
  • Empecé a sentirme cansada después del primer set.
    I started to feel tired after the first set.
  • Empezó a gritar cuando vió dos ratones debajo de la mesa.
    She started shouting when she saw two mice under the table.
  • Ella dejó de hablar con él después de la pelea.
    She stopped speaking to him after the fight.


to stop + infinitive

  • ¿Parasteis en Ávila para tomar algo?
    Did you stop in Ávila to have something to drink?
  • De camino a Valencia ¿tenías que parar para ir al baño?
    On the way to Valencia did you have to stop to go to the bathroom?
  • Tuvimos que parar dos veces porque hubo problemas con el coche.
    We had to stop twice because there were problems with the car.
    We had to stop to fix the car.
  • No me gusta parar para fumar en la sala de fumadores en los aeropuertos.
    I don't like to stop to smoke in the smoking room at the airports.
  • Ask me if I had to stop to ask for directions in New York.
  • Ask me if I stopped to buy an ice-cream cone yesterday.
  • Ask me if I had to stop to tie my shoe when I was running yesterday.
  • Ask me if I wanted to stop to take a picture at the museum.
  • When was the last time you stopped to light a cigarette?
    I can't remember the last time I stopped to light [up] a cigarette.
  • When was the last time you stopped to drink a coffee?

vocabulary 85

politicsla política
to shivertemblar, tiritar
to look likeparecerse a (físicamente)
scapegoatcabeza de turco

translation list 21

  1. ¡Decídete!
    Make up your mind!
  2. ¿Recibiste mi fax?
    Did you get my fax?
  3. Está entrando un fax.
    A fax is coming in.
  4. Diles que lo manden de nuevo.
    Tell them to send it again.
  5. ¿Qué le pasa?
    What's [the matter/wrong] with it?
  6. Sólo la mitad superior se imprimió.
    Only the top half printed out.
  7. No aguanto este calor.
    I can't stand this heat.
  8. Se han hecho intentos de sobornarles.
    Attempts have been made to bribe them.
    to grease their palm
  9. No han tenido éxito.
    They haven't succeded.
  10. Salga del coche e identifíquese.
    Get out of the car and identify yourself.
  11. Es como si estuviéramos sin gravedad.
    It's as if/though we were without gravity.
  12. Hablas como si supieras lo que pasó.
    You talk as if/though you knew what happened.
lunes 8 febrero 2010
martes 1 febrero 2011


(Sinatra, 1965) That's life

I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate,
a poet, a pawn and a king.
I've been up and down and over and out,
and I know one thing:
each time I find myself flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race.

had better

  • should = debería, recommendation or suggestion without power
  • You had better + infinitive (sin "to") = más te vale + verbo
  • You had better not (cross the street again without your mother)

my vocabulary

  • en todo momento = at all times
  • to be in the ball = to be alert, ready
  • to be successful: triunfar en general
  • to succed: tener éxito en un proyecto concreto


to stop to

  • Would you rather stop to eat in a nice restaurant or would you rather stop eating in nices restaurants?
  • Él paró cinco minutos para fumar un cigarro.
    He stopped for five minuts to smoke a cigarette.
  • Siempre paramos para hacer un descanso después de la reunión.
    We always stop for a break after the meeting.
    Para seguir el modelo, debería ser:
    We always stop to take a break after the meeting.
  • Pararon a repostar en Toronto.
    They stopped to get gas in Toronto.
  • Paramos a cenar en un buen restaurante.
    We stopped to eat in a nice restaurant.
  • Paramos para ver el desfile.
    We stopped to see the parade.
  • Dejamos de trabajar para ver el final del partido.
    We stopped working to see the end of the match.


to be on the ball

  • Are you on the ball today?
  • Are you on the ball everyday?
  • Is it easy to be on the ball everyday?
  • Do you have to be on the ball to learn English?
  • Are you on the ball at work?
  • Ask me if I am on the ball at work.
  • Are you on the ball first think in the morning?
  • Does an athlete have to be on the ball?
  • Tell me when the last time you weren't on the ball was.
  • Why weren't you on the ball last Saturday morning?

had better

you'd better [not] do it
  • Más vale que estudies.
    You'd better study.
  • Más vale que te des prisa.
    You'd better [hurry up/get a move on].
  • Más vale que vengas.
    You'd better come.
  • Más vale que se lo digas a él.
    You'd better tell him.
  • Más vale que lo hagas pronto.
    You'd better do it soon.
  • Más vale que le llames a él.
    You'd better call him.
  • Más vale que les escribas.
    You'd better write [to them/them] [BR/AM].
  • Más vale que él lo haga.
    He'd better do it.
  • Más vale que ella me lo diga.
    She'd better tell me.

vocabulary 86

to stirremover
resourcefulcon recursos (persona ingeniosa)
to deploydesplegar
martes 9 febrero 2010
miércoles 2 febrero 2011


Santa Claus is coming to town

You'd better watch out,
you'd better not cry
you'd better not pout
I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He's making a list
and checking it twice
he's going to make sure
who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He knows when you are sleeping,
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

Pop Goes the Weasel

Around, around the mulberry bush
the monkey chased the weasel
the monkey thought it was a joke
pop! goes the weasel!


envy /'envi/
enviable /'enviəbəl/


to be on the ball

  • Tienes que estar espabilado.
    You have to be on the ball.
  • Él no está muy espabilado hoy.
    He's not very on the ball today.
  • Nunca estoy espabilado por la mañana.
    I'm never on the ball in the morning.
  • Esa chica es increíble, siempre está espabildada.
    That girl is amazing/incredible, she's always on the ball.
  • No estabas muy espabilado en la reunión.
    You weren't very on the ball in the meeting.
  • Si durmieran más, estarían más espabilados en el trabajo.
    If they slept more, they'd be more in the ball at work.

had better

  • Más vale que estudies.
    You'd better study.
  • Más vale que te des prisa.
    You'd better [get a move on/hurry up].
  • Más vale que descansemos.
    We'd better rest.
  • ... que remuevan el café.
    They'd better stir the coffee.
  • ... que (yo) gaste menos dinero.
    I'd better spend less money.
  • ... que te ates los cordones.
    You'd better tie your shoelaces.
  • ... que hagas los deberes.
    You'd better do your homework.
  • ... que termines el informe.
    You'd better finish the report.
  • ... que (yo) aliñe la ensalada.
    I'd better dress the salad.


