
Vaughan 4.0

clases 1 a 20
21 a 40
41 a 60
61 a 80
81 a 100
101 a 120
121 a 140
141 a 160
161 a 180
181 a 195

Common Mistakes

lunes 29 marzo 2010
martes 22 marzo 2011



  • Unir dos frases con without y cambio de sujeto:
    con un object pronoun: 'without him knowing'
    o un adjetivo posesivo + gerundio: 'without my knowing'

to calm/settle down

my vocabulary

  • two flights of stairs = dos tramos de escaleras
  • to hell with it! = ¡al diablo con ello!
  • even = nivelado, uniforme (adjetivo)
  • settler = poblador, colono


  • calm /kɑ:m/



  • He did it and he didn't complain.
  • She left and she didn't say a word.
  • Did you sell it and not tell me?
  • Did they do it and not let you know?
  • They went and they didn't let me know.
  • He walked out of the shop and didn't spend a penny.

without with a change of subject

  • He did it and they didn't complain.
    He did it without them complaining.
    He did it without their complaining.
  • She left and I didn't see her.
    She left without me seeing her.
    She left without my seeing her. [Esto es lo más correcto.]
  • Did they do it and you not realize?
    ¿la frase anterior es equivalente a
    Did they do it and you didn't realize?
    por ser pregunta y ahorrarse el did?
    Did they do it without you realizing?
    Did they do it without your realizing?
  • He walked out of the shop and I didn't see him.
    He walked out of the shop without me seeing him.
    He walked out of the shop without my seeing him.


to calm/settle down

  • Did you wait for the audience to settle down before starting your speech?
  • Ask me if I waited for the audience...
  • Ask me why I didn't wait for the audience...
  • Did I wait for the audience...
  • Had Juan calmed down by the time the police arrived?
  • Ask me if Miguel had calmed down by the time...
  • Had Miguel...?
  • Ask me why he hadn't calmed down...
  • Why hadn't he calmed down?

vocabulary 121

statesmanhombre de estado
to chewmasticar
meaninglesssin importancia
to foreseeprever

translation list 39

  1. Si todo va según lo previsto...
    If everything goes as planned...
  2. Se ha demostrado una y otra vez que no es posible.
    It's been proved/proven time and [time] again that it's not possible.
  3. Me da igual, lo voy a hacer.
    I don't care, I'm going to do it.
  4. No quiero causar una mala impresión por llegar tarde.
    I don't want to make a bad impression by arriving/being late.
  5. Es curioso cómo reacciona la gente a veces.
    It's funny how people react at times.
  6. La vista fue realmente impresionante.
    The view was really impressive/astonishing.
  7. Nunca me había dado cuenta de lo plana que era la zona.
    I had never realized how flat the area was.
  8. El vuelo fue retrasado por la niebla.
    The flight was delayed because of the fog.
  9. Seguiré adelante con el plan.
    I'll [go ahead/move forward] with the plan.
  10. No voy a arriesgar el cuello por tí.
    I'm not going to [risk/stick out] my neck for you.
  11. ¿Cómo vas a ganar a un veterano como él?
    How are you going to beat a veteran like him?
  12. Tu egoísmo es muy evidente.
    Your selfishness is very plain to see.
martes 30 marzo 2010
miércoles 23 marzo 2011


  • 'I don't care' es más enérgico que 'I don't mind'


  • bored/boring
    I'm bored with/of the situation because it's boring.
  • tired/tiring
  • interested/interesting
  • fascinated/fascinating
  • amazed/amazing
  • astonished/astonishing
  • impressed/impressive

pages and prepositions

  • Open your book to page 50.
  • What page are we on?
  • I'm on the same page as you.
  • I'm on page xxx.

my vocabulary

  • boredom = aburrimiento
  • headlines = titulares
  • headings = cabecera


to calm/settle down

  • Did you wait for the audience to settle down before you started your speech?
  • Ask me if Juan had calmed down by the time the police arrived.
  • Have you ever told me to settle down?
  • Do you think you need to tell me to settle down sometimes?
  • Tell me to settle down.
    Settle down!
  • Tell me to calm down.
  • Do I tell you to calm down every time I see you?
  • Do you ever tell yourself to calm down?
  • Ask me if I tell myself to calm down often.
  • Do teachers tell their students to settle down?
  • Did your teachers ever tell you to settle down?
  • Ask me if coffee calms me down.
  • Does tea calm you down?



pages and prepositions

on page y sin artículo (para el número de la página)
  • Está en la página 15
    It's on page 15
  • ¿En qué página está?
    What page is it on?
  • El artículo está en la página 102.
    The article is on page 102.
  • ¿En qué página está el artículo?
    What page is the article on?
  • ¿Has visto los titulares en la página 1?
    Have you seen the headlines on [page 1/the first page/the front page]?
    the back page = última página (de un periódico)
    en un libro: the front cover, the back cover
  • ¿Has visto el dibujo en la cubierta?
    Have you seen the picture on the front cover?
  • ¿Has visto la foto en la contraportada?
    Have you seen the photo on the back cover?
  • Vamos a pasar a la página 8.
    Let's turn to page 8.
    We don't use the article when we turn to a page

vocabulary 122

steadycontinuo, constante (steady relationship = relación consolidada
preparado, listo, ¡ya! = ready, steady, go!
steady handshake = apretón firme de manos
wet fish handshake = apretón fofo)
rubbishbasura (rubbish EN, trash y garbage US: las tres como adjetivo)
spousecónyuge (formal)
traptrampa (tramp = vagabundo)
miércoles 31 marzo 2010
jueves 24 marzo 2011


at/in the end

  • El discurso fué tan aburrido que al final todos se quedaron dormidos.
    The speech was so boring that in the end everybody fell asleep.
    The speech was so boring that at the end everybody was delighted to be able to leave the auditorium.

my vocabulary

  • every nook and cranny = hasta en el último rincón
  • tengo problemas económicos
    I'm having financial problems
  • commodity = mercancía
  • please, a big round of applause for him (applause = aplausos, uncountable)
  • cumplir el plazo = to meet the deadline


  • certificate [sə'tɪfɪkɪt] sustantivo
  • graduate /'grædʒueɪt/ verbo
  • graduate /'grædʒuət/ sustantivo


adjectives -ed/-ing

  • Estoy preocupado por mi situación económica.
    I'm worried about my economic situation.
  • Es una situación preocupante.
    It's a worrying situation.
  • Estoy aburrido.
    I'm bored.
  • ¡Qué clase maś aburrida!
    What a boring class!
  • Yo estaba sorprendido por su reacción.
    I was surprised by his reaction.
  • Su reacción era sorprendente.
    His reaction was surprising.

on page

  • ¿En qué página está?
    What page is it on?
  • ¿En qué página estás?
    What page are you on?
  • Todavía estoy en la página 20.
    I'm still on page 20.
  • ¿En qué página está el artículo?
    What page is the article on?
  • El artículo está en la página 37.
    The article is on page 37.
  • Hay un error en la página 124.
    There is a mistake on page 124.
  • ¿En qué página está el error?
    What page is the mistake on?
  • Hay algo interesante en la página 5.
    There is something interesting on page 5.
  • ¿En qué página está la cosa interesante?
    What page is the interesting thing on?


in the end, at the end of

  • Al final nos lo pasamos bien.
    In the end we had a great/good time.
  • Al final nos quedamos en casa.
    In the end we stayed at home.
  • Al final decidió cancelar la reunión.
    In the end he decided to [cancel/call off] the meeting.
  • Al final no contrataron a gente nueva.
    In the end they didn't hire new people.
  • When the concert ended we went for a drink.
    At the end of the concert we went for a drink.
  • I woke up when the speech ended.
    I woke up at the end of the speech.
  • They brought out the champagne when the party ended.
  • When the course ended we received a certificate.
    At the end of the course we received a certificate.
  • When the trip ended he lost his passport.
    At the end of the trip he lost his passport.
  • They announced the winner when the show ended.
    They announced the winner at the end of the show.
  • Al final no cumplieron el plazo.
    In the end they didn't meet the deadline.

vocabulary 123

catchy (una canción)pegadizo
cease-firealto el fuego
part-timea tiempo parcial

translation list 40

  1. Nunca he podido encontrar una cura duradera.
    I've never been able to find a lasting cure.
  2. Ello no perjudica mi rendimiento en el trabajo.
    It doesn't hurt my [job performance/performance on the job].
  3. De eso puedes estar seguro.
    You can be sure of that.
  4. Seré millonario para cuando llegue a los 65 años.
    I'll be a millionaire by the time I reach 65.
  5. Este trabajo requiere rellenar impresos.
    This job requires filling [out AM/in EN] forms.
    to fill in a blank, to fill in a box ambos AM y EN
  6. Te volverás loco en un mes, si no antes.
    You'll go crazy in a month if not [before/sooner].
  7. Ella trabaja más que antes.
    She works more than she used to.
  8. Es extraño lo mucho que alguna gente cambia con los años.
    It's funny/strange how much some people change over the years.
  9. Ahora asumo más responsabilidad.
    Now I take on more responsibilities.
  10. Me enseñaron las fotos que habían sacado.
    They showed me the pictures they had taken.
  11. Creo que lo hacen a propósito.
    I think they do it on purpose.
  12. Si no, no tiene sentido.
    Otherwise it [makes no/doesn't make any] sense.
lunes 5 abril 2010
viernes 25 marzo 2011


  • out of = de un total de
    By the end of this class we will have completed 124 out of 195 classes.

to get off to a good start

  • Empezar con buen pie

to get someone to do something

  • We're trying to get them to be quiet.
  • to get sb to do sth = conseguir que alguien haga algo
  • to make someone do something = hacer que alguien haga algo
  • I need to find the way to get you to progress.

my vocabulary

  • some people fill out = alguna gente se hace maś corpulenta
  • Are you threatening me?
    No, it's a promise.
  • levantarse con el pie izquierdo = to get up on the wrong side of the bed
  • things are looking up = las cosas están mejorando


in/at the end

  • Al final decidí no comprar la casa.
    In the end I decided not to buy the house.
  • Al final del partido me fui a tomar una cerveza.
    At the end of the match I went to have a beer.
  • Al final del discurso me dormí.
    At the end of the speech I fell asleep.
  • Al final decidí no hacerlo.
    In the end I decided not to do it.
  • Al final de la obra de teatro, el actor se cayó del escenario.
    At the end of the play, the actor fell off the stage.
  • Al final del curso van a saber muchísimo inglés.
  • Al final deberían de hacerlo.
  • At the end of the day = finalmente (no significa literalmente "al final del día")


to get off to a good start

  • Ask me if I got off to a good start this morning.
    Did you get off to a good start this morning?
    No, I got up on the wrong side of the bed.
  • Ask me if my radio program got off to a good start.
    Did your radio program get off to a good start?
    Yes, actually my radio program got off to a great start, because they brought me a cake.
  • Ask me whose birthday it was.
    Whose birthday was it?
    ... so today we got off to a good start at work because we had coffee, and cake...
  • Ask me if I've ever gotten off to a bad start.
    Have you ever gotten off to a bad start?
  • Have you ever gotten off to a bad start with someone when you met him?
  • Sometimes when you get off to a bad start, you can turn it around and things look up.

to get someone to do something

  • Conseguí que él lo hiciera.
    I got him to do it.
  • ¿Conseguiste que enviaran los informes?
    Did you get them to send the reports?
  • Did you get Steven to design the invitations?
  • Why did you get Steven to design the invitations?
  • Ask me who you should've got to design the invitations.
    Who should I've got to design the invitations?
    I think you should've got Annie to design the invitations.
  • Ask me why you should've got Annie to design the invitations.
    Why should I've got Annie to design the invitations?
    You should've got Annie to design the invitations because she's a better designer than Steven.
  • So, why should've you got Annie to design the invitations?
    I should've got Annie...
  • Did you get Roger to arrange the music?
    Yes, I got Roger to arrange the music.
    Why did you get Roger to arrange the music?
    I got Roger to arrange the music because he was the only one there at that moment.
  • Ask me who you should've got to arrange the music.
    Who should I've got to arrange the music?
    You should've got Alberto to arrange the music.
  • Ask me why you should've got Alberto to arrange the music.
    Why should I've got Alberto to arrange the music?
    Because he's a musical genius, that's why.

vocabulary 124

to blackmailchantajear
to inheritheredar
at the expense ofa expensas de
to split hairsrizar el rizo
martes 6 abril 2010
lunes 28 marzo 2011


  • She never gets me to do what she wants me to do.

to take up time

  • ocupar tiempo


to get off to a good start

  • Did you and I get off to a good start?
  • Ask me if I got off to a bad start with my future mother in law.
  • What would you do if you got off to a bad start with your new boss?
  • Ask me what I'd do if I get off to a bad start with my neighbour.

to get someone to do something

  • Conseguí que él lo hiciera.
    I got him to do it.
  • ¿Conseguiste que revisaran los informes?
    Did you get them to revise the reports?
  • ¿Conseguiste que él hiciera la cena?
    Did you get him to make dinner?
  • ¿Conseguiste que ellos hicieran la fiesta en su casa?
    Did you get them to have the party at their house?


to take up time

  • Does replying to e-mails take up too much of your time?
  • Ask me if replying to e-mails takes up too much of my time.
  • Does paperwork take up a lot of your time?
  • Ask me if paperwork takes up a lot of my time.
  • Ask me if learning Spanish takes up a lot of my time.
  • Does learning English take up a lot of your time?
  • Does doing your tax return take up too much of your time?
  • Does attending meetings take up a lot of your time?
  • Ask me if attending meetings takes up...
  • Does choosing Christmas presents take up a too much of your time?
  • Does preparing dinner take up too much of your time?
    No, preparing dinner doesn't take up any of my time.
  • Ask me if preparing dinner takes up...
  • Does learning phrasal verbs take up too much of your time?
  • Does learning irregular verbs take up too much of your time?
  • Does learning conditionals take up too much of your time?