had better not

  • Más vale que no vuelvas a hacer eso.
    You'd better not do that again.
  • Más vale que no se lo contemos.
    We'd better not tell him.
  • I'd better insult my boss.
    You'd better not insult your boss.
  • I'd better drive the car while I'm drunk.
    You'd better not ...
  • I'd better teach you how to pronounce badly.
  • I'd better allow you make a lot of mistakes.
    No, you'd better not allow me make a lot of mistakes.
  • I'd better get really fat.
  • I'd better bet all my money on horses.
  • I'd better say very nasty things to my students.
  • I'd better not buy my girlfriend a birthday present.
  • I'd better fall asleep in the middle of this program.
  • I'd better walk out of this room right now.
  • I'd better stop talking.
  • I'd better eat raw chicken.
  • I'd better break all the windows in your house.
  • I'd better eat 150 k of potatos.
  • I'd better drink filthy rain water.
  • I'd better take my boss's car without asking him.
  • I'd better break my arms and legs with a hammer.

vocabulary 87

to replyresponder, contestar
to resembleparecerse a (to look like: físicamente)

translation list 22

  1. Tengo mis formas de enterarme de las cosas.
    I have my ways of finding out things.
  2. Estás en una posición endiable.
    You are in an enviable position.
  3. A mucha gente le gustaría tener lo que tú tienes.
    Many people would like to have what you have.
  4. El perro persiguió al gato alrededor de la casa.
    The dog chased the cat around the house.
  5. Seguidme y os llevaré a la Tierra Prometida.
    Follow me and I'll take you to the Promised Land.
  6. ¿Me sujetas esto un momento?
    Can you hold this for me for a minute?
  7. Me gusta cómo firmas las cartas.
    I like the way you sign letters.
  8. ¿Por qué siempre me miras así?
    Why do you always look at me like that?
  9. Tómalo o déjalo.
    Take it or leave it.
  10. Vamos a implantar una nueva política.
    We're going to implement a new policy.
  11. De ahora en adelante todas las mujeres han de llevar faldas.
    From now on all women are to wear skirts.
  12. Le gusta causar problemas.
    He likes [making/to make] trouble.
miércoles 10 febrero 2010
jueves 3 febrero 2011


to be getting at

  • what are you getting at? = ¿qué quieres decir?
  • that's what I'm getting at = eso es lo que quiero decir

yet, already, still, about, anymore

  • yet, still, anymore, about
  • about: Am I about to take it out? = ¿Estoy a punto de sacarlo?


had better not

  • Más vale que no vuelvas a hacer eso.
    You'd better not do that again.
  • Más vale que no se lo contemos.
    We'd better not tell him.
  • Más vale que no vuelvas a hacer ese fallo.
    You'd better not make that mistake again.
  • Más vale que no comas en ese restaurante.
    You'd better not eat at that restaurant.
  • ... que no cojas esa carretera.
    You'd better not take that road.
  • ... que no se te olvide.
    You'd better not forget that.


to be getting at

  • ¿Qué quieres decir?
    What are you getting at? (What do you mean?)
  • ¿Qué quieren decir?
    What are they getting at?
  • ¿Qué quiere decir él?
    What's he getting at?
  • ¿Qué quiere decir ella?
    What's she getting at?
  • No sé lo que quiere decir ella.
    I don't know what she's getting at.
  • No sé lo que quieres decir.
    I don't know what you're getting at.
  • No sé lo que quieren decir ellos.
    I don't know what they're getting at.
  • No sé lo que él quiere decir.
    I don't know what he's getting at.
  • No sabía lo que querías decir.
    I didn't know what you were getting at.
  • (Yo) No sabía lo que ellos querían decir.
    I didn't know what they were getting at.
  • Tú sabes bien lo que quiero decir.
    You know very well what I'm getting at.
  • Tú sabes bien lo que quieren decir.
    You know very well what they're getting at.
  • Tú sabes bien lo que él quiere decir.
    You know very well what he's getting at.


  • ¿Todavía coleccionas sellos?
    Do you still collect stamps?
  • Todavía estamos esperando.
    We're still waiting.
  • ¿Sigues viviendo en Canadá?
    [Do you still live/Are you still living] in Canada?
  • Todavía estoy esperando que me lo digan.
    I'm still waiting for them to tell me.
  • No me lo han dicho todavía.
    They haven't told me yet.
  • ¿Sigues saliendo con ella?
    Are you still going out with her?
  • Todavía estoy enamorado de ella.
    I'm still in love with her.
  • ¡Todavía no has hecho tus deberes!
    You still haven't done your homework!
    excepción: still en negativo, con sorpresa
    normalmente se dice: you haven't done your homework yet
    Have you done your homework yet?
    Yes, I've already done my homework.
  • Siguen intentando arreglar el problema.
    They're still trying to fix the problem.
  • Todavía estoy trabajando en ello.
    I'm still working on it.

vocabulary 88

to harmdañar
pathsenda, sendero, camino
The Middle AgesEdad Media
to installinstalar
jueves 11 febrero 2010
viernes 4 febrero 2011


still, yet, already, anymore

  • anymore ≠ nunca más = never again
  • no longer, not any longer = not anymore
    I'm not using the other camera anymore.
    I'm not using the other camera any longer.
    I'm no longer using that camera.
  • Empleo redundante:
    I still haven't taken a sip yet.
  • Ya he empezado, pero no he terminado todavía.
  • I've already started, but I haven't finished yet.
  • Yet is used in questions and in negatives.

my vocabulary

  • una cita de negocios = an appointment
  • una cita amistosa = a date
  • to end up doing sthg = terminar/acabar [por hacer/haciendo] algo


  • schedule ['ʃedjʊ:l, US 'skedʒʊəl]
  • joya: jewel /'dʒu:əl/


to be getting at

  • ¿Qué quieres decir?
    What are you getting at?
  • Sabes muy bien lo que quiero decir.
    You know very well what I'm getting at.
  • I can't remember what they're getting at.
  • He had no idea what they were getting at.
  • I hope I'll understand what they're getting at.
  • What do you think she's getting at?
  • What are you getting at?
  • Did you know what I was getting at?
  • Ask me if I knew what you were getting at.
    Did you know what I was getting at?
    Yes, I knew what you were getting at.
  • What was Hamlet getting at?
    Hamlet was getting at a lot of things.
  • Is it hard to know what they're getting at?

still, not anymore

  • Ella todavía me quiere.
    She still loves me.
  • Todavía estoy enamorado de ella.
    I'm still in love with her.
  • Do you still collect stamps?
    No, I don't collect stamps anymore.
  • Are you still an actor?
    I'm still an actor.
  • Ask me if it still rains a lot in Ireland.
    Does it still rain a lot in Ireland?
  • Do you still have English classes?
  • Is Tío Pepe still a popular drink in Spain?
  • Ask me if Irish people still eat a lot of potatoes.
  • Do you still go to the cinema once a week?
    No, I don't go to the cinema once a week anymore.