vocabulary 125

snowstormtormenta de nieve
to yellgritar
sooner or latertarde o temprano
so far so goodhasta el momento, todo bien

translation list 41

  1. Dejaron toda su fortuna al cartero.
    They left their whole fortune to the postman/mailman.
  2. Parecían una pareja tan normal.
    They seemed like such a normal couple.
  3. Casi nadie les hacía caso.
    Hardly anyone payed any attention to them.
  4. Hay una escasez de materias primas.
    There's a shortage of raw materials.
  5. Tenemos que recurrir a las importaciones.
    We have to resort to imports.
  6. Es el único modo de que podamos sobrevivir.
    It's the only way we can survive.
  7. Estoy interesado en ofrecerte lo mejor.
    I'm interesed in offering you the best.
  8. Quiero hacerte unas preguntas más.
    I want to ask you a few more questions.
  9. Cuando se trata de mujeres, él se considera un experto.
    When it comes to women, he considers himself an expert.
  10. Era un asunto de vida o muerte.
    It was a matter/question of life or death.
  11. Todo saldrá bien.
    Everything will come/turn/work out fine.
  12. Le conozco desde hace bastante tiempo.
    I've known him for quite [a long/some] time.
miércoles 7 abril 2010
martes 29 marzo 2011


next to, beside, by

  • next to = beside: adyacente
    by: próximo a
  • next door = adyacente

besides, apart from, aside from

  • apart from: aparte de
    aside from: aparte de
    besides: aparte/además de
  • besides/apart from = además/aparte de
    besides + objeto = objeto + aside

my vocabulary

  • drawback = inconveniente


  • whole /həʊl/
  • mailman /'meɪlmæn/ AmE
  • postman /'pəʊstmən/ BrE
  • mortgage /'mɔ:gɪdʒ/
  • debt /det/


to take up time

  • Does replying to e-mails take up a lot of your time?
  • Does studying English take up a lot of your time?
  • Does cleaning your house take up a lot of your time?


next to, beside

  • My house is next to the metro.
    Your house is beside the metro.
  • Is your house next to a farmacy?
  • Would you like to live next to Big Ben?
  • Is the table beside me or behind me?
  • Is the Eiffel tower next to you right now?
  • Would you like to be next to the Eiffel tower right now?
  • Is your house next to mine?
  • Do we live next to each other?
    No, we don't live [next to/beside] each other.
  • Is Rome next to Madrid?
  • Do you keep your toothbrush next to your shoes?
    No, I don't keep my toothbrush [next to/beside] my shoes.
  • Are my feet next to each other?
    My feet are [beside/next to] each other.
  • Are my eyes next to each other?
  • Would you like to live next to tigers?
  • Is France [next to/beside] Germany?
  • Is Portugal next to Spain or next to Bulgaria?
  • Is there a fire station next to your house?
  • Should wolves live next to rabbits?
  • If you were a wolf would you like to live next to rabbits?
  • If you were a rabbit would you like to live next to wolves?

besides, apart from, aside

  • Apart from the kitchen, the rest of the house are very spacious.
    Besides the kichen, the rest...
    The kitchen aside, the rest...
  • Apart from his lack of punctuality his a very good employee.
  • Apart from the weather, we had a good time.
    Besides he weather, we had a good time.
    The weather aside, we had a good time.
  • Apart from his oncle Jack, all my husband's family is nice.
  • Apart from maths I was good at all subjects at school.
  • Apart from the traffic I like living in Madrid.
  • Apart from that horrible building, it's a very nice city.
  • Apart from the noise, I like my flat.
  • Apart from my mortgage, I don't have any debts.
    Aside my mortgage,...
    Besides my mortgage,...

vocabulary 126

somewhat (+ adjective)algo
tongue twistertrabalenguas (tongue /tʌŋ/)
toothachedolor de de muelas
jueves 8 abril 2010
miércoles 30 marzo 2011


review: besides

  • in addition to

to be supposed to

to require + gerundio

my vocabulary

  • perk = beneficio, ventaja


  • perk /pɜːk/
  • supposed /sə'pəʊzd/
  • question /'kwestʃən/


beside, besides

  • My house is beside the metro.
  • Is your house next to the farmacy?
  • Would you like to live next to the Big Ben?
  • The butcher's is next to the supermarket.
  • The School is next to the Town Hall.
  • I used to live next to a parking lot.
  • Apart from a few scratches the climber was fine.
    Besides a few...
  • The weather isn't going to be nice, what's more it's going to rain.
    The weather..., besides it's going to rain.
  • Apart from the kitchen, the rest of the rooms are quite small.
  • Apart from the bandage we didn't put anything else on his arm.
  • I don't have time to go to lunch, what's more I'm not even hungry.
    I don't have time to go to lunch, besides I'm not even hungry.


to be supposed to

bastante similar a to have to
  • I have to call my parents twice a week.
    You're supposed to call your parentes twice a week.
  • Do you have to answer my questions out loud?
    Am I supposed to answer your questions out loud?
  • Does this course have to be taken seriously?
    Is this course supposed to be taken seriously?
  • You have to take this course seriously.
    I'm supposed to take this course seriously.
  • You have to study everyday.
  • You have to do the on-line test everyday.
  • You have to come to class everyday.
  • I have to prepare these classes well.
  • I have to correct all the mistakes you make.
    You're supposed to correct...
  • I have to be demanding.
    You're supposed to be demanding.

vocabulary 127

to get lostperderse
warrantygarantía (garantizar = to guarantee)

translation list 42

  1. Él nunca llegó de vuelta al campamento.
    He never made it back to the camp.
  2. Los dos libros están agotados.
    The two books are sold out.
  3. Solemos tener un stock bastante grande.
    We usually have a pretty big stock.
  4. ¿Has encontrado lo que buscabas?
    [Did you find/Have you found] what you're looking for?
  5. El puesto requiere viajar al extranjero.
    The job requires travelling abroad.
  6. Cuando se entere el jefe, te matará.
    When the boss finds out he'll kill you.
  7. ¿Por qué hiciste que se quitaran los ventiladores?
    Why did you have the fans removed?
  8. Nunca tendrás éxito mientras tengas esa actitud.
    You'll never succeed as long as you have that attitude.
  9. Me dirigí al público sin micrófono.
    I adressed the audience/public without a microphone.
  10. Él nos recordó nuestras obligaciones.
    He reminded us of our obligations.
  11. Por muy bien que conduzcas, los accidentes pueden ocurrir.
    No matter how well you drive, accidents can happen.
  12. Ocurren cuando menos te lo esperas.
    They happen when you least to expect them.
viernes 9 abril 2010
jueves 31 marzo 2011


  • travelling EN/traveling AM
  • to remind + of
  • what is it to you?
    we had to cover for you.
    I couldn't make it!

to take up space

  • to take up = ocupar espacio o tiempo
    to take up = tener como afición
  • to take up a lot of space

my vocabulary

  • to make it = asistir, presentarse, acudir
  • to come up = surgir, aparecer inesperadamente
  • uptight = a little angry
  • to be on time = ser puntual
  • to be in time = llegar a la hora (para algo)


  • wardrobe /'wɔ:drəʊb/


to be supposed to

  • I have to call my parents at least four times a week.
    I'm supposed to call my parents at least four times a week.
  • Do I have to answer your questions aloud?
    Am I supposed to answer your questions aloud?
  • Does this course have to be taken seriously?
    Is this course supposed to be taken seriously?


to be supposed to

  • I had to call my wife at four o'clock yesterday, but I didn't.
    I was supposed to call ...
  • I had to buy some coffee for my wife, but I forgot.
    I was supposed to buy ...
  • They had to call us yesterday (our suppliers), but they didn't.
    They were supposed to call us, ...
  • Did I have to be here at seven o'clock?
    Was I supposed to be here...?
  • Did he have to call me today?
    Was he supposed to call me today?
  • Did more people have to go to the meeting?
    Were more people supposed to go to the meeting?
  • Did more people have to go to the conference?
  • I had to be here at ten o'clock, and I didn't get here, I didn't make it.
    I was supposed to be here...
    No fuí puntual = I wasn't on time
    I'm a punctual person.
    to be in time = llegar a la hora para algo: for the meeting, for the train
  • You had to be here at ten fifteen and you    late.
  • And your husband was supposed to come here too.
  • They had to bring some flowers.
  • He was supposed to bring some flour, but he didn't.

to take up space

  • Does this chair take up a lot of space in the studio?
  • Would a king-size bed take up a lot of space in the studio?
  • Ask me if my boyfriend thinks my shoes take up too much space in our wardrobe.
  • Do your shoes take up too much space?
  • Does your computer take up a lot of space on your desk?
  • Ask me what takes up the least space in my living room.
    What takes up the least space in your living room?
  • Ask me if my dad's car takes up most of the space in his garage.
    Does your dad's car take up most of the space in his garage?
  • Sus perfumes ocupan demasiado espacio en su baño.
    Her perfumes take up too much space in her bathroom.
  • Ese sillón no ocupa suficiente sitio.
    That sofa/couch doesn't take up enough space.
  • Ojalá mi ropa no ocupara tanto sitio.
    I wish my clothes didn't take up so much space.
  • Espero que tus deberes ocupen mucho sitio en tu cuaderno.
    I hope your homework takes up a lot of space in your notebook.

vocabulary 128

to replacesustituir
lunes 12 abril 2010
viernes 1 abril 2011


the latin subjunctive

  • I recommend/insist/suggest/demand/beg that she come.
    subjuntivo al estilo latino
  • I [want/would like] her to come.
  • Déjame recomendarte un restaurante.
    Let me recommend a restaurant.
    to recommend: casi siempre sin complemento indirecto, y en caso de que hubiera, sería con to (recommend me to your boss)
  • Subjuntivo al estilo latino: recomiendo que ella venga
  • Quiero que ella venga.
    I want her to come.
  • Insistí en que viniera.
    I insisted/suggested/demanded/recommended that she come.
  • 'She come' es presente de subjuntivo.
  • Insisto en que ella esté.
    I insist that she be.
  • Insistí en que no llegara tarde.
    I insisted that she not arrive late.
  • I recommended that she not go to the beach.
  • I demanded that she not call me by 'tú'.
  • I recommended that she be here on time and not be late.

my vocabulary

  • to floss (one's teeth) = usar el hilo dental
  • hilo dental = dental floss
  • más o menos (como respuesta corta) = kind of, sort of


to be supposed to

  • I had to buy eight apples.
    You were supposed to buy eight apples.
  • Did I have to set the alarm clock for seven?
    Were you supposed to set the alarm clock for seven?
  • Did more people have to go to the meeting?
    Were more people supposed to go to the meeting?
  • I had to take out the rubbish.
    You were supposed to take out the rubbish.
  • You had to do your homework lastnight.
    I was supposed to do my homework lastnight.

to take up space

  • Does this chair take up a lot of space in the studio?
  • Would a king-size bed take up a lot of space in the studio?
  • Ask me if a king-size bed would take up...
  • Does this table take up a lot of space in the studio?
  • Would an elephant take up too much space in your garage?


to recommend

  • They wanted us to fix it.
    They recommended that we fix it.
  • She wanted us to try again.
    She recommended that we try again.
  • My doctor suggested that I eat more fruit, so what did he recommend?
  • My dentist told me I should floss my teeth more often, so what does he recommend?
    He recommends that you floss your teeth mor often.
  • The trainers told me I should lift weights.
    The trainers recommended thay you lift weights.
  • Richard told me I should read out loud more to improve my Spanish.
    Richard recommended you read out loud...
  • The experts say that you should wash your hands regularly.
    ... recommend that you wash your...
  • I suggest doing something ten thousand times to master it.
    ... recommend that we do something ...
  • My brother thought I should read a new book.
    Your brother recommended that you read a new book.
  • They say you should drink 68 glasses of water a day.
  • She thinks I should get new glasses.
  • They suggested that I ask for help if I need it.
  • They think he shouldn't drink so much.
    They recommended that he doesn't drink so much.
  • I don't think that you should worry about him.
    You recommend that I don't worry about him.
  • I think we should fix it as soon as possible.
    You recommend we fix it asap.
  • He feels it's best to put onion in the tortilla.
    He recommends you put onion...
  • He feels that we should get more fresh air.
    He recommends that we get more fresh air.
  • I suggest you play sports at least once a week.
    You recommend that I play sports at least once a week.
    I recommend that everyone plays sports at least once a week.
    sports: AM
    sport: EN

vocabulary 129

thuspor lo tanto
to boostaumentar, potenciar
better late than nevermás vale tarde que nunca
a skepticescéptico

translation list 43

  1. El conductor no llevaba cinturón.
    The driver wasn't wearing a seat belt.
  2. ¿Quién se [queda con/cuida a] el bebé cuando vas de compras?
    Who [stays with/looks after] the baby when you go shopping?
  3. Ellos son la clave de mi éxito.
    They're the key to my succes.
  4. Pronto se desanimarán y perderán eficacia.
    They'll soon get discouraged and lose effectiveness.
  5. Tardé un año en dominar el tema.
    It took me a year to master the subject.
  6. ¿Te das cuenta de lo rico que eres?
    Do you realize how rich you are?
  7. Él está muy por delante de sus compañeros de clase.
    He's [far/way] ahead of his classmates.
  8. Estás perdiendo tu toque mágico.
    You're losing your magic touch.
  9. Te costará entenderles, ya verás.
    You'll have trouble understanding them, you'll see.
  10. No quiero, pero no me queda más remedio.
    I don't want to, but I have no choice.
  11. No me gusta pedir trabajo a los amigos.
    I don't like asking [my] friends for a job.
  12. Iba a ser una fiesta sorpresa.
    It was going to be a surprise party.
martes 13 abril 2010
lunes 4 abril 2011


  • another se usa delante de nombres en singular, pero también delante de números:
    Another two people came.
  • the door key, the car key, but the key to your heart/success
  • to brush up on maths = repasar/refrescar/pulir las mates

pronombres relativos que se eliden

  • ejemplos
    • The man I was talking to before the class is a friend of yours.
      The man whom I was speaking to is...
      The man to whom I was speaking is...
    • The book I'm using today is the same one as yesterday.
      The book that I'm using today...
    • The place I went to last night was a new restaurant.
      The place where I went to...
    • The person I'm looking at right now is you.
    • You're the person I'm talking to.
      You're the person whom I'm talking to.
  • Si no cambia el sujeto, no se puede elidir:
    Camera number three is the camera that does nothing.
  • Cambiando el sujeto, se puede elidir:
    Camera number one is the camera I use.