  • Have you had dinner yet?
  • Have you had lunch yet?
  • No le he visto todavía.
    I haven't seem him yet.
  • No ha llegado todavía.
    He hasn't arrived yet.
  • ¿Te has mudado ya?
    Have you moved yet?
  • No, no me he mudado todavía.
    No, I haven't moved yet.
  • ¿Has desayunado ya?
    Have you had breakfast yet?
  • ¿Has ingresado ya en la compañía?
    Have you joined the company yet?
  • Ask me if I've quit yet.
    Have you quit yet?
  • ¿Has ido ahí ya?
    Have you gone/been there yet?
  • ¿Te has hecho rico ya?
    Have you gotten/become rich yet?
  • No me he hecho rico todavía.
    I haven't become rich yet.
  • ¿Has hecho tus deberes ya?
    Have you done your homework yet?
  • No la he visto todavía.
    I haven't seen her yet.
  • ¿Lo has probado ya?
    Have you tried yet?
  • No lo he probado todavía.
    I haven't tried yet.
  • Él no ha empezado todavía.
    He hasn't started yet.
  • No he hablado con ella todavía.
    I haven't spoken to her yet.

vocabulary 89

well-madebien hecho
to encourageanimar, alentar

translation list 23

  1. ¿Cuándo se hará?
    When will it be done?
  2. La cita está programada para la semana próxima.
    The appointment is scheduled for next week.
  3. Busco a alguien cuyas cualidades casen con nuestras necesidades.
    I'm looking for someone whose skills match our needs.
  4. No te apuntes al curso si no piensas asistir.
    Don't sign up for the course if you['re not planning/don't plan] to attend.
  5. Tienes una forma curiosa de dar las gracias.
    You've a funny way of saying thank you.
  6. Si conduces así, nunca les alcanzarás.
    If you drive like that, you'll never catch up with them.
  7. La rifa fué cancelada por un problema legal.
    The raffle was called off because of a legal problem.
  8. Siempre acabo perdiendo todo el dinero.
    I always end up losing all my money.
  9. ¿Por qué siempre me traes cafés tan calientes?
    Why do you always bring me such hot coffees?
  10. Con ese disfraz nadie te reconocerá.
    With that disguise nobody will recognize you.
  11. Abre la carta y léemela.
    Open the letter and read it to me.
  12. Cuanto más duro trabajas, más ganas.
    The harder you work the more you earn.
viernes 12 febrero 2010
lunes 7 febrero 2011



Con una lista de verbos, sustituir en la siguiente estructura to do por el verbo:
  • Have you done it yet?
  • No, I haven't done it yet.
  • Yes, I've already done it.


  • I used to eat a lot, but I don't eat a lot anymore.

my vocabulary

a blessing in disguises = no hay mal que por bien no venga



  • ¿Has hecho tus deberes ya?
    Have you done your homework yet?
  • No, no los he hecho todavía.
    No, I haven't done it yet.
  • ¿Habéis desayunado ya?
    Have you had breakfast yet?
  • No, no hemos desayunado todavía.
    No, we haven't had breakfast yet.
  • ¿Ella ha vendido el coche ya?
    Has she sold the car yet?
  • No, no lo ha vendido todavía.
    No, she hasn't sold it yet.



  • Ya he terminado mis deberes.
    I've already finished my homework.
  • Ya lo he comprobado.
    I've already checked it.
  • Ya saben la respuesta.
    They already know the answer.
    normalmente "already" va con "present perfect", pero también con simple
  • Él ya tiene novia.
    [He's already got/He already has] a girlfriend.
  • Ya soy rica.
    I'm already rich.
  • ¡Enséñamelo ya!
    Show it to me right now!
    ya = ahora mismo: now, right away (enseguida)
  • ¿Ya lo has enviado?
    Have you sent it yet?
    se puede "have you already sent it?", pero lo correcto es con yet
  • La clase ya ha empezado.
    The class has already started/begun.
  • El tren ya ha llegado.
    The train has already arrived.
  • Ya lo he visto.
    I've already seen it.
  • Ya lo he escrito.
    I've already written it.

no longer, not anymore

  • Ya no como hamburguesas.
    I don't eat hamburgers anymore.
    I no longer eat hamburgers.
  • Ya no conduzco coches de carrera.
    I don't drive race cars anymore.
    I no longer drive race cars.
  • G.B. ya no es presidente de Estados Unidos.
    G.B. isn't the President of the U.S. anymore.
    G.B. is no longer the President of the U.S..
  • Ya no vivo en Canadá.
    I don't live in Canada anymore.
    I no longer live in Canada.
  • Do you still live in Brazil?
    I don't live in Brazil anymore.
    I no longer live in Brazil.
  • Ya no les gusta la política.
    They don't like politics anymore.
    They no longer like politics.
  • Bisbal ya no tiene el pelo largo.
    Bisbal doesn't have long hair anymore.
    Bisbal no longer has long hair.
  • Mi madre ya no me prepara la comida.
    My mother doesn't make my lunch anymore.
    My mother no longer makes my lunch.
  • Beckham ya no juega en el Real Madrid.
    B. doesn't play with R.M. anymore.
    He no longer plays with R.M..
  • Induráin ya no corre en el Tour de Francia.
    Indurain doesn't ride in the Tour de France anymore.
    Indurain no longer rides/races in the Tour de France.

vocabulary 90

restroom (AM)aseo
to resigndimitir
to subsidizesubvencionar
to stretchestirarse
lunes 15 febrero 2010
martes 8 febrero 2011


  • still, yet, already, anymore
  • have you eaten yet?
  • have you already eaten?
    también es correcto, es una pregunta para ser confirmada.