my vocabulary

  • the jackpot = el premio gordo
  • to make a mess of something = hacer algo mal
  • to make a right mess of something = hacer algo muy mal


to recommend [that]

  • My friend shouldn't shout so much.
    You recommend your friend not shout so much.
  • Should you study a minimum of five hours a day?
    Do you recommend I study a minimum of five hours a day?
  • She should always be on time for class.
    Do you recommend that she always be on time for class?


to make a mess of something

  • Have you ever made a mess of your hair?
  • Has anyone else ever made a mess of...?
  • Has your hairdresser ever made a mess of...?
  • Ask me if I've ever made a mess of my own hair.
  • Ask me how I made a mess of my own hair.
  • Ask me if I've ever made a mess of a recipe.
  • Ask me if I've ever made a mess of my kitchen.
  • Ask me how I made a mess of my kitchen.
  • Do you know anybody who always makes a complete mess of everything?
  • Ask me if I sometimes make a mess of my Spanish.
  • Ask me if I sometimes make a right mess of my Spanish verbs.
  • When was the last time you made a mess of your kitchen?
  • Has anyone ever made a mess of your house?
  • Did Hitler make a mess of the invasion of Russia?
  • Have you ever made a mess of a song?
  • Do some famous musicians make a mess of songs?
  • Has Plácido Domingo ever made a mess of a beautiful aria?
  • Do people ever make a mess of their lives?
  • Do some famous people make a mess of their lives?
  • Do you know anyone who's made a right mess of their own lives?
  • How often did you make a mess of your parents's house when you were a child?
  • Have you ever made a mess of your parents's house?
  • Did Picasso make a mess of his paintings?
  • Does polution make a mess of rivers?
  • Do corrupt politicians make a mess of poor countries?
  • Does eating to much chocolate make a right mess of your health?
  • Would drinking two litres of whisky every day make a right mess of your health?
  • Would not practising your English make a mess of your English?
    Yes, if I didn't practise my Engish, I would make a mess of it.

that: ¿opcional u obligatorio?

  • I saw a movie. The movie was in French.
    The movie [that] I saw was in French.
  • She bought a dress. The dress was pink.
    The dress [that] she bought was pink.
  • He bought a book. The book was written by García Márquez.
    The book [that] he bought was written by García Márquez.
  • The house is next to the river. The house is blue.
    The house that is next to the river is blue.
  • The car is in the garage. The car is mine.
    The car that is in the garage is mine.
  • The building is next to the museum. The building is very old.
    The building that is next to the museum is very old.
  • The computer is in my office. The computer is expensive.
    The computer that is in my office is expensive.

vocabulary 130

EasterSemana Santa
miércoles 14 abril 2010
martes 5 abril 2011


to brush up on

  • to brush up on my English = repasar mi inglés
    I need to brush up on my Algebra, but heavy brushing up.

my vocabulary

  • to mess sth. up = estropear algo
  • to brush = cepillar, rozar
  • rusty = oxidado
  • to catch up = ponerse al día, recuperar
  • you can make or break this program


  • encore /'ɒŋkɔ:/
  • endurance /ɪn'djʊərəns/


to do a mess of

+ nombre (o gerundio)
a [complete (AM)/right (BR)] mess
  • Have you ever made a mess of a recipe?
  • Have you ever made a mess of a cake?
  • The company that made the Titanic, did they make a mess of it?
  • Have companies ever made a mess of new products?
  • Did he make a mess of his plans?
  • Did they make a mess of organising the concert?
  • Have they made a mess of a lot of things lately?
  • Did he make a mess of the dinner party?
  • Did he make a mess of the project?
  • Did they make a mess of the new advertising campaign?
  • Did we make a mess of that segment?

pronombres relativos

  • I bought a car. The car was second-hand.
    The car that I bought was second-hand.
  • The book is on the table. The book is blue.
    The book that is on the table is blue.
  • I got a table at a yard sale. The table was second-hand.
    The table that you got at a yard sale was second-hand.
  • The dog is under the table. The dog is fat.
    The dog [that is] under the table is fat.
  • We saw a movie yesterday. The movie was boring.
    The movie that you saw yesterday was boring.
  • We did the job. The job was difficult.
    The job that you did was difficult.
  • He bought a new computer. The computer was expensive.
    The computer [that] he bought was expensive.


to brush up on

When you are a little rusty on something, you need to brush up on it.
  • Do you need to brush up on your English?
  • What do you think you need to brush up on the most?
    ¿Qué crees que es lo que más necesitas desempolvar?
    I think I need to brush up on maths the most.
  • Did you brush up on your Highway Code before you took your driver's test?
  • What would you brush up on, if you had more extra time?
  • Ask me what I would brush up on, if I had more extra time.
  • Are you brushing up on anything with your 14 month old baby?
  • What about your wife, is your wife brushing up on anything with your son?
  • What about at work, is there anything you think you should brush up on just a little bit more?
  • Ask me how often I brush up on my Spanish.
  • What do you think people in general should brush up on?
  • Do you think you would have to brush up on anything specific when your son starts getting older?

vocabulary 131

endurancefondo o aguante

translation list 44

  1. Él no se presentó hasta mucho más tarde.
    He didn't show/turn up until much later.
  2. ¿Cómo se supone que debe de hacerse?
    How is it supposed to be done?
  3. Yo preferiría jugar al tenis que ir al dentista.
    I'd rather play tennis than go to the dentist.
  4. Así soy y no lo puedo evitar.
    That's [the way/how] I am and I can't help it.
  5. Déjame esa decisión a mí.
    Leave that decision up to me.
  6. Avísame en cuanto estés listo.
    [Call me/Let me know] as soon as you're ready.
  7. Hay muchos factores que influyen en mí.
    There are a lot of factors that influence me.
  8. No dejes que ello te deprima.
    Don't let it [get you down/depress you].
  9. Tardé un año en acostumbrarme a la comida.
    It took me a year to get used to the food.
  10. Dan por sentado que sabes álgebra.
    They take for granted you know Algebra.
  11. Aquí la temperatura apenas baja de los 15 grados.
    Here the temperature hardly ever falls/drops below 15 degrees.
  12. Siempre llevo una camiseta debajo.
    I always wear a T-shirt underneath.
jueves 15 abril 2010
miércoles 6 abril 2011


  • so much the better = tanto mejor
    If you can put it together, so much the better.


  • shouting, throwing, pointing, looking, laughing to/at
    at es más directo y agresivo que to
  • laughing at someone = reirse de alguien
  • shout to: para llamar la atención
    shout at: con enfado
  • throw to: lanzar o arrojar algo por el aire
    throw at: arrojar algo con intención de hacer daño

my vocabulary

  • making fun of someone = burlarse de alguien
  • duck = agacharse
  • ojo por ojo = an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
  • to cost (someone) an arm and a leg = to cost a fortune
  • a rip-off = un atraco, un timo, un plagio
  • expensive = costly
  • It's a walk in the park = It's a piece of cake
  • a chatterbox = un charlatán
  • to have the gift of gab = poder hablar de cualquier cosa (tener un pico de oro)
  • gab = cotorrear, charlar
  • to hatch = salir del cascarón
    don't count your chickens before they hatch


to brush up on sth.