Con distintos verbos:
  • Have you finished yet?
    Yes, I've already finished.
    No, I haven't finished yet.
    I'm still working.
  • Has he come yet?
    Yes, he's already come.
    No, he hasn't come yet.
    He's still on the way.

still ...

  • 'Still' the action is happening
  • 'Already' the action has occured, has began
  • 'Anymore' the action has finished
  • 'Yet' the action hasn't occured, hasn't began


gear /gɪr /



  • Ya lo he hecho.
    I've already done it.
  • Ellos ya están listos.
    They're already ready.
  • Ya han llegado a Alemania.
    They've already arrived/gotten to Germany.
  • Ya sé conducir con marchas.
    I already know how to drive with gears.
  • Ya cocina como si ella fuera una cocinera profesional.
    She already cooks as if she were a professional chef.
  • Ya están contentos.
    They're already happy.
  • Ya soy profesora.
    I'm already a teacher/professor (escuela/universidad).
  • Ya han vuelto.
    They've already come back.

anymore, no longer

  • Ya no como chocolate.
    I no longer eat chocolate.
    I don't eat chocolate anymore.
  • Ya no sé conducir con marchas.
    I can no longer drive with gears.
    Si se usa can, entonces va delante de no longer como excepción.
    I no longer know how to drive with gears.
    I don't know how to drive with gears anymore.
  • Ya no salgo con él.
    I'm no longer with him.
    I'm no longer seeing him. (presente continuo)
    I no longer [see/date/go out with] him.
    I don't go out with him anymore. (también vale el presente continuo)
  • Ya no estoy trabajando en ello.
    I'm not working on it anymore.
    I'm no longer working on it.
  • Ya no vivo en NY.
    I don't live in NY anymore.
    I no longer live in NY.
  • Ya no trabajo en esta compañía.
    I don't work in this company anymore.
    I no longer work in this company.


still, yet, already, anymore

  • ¿Ha llegado ya?
    Has it arrived yet?
  • No ha llegado todavía.
    It hasn't arrived yet.
  • Ya ha llegado.
    It's already arrived.
  • Todavía vivo en España.
    I still live in Spain.
  • Ya no vivo aquí.
    I don't live here anymore.
  • ¿Has comido ya?
    Have you eaten yet?
  • Have you had coffee yet?
  • Ask me if I've already had coffee.
    Have you had coffee yet?
  • What are we still doing?
    We're still having class.
  • Have we started yet?
    Yes, we've already started.
  • Have we finished?
    No, we haven't finished yet.
  • Has the year ended yet?
    No, the year hasn't ended yet.
  • Has 2010 started yet?
    No, 2010 hasn't started yet.
  • Has the weekend started yet?

vocabulary 91

to misunderstandmalentender
to drownahogarse

translation list 24

  1. Creo que la frase debería ser al revés.
    I think the sentence should be the other way around.
  2. Mis padres son los únicos que lo saben.
    My parents are the only ones who know about it.
    NO: know it, sino know about it
  3. Si eso me pasara a mí, no sé lo que haría.
    If that happened to me, I don't know what I would do.
  4. Mi única esperanza es que se den cuenta ellos de su error.
    My only hope is that they realize their mistake.
  5. Tengo derecho a un abogado.
    I'm entitled to a lawyer.
  6. Conozco mis derechos así como mis obligaciones.
    I know my rights as well as my obligations.
  7. Lo único que sé es que no sé nada.
    The only thing I know is that I [know nothing/don't know anything].
  8. No puedo dejar de pensar en ella.
    I can't stop thinking about her.
  9. La tengo presente día y noche.
    She's on my mind day and night.
  10. No pueden aguantar el ritmo.
    They can't stand the pace.
  11. Se están quedando atrás.
    They're falling behind.
  12. Tardaré una hora en alcanzarles.
    It'll take me an hour to catch up with them.
martes 16 febrero 2010
miércoles 9 febrero 2011


the futur perfect

  • How many problems have you had with your car so far this year?
    How many problems will you have had with your car by the end of this year?
  • How many questions have I asked so far in this segment?
    How many questions will I have asked by the time we finish this segment?

my vocabulary

wink = guiño


still, yet, already, anymore

  • ¿Ha llegado ya él?
  • Sí, ya ha llegado.
  • Él sigue en camino.
  • Todavía vivo en España.
  • Ya no fumo.


the futur perfect

By the end of this class I will have asked you over twenty questions with this tense.
I've been in Spain for about six years.
By this time next year I will have been in Spain for over seven years.
I will have been teaching for about seven years by this time next year.
Contestar afirmativamente:
  • Will you have finished the report by tomorrow morning?
  • Will they have finished the whole course by this time next year?
  • Will you have studied all the classes by this time next year?
  • Will you have eaten lunch by this time tomorrow?
  • Will you have known me for a year by next summer?
  • Will you have improved your English a lot by the end of this course?
  • Will you have seen all the Harry Potter movies by the time you see the next one?
  • Ask me if I will have been driving for ten years by this time next year.
  • Will you have been sitting in that chair for a half an hour by the time we finish?
  • Will you have been watching this show for a full hour by the time it ends?
  • Will you have had three coffees today by the time you have your next one?
  • Will you have practiced this structure a lot by the time we finish?
  • Will you have seen all nine teachers by the end of the course?
  • Will you have learned this structure perfectly by next month?
  • Will they have finished the construction project by 2020?
  • Ask me if he will have fed the dog by 3 pm.
  • How long have you lived here?
    I've lived here for three years.
    So, how long will you have lived here by this time next year?
    By this time next year, I'll have lived here for four years.
  • Ask me how long I've been sitting in this chair.
    How long have you been sitting in that chair?
    I've been sitting in this chair for 20 minutes. So, how long will I have been sitting in this chair in 10 minutes?
    In 10 minutes you'll have been sitting in that chair for 30 minutes.
  • Will you have seen all the episodes by the end of the season?
  • Will you have read all the chapters by the end of the week?
  • Will you have finished all by the end of the day?