  • Are you brushing up on your English in this course?
  • Ask me if I need to brush up on my Portuguese.



  • Ví a mi padre en la calle y le grité porque no me oía.
    I saw my father in the street and I shouted to him because he couldn't hear me.
  • Mi jefe me gritó porque llegué tarde.
    My boss shouted at me because I was late.
  • I'm throwing the pen to you. Catch, here we go!
  • I'm going to throw the pen at you.
    No, please!
    Duck, duck!
  • If I threw a pen at you, would you be angry?
  • If I threw a pen at you, would you shout at me?
  • If I threw a pen at you, would you throw it back at me?
  • If I laughted at you, would you get angry?
  • If I laughted at you, would you shout at me?
  • Ask me if you shouted at me, if I would throw a pen at you.
    If I shouted at you, would you throw a pen at me?
    Of course I would.

to cost ...

  • El coche me costó un güevo.
    The car cost me an arm and a leg.
  • Did that watch cost you an arm and a leg?
  • Ask me if diamonds cost an arm and a leg.
  • Did your wife's Christmas present cost an arm and a leg?
  • Ask me if this course costs an arm and a leg.
    No, it's very affordable.

vocabulary 132

swamppantano, ciénaga (mud = barro, muddy = con barro)
talkativehablador (chatterbox = charlatán)
viernes 16 abril 2010
jueves 9 abril 2011


subjuntivo estilo latino

  • Subjuntivo normal: con infinitivo
    quiero que vengas = I want you to come
    me gustaría que ella estuviera = I would like her to be
  • Subjuntivo estilo latino
    con verbos: insistir, recomendar, sugerir y exigir (insist, recommend, suggest, demand)
    o con ese sentido: es importante que, es esencial, es vital, etc.
    (important, essential, vital, crucial)
    es esencial que ella esté aquí mañana = it's essential that she be ...
    insistí en que ella esté aquí mañana = I insisted that she be ...
    It's important that she know the true reason why we are doing this.
    Es necesario: a diferencia de "es importante", "es esencial", "es vital", "es crucial", etc.:
    It's important/essential/vital/crucial that he know the answer
    It's necessary that he know the answer:
    I need him to know the answer = It's necessary for him to know the answer
  • Con 'important' y 'necessary' se puede hacer de dos formas:
    1) It's important/necessary for him/her/us/… + to + infinitive
    It's important for María to come here on time everyday
    2) It's important that María come here on time everyday


  • entre dos: between
  • entre más de dos: among

my vocabulary

  • likewise = asimismo, de la misma manera
  • to lose one's temper = to blow one's top = to fly off the handle


  • among /ə'mʌŋ/



to throw at/to, to shout at/to laugh at/with
  • Ví a mi padre en la calle y le grité porque no me oía.
    I saw my father in the street and I shouted to him because he couldn't hear me.
  • El niño se reía de su compañero de clase.
    The boy was laughing at his classmate.
  • Si no hubieras contestado bien, te hubiese gritado.
    If you hadn't answered properly, I would've shouted at you.

to cost someone an arm and a leg

  • Did your car cost you an arm and a leg?
  • Ask me if this cardigan cost me an arm and a leg.
  • Do you think your dream house would cost you an arm and a leg?
  • Ask me when something last cost me an arm and a leg.
    When did something last cost you an arm and a leg?
  • Ask me if I'd buy some shoes that cost an arm and a leg.
    Would you buy some shoes that cost you...?
  • Does flying first class cost an arm and a leg?


subjuntivo latino

It's important, crucial, necessary, essential, vital that...
  • They have to win this game.
    It's essential that they win this game.
  • We have to start early.
  • They have to fix the computer before the weekend.
  • I have to clean my house every weekend.
  • We have to work hard.
  • I have to think of a lot of examples.
  • They have to check all the equipment first.
  • I have to wear my seat belt while driving.
  • He has to be at the office on time.
  • I have to change the batteries before starting.
  • She has to check the weather before leaving for the trip.
  • We have to buy a new one.
  • They have to quit smoking right away.
  • I have to ask the students a lot of questions.
  • He has to follow the instructions.
  • She has to learn to operate the machinery.
  • We have to improve the sales figures.
  • Alberto has to show up to the office on time.
  • They have to be prepared for the negotiation.
  • They have to find a new manager.
  • She has to learn the process.

vocabulary 133

heat waveola de calor

translation list 45

  1. Puedes elegir entre muchas ofertas de trabajo.
    You can choose among many job offers.
  2. Ahora ni siquiera leen mi currículum.
    Now they don't even read my CV.
  3. No debiste decir eso.
    You shoudn't have said that.
  4. Tienes la risa más contagiosa que jamás he oído.
    You have the most contagious laugh I've ever heard.
  5. Una vez que empiezo a reir, no puedo parar.
    Once I start [laughing/to laugh], I can't stop.
  6. Puedo manejar el teléfono con relativa facilidad.
    I can handle the telephone with relative ease.
  7. Él tiende a perder los estribos.
    He ['s prone/tends] to lose [stirrup/his temper].
  8. En el fondo él es un tipo majo.
    Deep down he's a nice guy.
  9. A todo el mundo le gusta un final feliz.
    Everyone likes a happy ending.
  10. Puesto que nunca me pides mi opinión, me callo.
    Since you never ask me for my opinion, I [shut up/keep quiet].
  11. No tengo ni idea de dónde podrían estar.
    I have no idea where they could be.
  12. Él insistió en venir.
    He insisted on coming.
lunes 19 abril 2010
viernes 8 abril 2011


to talk

  • to talk to/with, to talk about
  • to talk down to is to speak to others in a condescending way
  • to look down his nose at someone: mirar por encima del hombro a alguien
    they look down their nose at people
  • He thinks he is, 'quote, unquote' (antes de lo entrecomillado), the best teacher of the world.
  • To talk down is an inseparable phrasal verb: you must put the object or the person that you're talking down to after the preposition.

no sooner had... than...