the futur perfect

  • Ask me if I'll have sold my flat by Friday.
    Will you have sold your flat by Friday?
  • Ask me if she'll have finished by tomorrow.
    Will she have finished by tomorrow?
  • Ask me if they'll have arrived by Tuesday.

vocabulary 92

contraptioncacharro, chirimbolo, algo que no se sabe para qué sirve
to dyeteñir
to have forty winksecharse una siesta
miércoles 17 febrero 2010
jueves 10 febrero 2011


to feel under the weather

  • Se puede usar en presente o en presente continuo
  • Se puede añadir a little o a little bit
    I feel a little under the weather.
    I feel a little bit under the weather.

my vocabulary

  • to take over = apoderarse, tomar el control
  • prone = propenso
  • cheerful = alegre
  • cheeky = descarado, impertinente
  • to put out = apagar un fuego con agua, por ejemplo
    to blow out = soplar
    to go out = apagarse un fuego solo, extinguirse
    The fire went out, nobody extinguished it.


purchase /ˈpɜːtʃəs/


futur perfect

  • Will you have finished the report by next week?
  • Will you have finished this course by tomorrow?
  • Will we have met again by next month?
  • Will you have learnt your irregular verbs perfectly by tomorrow?
  • Will our students have practiced English everyday by the end of next week?
  • Will elephants have taken over the world by Christmas?
  • Ask me if I will have been arrested and sent to prison by tomorrow.
  • Ask me if I will have been murdered by tomorrow.
  • Ask me if you will have murdered me by tomorrow.
    Will I have murdered you by tomorrow?
    I hope he won't have murdered me by tomorrow.
  • Ask me if our students will have done a lot of homework by the end of the year.
  • Ask me if you'll have nightmares about the futur perfect tonight.
  • Ask me if I'll have bought a new dog by tomorrow.


to feel under the weather

  • Are you feeling under the weather?
  • Ask me if I'm feeling under the weather.
  • Me encuentro un poco pachucha.
    I'm feeling a [little] bit under the weather.
    (I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get well soon.)
  • Mi vecino se encontró pachucho esta mañana.
    My neighbour was feeling under the weather this morning.
  • No se fueron de viaje porque se encontraban pachuchos.
    They didn't go on the trip because they [were feeling/felt] under the weather.
  • Espero que no estés pachucha.
    I hope you [don't feel/are not feeling] under the weather.
  • No salgas si te encuentras pachucha.
    Don't go out if you feel under the weather.
  • ¿Se encuentra (él) pachucho?
    Is he feeling under the weather?
  • No me he encontrado pachucha últimamente.
    I haven't felt under the weather lately.
  • Mi jefe no vino al trabajo porque estaba pachucho.
    My boss didn't come to work because he was feeling under the weather.
  • Did you feel under the weather last week?
  • When did you last feel under the weather?
  • Do you feel under the weather often?
  • Los niños se encuentran pachuchos.
    The children are feeling under the weather.
  • Ayer estaba un poco pachucha, pero ya estoy mejor.
    Yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather, but now I'm better.
  • Me quedo en casa cuando estoy pachucha.
    I stay at home when I [feel/am feeling] under the weather.
  • Are you feeling under the weather right now?
    No, I'm not feeling under the weather at all.

vocabulary 93

to varyvariar
purchase orderorden de compra
to struggleluchar

translation list 25

  1. Lo hice para que tú lo vieras.
    I did it so that you could see it.
  2. No había demasiada gente.
    There weren't too many people.
  3. Tienes buen aspecto.
    You look good.
  4. Cambiemos de tema.
    Let's change the subject.
  5. Venga, ¡anímate!
    Come on, cheer up!
  6. Te veo cansado.
    You look tired.
  7. ¡Te lo estás buscando!
    You're asking for it!
  8. Búscalo en la guía telefónica.
    Look it up in the telephone book.
  9. Pide un deseo y apaga las velas.
    Make a wish and blow out the candles.
    Bale of hay, bale of hay
    make a wish and look away (turn away).
  10. Ahora bien, ¿dónde estábamos?
    Now then, where were we?
  11. No estamos llegando a ninguna parte.
    We're [not getting anywhere/getting nowhere].
  12. A ese precio, es una auténtica ganga.
    At that price, it's a real bargain.
jueves 18 febrero 2010
viernes 11 febrero 2011


  • con los verbos de sentidos –feel, taste, smell, touch, etc. – se usa 'good', no 'well':
    I feel good
  • You look well es lo que se diría a una persona tras haber estado enferma.
  • I've yet to change = I haven't changed yet
    I've yet to + infinitive = I haven't pp yet
  • to sell out = vender hasta agotar
    The game is sold out = se han agotado las entradas para el partido
    There was a sell out crowd, not one seat was available, the game was completely sold out.
    Se dice a sell out crowd para hechos deportivos

my vocabulary

  • aspecto físico = appearance (no aspect)
  • to hinder = entorpecer
  • episode = capítulo de una serie en TV y radio (chapter es para libros)
  • scalper = revendedor (de entradas) [US]
  • to sleep in = dormir mucho por gusto
  • to cash in = canjear, intercambiar


to feel under the weather

  • Me encuentro un poco pachucho.
    I'm feelling a bit under the weather.
  • ¿Te encuentras pachucho?
    Are you feeling under the weather?
  • No fuí a la fiesta porque he estado un poco pachucho.
    I didn't go to the party because I was feeling a bit under the weather.
  • En esta época del año siempre estoy pachucho.
    At this time of year I always feel under the weather.
  • Últimamente Suzan ha estado un poco pachucha.
    Lately Suzan has been feeling a bit under the weather.


to have yet to + infinitive

  • I have not been to Russia.
    I have yet to go to Russia.
  • I haven't heard their new song yet.
    I have yet to hear their new song.
  • I haven't met him yet.
    I have yet to meet him.
  • I haven't eaten there yet.
    I have yet to eat there.
  • Have you been to Canada yet?
    No, I have yet to go to Canada.
  • I haven't perfected my Spanish yet. What can you say about my Spanish?
    You have yet to perfect your Spanish.
  • I haven't learned how to make a good sangría yet.
    You have yet to learn how to make a good sangría.
  • I haven't finished eating yet.
    I have yet to finish eating.
  • She hasn't apologized to me yet.
    She has yet to apologize to you.
  • They haven't broken the record yet.
    They have yet to break the record.
  • You haven't seen the last episode yet.
    You have yet to see the last episode.
  • I haven't discussed the project yet.
    I have yet to discuss the project.
  • We haven't met our new boss yet.
    We have yet to meet our new boss.
  • I have not seen The Grand Canyon yet.
    You have yet to see The Grand Canyon.
  • Have you gone to Sanfermines yet?
    No, I have yet to go to Sanfermines.
    Did you go to the running of the bulls in Pamplona?
  • I haven't seen all of the Royal Palace yet.
    You have yet to see all of the Royal Palace.
  • I haven't read all of Don Quijote yet.
    You have yet to read all of Don Quijote.
  • I haven't driven a Porsche yet.
    You have yet to drive a Porsche.
  • I haven't tried to make cocido yet.
    You have yet to try to make cocido.
  • I haven't used the new computer system yet.
    You have yet to use the new computer system.

vocabulary 94

to resort torecurrir a
to issuepublicar
resumécurriculum vitae
starting pointpunto de partida
to oversleepdormir más de la cuenta
viernes 19 febrero 2010
lunes 14 febrero 2011


uso enfático de yet



  • Is this class over yet?
  • Have you written all the materials yet?
  • Have you mastered this structure yet?
  • Have you used the new computer system yet?
  • Have you tried windsurfing yet?
  • Ask me if I've tried windsurfing yet.
  • Ask me if I've gone to China yet.
  • I'd love to go to de North Pole, but I haven't gone to de North Pole yet.
  • Have you been to the Canary Island yet?

to sell out

  • Did they have any ticket left?
    No, they've sold out of tickets.
  • Do you have any apples?
    No, I've sold out of apples.
  • Do you have any of the new books?
    No, we've sold out of them.
  • Do you have any copies of the magazine?
  • Do you have any cold drinks left?
    We've sold out of cold drinks.
  • Do The Rolling Stones usually sell out their concerts?
    Yes, they usually sell out their concerts.
  • If The Beatles somehow came back and played a concert, would they sell out?
    Yes, they would definitely sell out.
  • Are there any computers left in stock?
    No, they've sold out of computers.
  • Ask me if we've sold out of books.
    Have you sold out of books?
  • Ask me if they always sell out of chocolates at Christmas time.
    Do they always sell out of chocolates at Christmas time?


yet another, yet again, yet more

  • He's bought another car.
    I can't believe it, he's bought yet another car!!
  • Has it bought another car?
    Yet again, he's bought yet another car.
  • Does she want another drink?
    Yes, she wants yet another drink.
  • Have you failed your driving test?
    I've failed my driving test yet again.
  • Has he written another book?
    Yes, he's written yet another book.
  • Have you seen another film?
    Yes, I've seen yet another film.
  • Has she eaten another apple?
  • Has he eaten another biscuit?
    He's eaten yet another biscuit.
  • Have you failed your exam?
    Yes, I've failed my exam yet again.
  • He wants more water.
    He wants yet more water.
  • He wants more money.
    He wants yet more money.

vocabulary 95

to rushtener prisa
roommatecompañero de piso
to bouncebotar

translation list 26

  1. Elévalo hasta este nivel.
    Raise it [up] to this level.
    'until' no se usa aquí; es hasta tratándose de tiempo
  2. Bájalo un poco.
    Lower it a little/bit.
  3. Todavía está un poco alto.
    It's still a little/bit too high.
  4. Espero que las luces no te molesten.
    I hope the lights don't bother/annoy you.
  5. No tienes ningún derecho a entrar así.
    You have no right to [come in/enter] [like this/this way].
  6. En cuanto a él, puedes hacer lo que quieras.
    [As for/regarding] him, you can do whatever you want.
  7. Es increíble lo bien que hablas ruso.
    It's [incredible/unbelievable/amazing] how well you speak Russian.
  8. Huelga decir que no estoy de acuerdo.
    It goes without saying that I don't agree.
  9. ¿Cómo lograste convencerle?
    How did you manage to convince him?
  10. Lo hice sin querer.
    I didn't [mean to do it/ do it on purpose].
  11. ¿Te das cuenta de lo que acabas de hacer?
    Do you realize what you've just done?
  12. Hemos perdido contacto.
    We've lost [contact/touch].
lunes 22 febrero 2010
martes 15 febrero 2011


just over/under

by the time

Se usa en futur perfect y past perfect.
  • By the time I [get to/reach] Medinaceli I will already have had a coffee.
  • By the time I get to Zaragoza I will have already read all my e-mails.
  • Yesterday I went to Zaragoza; by the time I got to Medinaceli, we had already stopped at least once.


yet another, yet again, yet more

  • Do we need more people?
    Yes, we need yet more people.
  • Do you want another drink?
    Yes, I want yet another drink.
  • (She's failed her driving test 16 times and she's just taken the test again.) How did your driving test go?
    I've failed yet again.


just over/under

  • There were 3,002 people at the concert.
    There were just over three thousand people at the concert.
  • The baby weighed 2.9 kg.
    The baby weighed just under three kilograms.
  • I read 96 pages last night.
    I read just under 100 pages last night.
  • My essay was 10,003 words long.
    My essay was just over 10,000 words long.
  • The meeting lasted two hours and fifty-five minutes.
    The meeting lasted just under three hours.
  • Henry is 1 metre 95 cm tall.
    Henry is just under 2 metres tall.
  • Alfred Hitchcock directed 53 films.
    Alfred Hitchcock directed just over 50 films.
  • Haydn wrote 105 symphonies.
    Haydn wrote just over 100 symphonies.
  • That book is 494 pages long.
    That book is just under 500 pages long.
  • This part of the class lasts 9 and a half minutes.
    This part of the class lasts just under 10 minutes.
  • There were 199,998 people watching this program yesterday.
    There were just under 200,000 people watching this program yesterday.