No sooner had + acción en pasado + than + acción en pasado
Apenas + ... + ...
  • No sooner had I changed to camera 1, than she told me to go back to camera 2.
  • No sooner had I taken a sip, than...
  • Nada más ver a Pepe, le invitaron al cine:
    As soon as they saw Pepe, they invited him to the movies.
    No sooner had they seen Pepe, than they invited him to the movies.

my vocabulary

  • that's it = se acabó
  • ya no más
    no longer
    any longer
  • gafe = jinx
  • to show off = presumir, fanfarronear



  • Es importante que llegues puntual.
    It's important that you be on time.
  • She has to do exercises everyday.
    It's essential that she do exercises everyday.
  • They have to win this game.
    It's crucial that they win this game.
  • He has to be on time.
    It's important that he be on time.
  • I have to get my hair cut.
    It's important you get your hair cut.
    It's important he get his hair cut.
  • Es esencial que estés ahí.
    It's essential that you be there.


to talk down to someone

  • Do you talk down to people?
  • Ask me the same question.
  • Did your neighbour talk down to you last week?
  • Did you talk down to your neighbour last week?
  • Would you come here if I talk down to you?
  • Do bosses sometimes talk down to their employees?
  • Ask me if I ever talk down to my students.
    Do you ever talk down to your students?
  • How often do you talk down to your daughter?
  • Did the president of the company talk down to his secretary yesterday?
  • If you were a doctor, would you talk down to your patients?
  • Ask me if he used to talk down to his wife.
  • Ask me if I'd quit my job if my boss talked down to me.
  • Do you ever talk down to your students.

no sooner had... than...

  • No sooner had the game started, than the football player sprained his ankle.
  • No sooner had the class finished, than we had to start the next class.
  • to fall asleep, to snore, he:
    No sooner had he fallen asleep, than he started to snore.
  • get the job, get fired:
    No sooner had he gotten the job, than he got fire.

vocabulary 134

to surpasssobrepasar
to wrap upenvolver, terminar
snakeserpiente, culebra
the sooner the bettercuanto antes
whenevercuando quieras
martes 20 abril 2010
lunes 11 abril 2011



  • Sustantivo: maravilla
  • Verbo
    I wonder what's the matter with her. (^o^)
    I wonder what the matter is with her.
  • I wonder = me pregunto
    I wonder why she's so quiet.
    I wonder why she's not smiling.
  • no wonder = no es de extrañar
    No wonder she's upset.
    No wonder he's angry.

my vocabulary

  • soaking wet = calado hasta los huesos (adjetivo)
  • I lack = Yo carezco de


no sooner had... than...

  • The game started and the football player immediately spraind his ankle.
    No sooner had the game started than the football player sprained his ankle.
  • The class finished and I went straight to the train station.
    No sooner had the class finished than I went straight to the train station.

to talk down to

= to patronize, to condescend
  • Do you like when people talk down to you?
  • Does your boss talk down to you?
  • Do you talk down to your son?
  • Would you come here if I talked down to you?
  • Nobody likes to be talked down to.
  • Have you ever had any teachers that talk down to you when you were in school?


it's no wonder/no wonder

  • He doesn't understand anything she says because she speaks fast.
    It's no wonder he doesn't understand anything she says. She speaks very fast.
  • He didn't buy the car because it costs an arm and a leg.
    It's no wonder he didn't buy the car. It costs an arm and a leg.
  • They didn't stay at that hotel in the end because it costs an arm and a leg.
  • We didn't go to that restaurant in the end because it costs an arm and a leg.
  • She doesn't want to go to the party because her ex has been invited.
  • She doesn't want to buy a flat at the moment because they cost an arm and a leg.
  • He speaks English very well because he lived in London for five years.
  • She speaks French perfectly well because she lived in Paris for eight years.

vocabulary 135

complimentcumplido (to pay a compliment)

translation list 46

  1. Me quedé unos minutos y luego me fuí.
    I stayed for a few minutes and then [I] left.
  2. Ojalá yo tuviera un trabajo como el tuyo.
    I wish I had a job like yours.
  3. Puedes hacer lo que quieras siempre que consigas resultados.
    You can do whatever you want as long as you get results.
  4. Lo único que le falta (a él) es un amigo.
    The only thing he lacks is a friend.
  5. Hemos sufrido muchas lesiones esta temporada (deportiva)
    We've suffered a lot of injuries this season.
  6. ¿Por qué no hacemos otra cosa para variar?
    Why don't we do something else for a change?
  7. Has aprendido muy poco con el paso de los años.
    You've learned/learnt very little over the years.
  8. Nunca te haces rico trabajando duro.
    You never get rich [by] working hard.
  9. Debió ser guapo cuando era joven.
    He must have been hadsome when he was young.
  10. Me horroriza la idea de volver a ir.
    I dread the idea of going back there.
  11. Tienes que hacer cola durante una hora.
    You have to [stand in line/queue up] (AM/EN) for an hour.
  12. Me estás volviendo loco.
    You're driving me crazy.
miércoles 21 abril 2010
martes 12 abril 2011


  • it's about time you took this class seriously
    ya era hora de que tomaras esta clase en serio
  • it's about time you take this class seriously
    ya es hora de que tomes esta clase en serio

to get to the point

to put out

  • he walked up to the policeman
  • to go up to = acercarse a
  • to walk up to = acercarse caminando a
    verbo de locomoción + up to = acercarse a
    to swim, to crawl, to waltz... up to
  • to put out = apagar (cigarrillos, cerillas, llamas, velas)
    to turn/switch off, to turn out = apagar (aparatos eléctricos, luz)
    to blow out candles or flames (soplar una persona o el viento)
  • candles: to put out, to blow out, to snuff out

my vocabulary

  • to beat around the bush = irse por las ramas
  • to go/fly off on/at a tangent = irse por las ramas
  • to snuff it = palmarla (verbo incompleto)


[it's] no wonder

  • He doesn't understand anything she says because she speaks very fast.
    [It's] no wonder he doen't undersatand anything she says. She speaks very fast.
  • He didn't buy the car because it costs an arm and a leg.
  • His English improved because his girlfriend is American.
    [It's] no wonder his English improved, his girlfriend is American.


to get to the point

  • Ella fué directamente al grano y le dijo que no le aguantaba.
    She went straight to the point and told him that she couldn't stand him.
  • Ve al grano, ¿quieres?
    Get to the point, will you?
  • Si hubieras ido al grano no me hubiera quedado dormida.
    If you had got/gotten to the point I wouldn't have fallen asleep.
  • Me voy en cinco minutos, así que, por favor, ve al grano.
    I'm leaving in five minutes, so, please, get to the point.
  • Es importante ir al grano cuando le mandas un e-mail.
    It's important to get to the point when [you e-mail/e-mailing] him.
  • La clave de una buena entrevista es ir al grano cuando te preguntan algo.
    The key to a good interview is getting to the point when someone asks you something.
  • No soy muy paciente, así que, por favor, ve al grano.
    I'm not very patient, so please, get to the point.
  • No pareces estar de buen humor, así que iré al grano.
    You don't seem to be in a good mood, so I'll get to the point.
  • Es mejor ir al grano que andarse por las ramas.
    It's better to get to the point than to beat around the bush.
  • Iré al grano: tu vestido no te queda bien.
    I'll get to the point: your dress doesn't suit you.
  • No perdamos más tiempo y vayamos al grano.
    Let not waste any more time and let's get to the point.
  • ¿La gente directa suele ir al grano?
    Do direct people usually get to the point?
  • And do you usually get to the point when you want to say something?
  • Ask me.

to put out

  • Did you use a horse to put out a fire yesterday?
  • If there were a fire (and there were a horse), would you use a horse to put it out?
  • If there were a fire here and now, would the firemen put it out?
  • If there were a fire in the studio right now would we call the firemen to put it out?
  • Have you ever put out a fire?
  • Ask me if I've ever put out a fire.
  • What do you use to put out a fire, normally?
    Either water, or sand; sometimes a coat, or a wet tea towel, an extinguisher.
  • Ask me if I would know how to put out an electrical fire.
    I used to know how to ... but I forgotten. Do you know?
    No, I have no idea.
    ... if there is an electrical fire right now, in the middle of this program, we are scuppered!