by the time: futur perfect

will + have + past participle + by the time + present simple
  • No habré terminado para cuando llegues.
    I won't have finished by the time you arrive.
  • Habrá ordenado su habitación para cuando yo vuelva.
    He'll have tidied up his room by the time I come back.
  • Habrás mejorado tu inglés para cuando vuelvas de Inglaterra.
    You'll have improved your English by the time you come back from England.
  • ¿Cuántos países habrás visitado para cuando cumplas 50 años?
    How many countries will you have visited by the time you turn 50?
  • Will you have saved up enough money by the time you retire?
  • Ask me if my brother will have read the book by the time he gets to Spain.
    Will your brother have read the book by the time he gets to Spain?
  • Ask me if the people at home will have learnt this verb tense by the time the class is over.

vocabulary 96

to ensureasegurar
to speed upacelerar
to enlargeampliar
martes 23 febrero 2010
miércoles 16 febrero 2011



  • ... and I think to myself:
    If I have a coin, I'll give it to the beggar.
    [futur conditional]
  • As I'm walking towards the beggar, I'm checking my pockets and I realize that I don't have any coins. So, when I'm standing in front of the beggar, I say:
    I'm sorry, I don't have a coin, but if I had a coin, I would give it to you.
    [present conditional]
  • I saw a beggar,
    if I had had a coin I would have given it to the beggar.
    [past conditional]


just over/under

  • There were 19,999 people at the demonstration.
    There were just under 20,000 people...
  • There are 1,005 trees in the park.
  • There are 95 people living in that building.

by the time

  • No habré terminado para cuando llegues.
    I won't have finished by the time you arrive.
  • Me habré acostado para cuando vuelvas a casa.
    I'll have gone to bed by the time you get back.
  • Will you've finished your homework by the time you have class again?



  • Have money, give it to a man
    If have money, I'll give it to the man.
    If I had money, I'd give it to you.
    If I'd had money, I would've given to him.
  • Eat bread, get fat
    If you eat bread, you'll get fat.
    If I ate bread, I'd get fat.
    If I'd eaten bread, I would've got fat.
  • Have money, go to NY
    If I have money, I'll go to NY.
    If I had money, I'd go to NY.
    If I'd had money, I would've gone to NY.
  • Snows, go to the mountain
    If it snows, I'll go to the mountain.
    If it snowed, I'd go to the mountain.
    If it had snowed, I would've gone to the mountain.

vocabulary 97

to neglectdesatender, no cumplir
to overwhelmabrumar
quick-wittedlisto, ocurrente

translation list 27

  1. Ha habido bastantes fracasos.
    There have been quite a few failures.
  2. Pero ha habido bastantes éxitos también.
    But there have been quite a few successes [too/as well].
  3. Pero los fracasos han predominado sobre los éxitos.
    But the failures have outweighed the successes.
  4. Él no te quiere, sólo está detrás de tu dinero.
    He doesn't love you, he's only/just after your money.
  5. Daría mi brazo derecho por tener una mujer como ella.
    I'd give my right arm to have a woman like her.
  6. ¿De verdad crees en fantasmas?
    Do you really believe in ghosts?
  7. Déjame que te enseñe el camino.
    Let me show you the way.
  8. Voy a usarlos contra tí.
    I'm going to use them against you.
  9. ¿Se sabe algo?
    Any news?
  10. Todavía están intentando conseguir que funcione.
    They're still trying to get it to work.
  11. ¿Para qué estás haciendo eso?
    What are you doing that for?
  12. Hay oro más allá del horizonte.
    There is gold beyond the horizon.
miércoles 24 febrero 2010
jueves 17 febrero 2011


  • The more you practise, the more you learn.
    The more..., the more...
  • To have a piece of paper at hand.

telephone numbers

  • digit by digit
  • también se pueden agrupar en grupos de dos o tres
  • [UK] a veces dicen 411 four double one, y 4111 four treble one



  • Si él llama esta noche, me alegraré.
    If he calls tonight, I'll be happy.
  • Si llamara todos los días, me alegraría.
    If he called everyday, I'd be happy.
  • Si hubiera llamado anoche, me habría alegrado.
    If he'd called last night, I would've been happy.
  • Si haces los deberes esta noche te daré 15 puntos.
    If you do your homework tonight, I'll give you 15 points.
  • Si hicieras los deberes todos los días, te daría 15 puntos.
    If you did your homework everyday, I'd give you 15 points.



  • ¿Me lo dirás si lo sabes?
    Will you tell me if you know?
  • ¿Me lo dirías si lo supieras?
  • ¿Me lo habrías dicho si lo hubieses sabido?
  • ¿Me lo dirás si te enteras?
    Will you tell me if you find out?
  • ¿Me lo dirías si te enteraras?
  • ¿Me lo habrías dicho si te hubieses enterado?
  • ¿Lo harás si te pagan?
    Will you do it if they pay you?
  • ¿Lo harías si te pagaran?
  • ¿Lo habrías hecho si te hubiesen pagado?
  • ¿Irás si te invitan?
    Will you go if they invite you?
  • ¿Irías si te invitaran?
  • ¿Habrías ido si the hubiesen invitado?
  • ¿Me ayudarás si te lo pido?
    Will you help me if I ask you?
  • ¿Me ayudarías si te lo pidiera?
  • ¿Me habrías ayudado si the lo hubie pedido?
  • ¿Lo cambiarás si se rompe?
    Will you change it if it breaks?
  • ¿Lo cambiarías si se rompiera?
  • ¿Lo habrías cambiado si se hubiese roto?
  • ¿Lo comprarás mañana si es barato?
    Will you buy it tomorrow if it's cheap?
  • ¿Lo comprarías si fuese barato?
  • ¿Lo habrías comprado si hubiese sido barato?
  • ¿Lo descargarás si es gratis?
    Will you download it if it's free?
  • ¿Lo descargarías si fuera gratis?
  • ¿Lo hubieras descargado si hubiese sido gratis?
  • ¿Saldrás si llueve mañana?
    Will you go out tomorrow if it rains?
  • ¿Saldrías si lloviera?
  • ¿Habrías salido si hubiese llovido?

telephone numbers

  • I'm moving next week and my new phone number will be...
  • If you have any problems you can catch/reach me at my hotel around five [on (BR)/at (US)]... (sin artículo delante del número)
  • I changed my cellphone number last week. You can now reach me at...

vocabulary 98

to summarizeresumir
spinecolumna vertebral
to pass the buckpasar la pelota
track and fieldatletismo
jueves 25 febrero 2010
viernes 18 febrero 2011


  • I'm moving offices next week, so as of next week (a partir de la semana próxima) you can reach me on... What number can you reach me on as of next week?
  • Estoy algo cansado = I'm a somewhat tired

nothing but

  • I can see nothing but people.
    I can't see anything but people. (es lo mismo, pero se usa menos)
  • There's nothing but...

my vocabulary

  • a cook = un cocinero
  • to get over: superar una dolencia, un achaque
    to overcome: superar obstáculos ('we shall overcome')
    to surpass: una marca
  • llevar una vida interesante = to lead an interesting life



Las tres formas en interrogativa
  • ¿Irás si te lo pido?
    Will you go if I ask you to?
    ¿Irías si te lo pidiera?
    ¿Habrías ido si te lo hubiera pedido?
  • ¿Me ayudarás si te lo pido?
    ¿Me ayudarías si te lo pidiera?
    ¿Me habrías ayudado si te lo hubiese pedido?
  • ¿Me echas una mano si te lo pido?
    Will you give me a hand if I ask you to?
    Second conditional.
    Third conditional.

telephone numbers


nothing but

  • When I was young all I did was play hockey.
    When you were young you did nothing but play hockey.
  • The only thing she did was sing.
  • All they did was sleep.
  • After a big night out all I do is sleep.
  • At Christmas time all I do is eat.
  • Keith Richards all he did was play three notes.
  • All he does is perform with other people.
  • All he did was talk about himself.
  • He only wants the best.
  • He only uses Gibson guitars.
  • It was made exclusively of gold.
    It was made of nothing but gold.
  • She only listens to Vaughan Radio.
    ... to nothing but Vaughan Radio.
  • All they do is talk about themselves.
  • The only think he does is play poker.
  • You only eat beaf in Argentina.
  • They only spoke about Maradona.
    They did nothing but speak about Maradona.
  • He only drank beer in Germany.
  • He only worked the whole weekend.
  • They only talked about their holidays.
  • She only sat around and talked.

vocabulary 99

sore throatdolor de garganta
toothbrushcepillo de dientes
a get-togetheruna reunión de amigos
in slow motiona cámara lenta

translation list 28

  1. Lo superarás, ya verás.
    You'll get over it, you'll see.
  2. Sólo me quedan recuerdos.
    I only have memories left.
  3. Nunca he sido tan feliz.
    I've never been so happy.
  4. Nunca he sentido tanto placer.
    I've never felt so much pleasure.
  5. Nunca he tenido tantos momentos felices.
    I've never had so many happy moments.
  6. Nunca me lo he pasado tan maravillosamente.
    I've never had such a wonderful time.
  7. Siempre he llevado una vida algo aburrida.
    I've always had/led a somewhat boring life.
  8. Pero desde que la conocí, todo eso ha cambiado.
    But since I met her, all that has changed.
  9. No puedo seguir sin ella.
    I can't go on without her.
  10. Se me ha acabado la inspiración.
    I've run out of inspiration.
  11. Ya encontrarás a otra persona.
    You'll find someone else.
  12. Nunca encontraré a nadie como ella.
    I'll never find anyone like her.
viernes 26 febrero 2010
lunes 21 febrero 2011


  • Los conceptos abstractos se usan sin artículo: life, death, love, hate, justice, indiference, money, fear, hope, war, peace, intelligence, success, failure, etc..
  • Los anteriores conceptos, cuando se refieren a casos concretos, van con artículo.
  • Con los verbos de los sentidos –to feel, to taste, to see/look, to hear/sound, to smell– se usa good, no well.

my vocabulary

  • eight out of ten = ocho de cada diez
  • dejar mucho que desear = to leave a lot to be desired


nothing but

  • Sólo comí pasta en Italia.
    I only ate pasta in Italy.
    I ate nothing but pasta in Italy.
  • You only saw a sheep in New Zealand.
    I saw nothing but a sheep in New Zealand.
  • You only drank beer in the Czech Republic.
    You drank nothing but beer in the Czech Republic.
  • The only thing you did in Huelva was sunbathe.
    You did nothing but sunbathe in Huelva.


abstract nouns

  • Ask me if I believe in justice.
  • Ask me if I live in fear.
  • Ask me if love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
  • Ask me if life is a journey, not the destination.
  • Ask me if death and taxes are the only two things that are certain in life.
  • Is war hell? Do you thing war is hell?
  • Do you live in fear of failure?
  • Which is more important: beauty or honesty?
  • Who wrote the book 'War and Peace'?
  • Are you at peace with yourself?
  • Have you ever been at war with yourself?
  • Have you ever been at war with your friends?
  • Is life full of surprises?
  • Is life like a box of chocolates?
  • What is the opposite of justice?
    Injustice is the opposite of justice.
  • Is love blind?
  • Is hate bad?
  • Is blind hate dangerous?
  • Is your English a success?
  • How important is beauty?

abstract nouns

  • La vida que llevó fue dura.
    The life that he led was very hard.
    La vida es muy dura.
    Life is hard.
  • La guerra es horrible.
    War is terrible.
    La Guerra de los Balcanes fue terrible.
    The Balcan War was terrible.
  • Todo el mundo busca la paz.
    Everybody looks for peace.
    Me encanta la paz que hay aquí en estos montes.
    I love the peace that there is in these mountains.
  • El éxito es muy importante para ella.
    Success is very important for her.
    La fiesta fue un éxito.
    The party was [a success/successful].
  • El amor mató a Romeo.
    Love killed Romeo.
    El amor que sintió Romeo por Julieta le llevó al suicidio.
    The love that Romeo felt for Juliet let him to [commit] suicide.
  • ¿Crees en la justicia?
    Do you believe in justice?
    La justicia en ese país deja mucho que desear.
    The justice in that country leaves a lot to be desired.
  • Necesitas más confianza.
    You need more confidence.
    La confianza que tiene ella es impresionante.
    The confidence she has is impressive/amazing.
  • No tengo la paciencia para esperar tanto.
    I don't have the patience to wait so much.
    No tengo paciencia ninguna.
    I don't have any patience.

vocabulary 100

to precedepreceder
sawsierra (herramienta)
to reassuretranquilizar