vocabulary 136

livestock (uncontable)ganado
lousychapucero (también, horrible: I feel lousy today)
I'm starvingme muero de hambre
jueves 22 abril 2010
miércoles 13 abril 2011


I love it

  • I love it when ...
  • I love [coming/to come] here
    Pero con condicional, sólo infinitivo:
    I'd love to come here.

my vocabulary

  • maths/math EN/AM


to put out a fire

  • Have you ever had to put out a fire?
  • When have you had to put out a fire, what happened?
  • Ask me if I've ever had to put out a fire.

to get to the point

  • Me voy en cinco minutos, así que, por favor, ve al grano.
    I'm leaving in five minutes, so, please, get to the point.


to love

  • I love the way the stores in Spain have sales in January.
    I love it when they have sales.
  • I love the way she sings.
    I love it when she sings.
  • I love it when he does stand-up commedy
  • I love the way she plays piano.
  • I love the way they speaks in their southern accent.
  • I love the way they let me go home early sometimes.
  • I love the way the weather is great here most of the times.
    I love it when the wheather's great.
  • I love it when she cooks dinner.
  • I used to love it when school was cancelled because of the snow.
  • I love it when the grocery store gives samples.
  • I love it when a plan comes together.
    I love the way that plan came together.
  • Do you love it when it rains here in the summer?
    Yes, I love the way it rains here in the summer.
  • Do you love the way this course is designed?
    Yes, I love the way ...
  • Do you love the way you can learn English by watching TV?
    Yes, I love the way we can learn English by watching TV.

vocabulary 137

thorough /'θʌrə/esmerado, concienzudo

translation list 47

  1. Me las arreglo gracias a una herencia.
    I get by thanks to an inheritance.
  2. Si él va a estar ahí, no cuentes conmigo.
    If he's going to be there, [count me out/don't count on me/don't count me in].
  3. No quiero tener nada que ver con él.
    I [don't want to have anything/want to have nothing] to do with him.
  4. Él siempre presume de sus conquistas.
    He always brags about his conquests.
  5. No sé cómo le aguantas.
    I don't know how you can stand him.
  6. Yo no sé de qué están hechos.
    I don't know what they're made of.
  7. Me alegro de que hayas conocido a Juan.
    I'm glad [that] you met Juan.
  8. Como todos los grandes hombres, él tenía sus defectos.
    Like all great men, he had his faults.
  9. Apenas podemos mantenernos en pie.
    We can hardly [stand up/stay on our feet].
  10. Todas las chicas te van a envidiar.
    All the girls are going to envy you.
  11. Puede que no sea tan buena idea.
    It may/might not be such a good idea.
  12. Mi bigote me hace parecer mayor.
    My mustache makes me look older.
viernes 23 abril 2010
jueves 14 abril 2011


I hate it

  • I hate it when I have to do things I don't like to do.
  • I hate having to do things I don't like to do.

he's doing all right for himself

my vocabulary

  • to rush in = ir corriendo
  • to cut in line/to jump the queue AM/EN = colarse (saltarse el turno)
  • 'same all' respuesta para '¿Qué tal?/Como siempre'
  • matices = nuances
  • sutil = subtle /'sʌtḷ/


I love [it when/the way]

  • Me encanta cuando ordena la casa.
    I love it when he tidies up the house.
  • Me encanta cómo se viste.
    I love the way she dresses.
  • Me encanta cuando llueve.
    I love it when it rains.
  • Me encanta cómo aliñó la ensalada.
    I love the way she dressed the salad.
  • Me encanta cómo eres.
    I love the way you are.
  • Me encanta cuando un plan sale bien.
    I love it when a plan goes well.


I hate [the way/it when]

  • I hate the way he's always late.
    I hate it when he's always late.
  • I hate it when he picks on me.
    I hate the way he picks on me.
  • I hate the way she bosses people around.
    I hate it when she bosses people around.
  • I hate it when people are rude.
    I hate the way people are rude.
  • I hate the way meet is undercooked.
    I hate it when meat is undercooked.
  • I hate it when they overcooke pasta.
    I hate the way they overcooke pasta.
    I hate the way pasta is overcooked.
  • I hate the way she tries so hard to convince me.
  • I hate it when some people dont wait before getting on the metro.
  • I hate the way people push you without apologizing.
  • I hate it when people rush in to get a seat.
  • Can you tell me something that you hate?
    I hate the way some people move from one lane to another in a traffic jam.
  • I hate it when people jump the queue.

he's doing all right for himself

  • Le iba muy bien la vida hasta que le despidieron de su trabajo.
    He was doing all right for himself until he got fired.
  • A mi vecina le va todo muy bien, tiene un buen trabajo y está esperando su primer hijo.
    My neighbour is doing all right for herself, she's got a good job and she's expecting her first baby.
  • The football player was doing all right for himself until he got injured.

vocabulary 138

to assessvalorar, tasar
to behave (to missbehave: lo contrario)comportarse
to beatvencer (deportes)
to be optimisticser optimista
thoroughness: thorough /'θɜ:rəʊ / concienzudoesmero
lunes 26 abril 2010
viernes 15 abril 2011



to + infinitivo
for + gerundio > funcionalidad
  • I'm here to teach you English.
  • I use my car to go places.
  • This cup is for drinking from.
  • A corkscrew is for opening wine bottles.
  • A paper clip is for holding papers together.
    I use a paper clip to hold papers together.
  • TO + INFINITIVO siempre es correcto:
    a bottle opener is for opening bottles
    a bottle opener is to open bottles
  • No se puede decir: I'm here for teaching you English.

my vocabulary

  • The cats always land feet first.
  • He had a good head on his shoulders = [Él] Tiene buena cabeza
  • She looks out for herself = Ella vela por su propio bien
  • to queue jump/to jump a queue = colarse (en una cola)
  • to cut someone up = (en la carretera) colarse y no dejar espacio
  • the lead = la mina de un lápiz
  • to disturb = interrumpir
  • to do sth. without blinking twice


  • Australia /ɒ'streɪliə/
  • research
    /'ri:sɜ:tʃ / nombre
    /rɪ'sɜ:tʃ/ verbo


I hate [the way/it when]

pet hates = things I like to hate
pet loves
  • I hate the way he's always late.
  • I hate it when he tells jokes.
  • I love the way he teaches English.
  • I hate the way she's always the center of attention.
  • I hate it when you do that.
  • I hate it when people cut you up on the roads.
  • I love it when people are in a good mood.
  • I hate it when people make that mistake.

doing all right for oneself

  • Le iba muy bien la vida hasta que le despidieron de su trabajo.
    He was doing all right for himself until he was/got fired.
  • she
  • they


to = in order to

  • She quitted her job because she wanted to look after her parents.
    She quitted her job [in order to/to] look after her parents.
  • I went to Australia because I wanted to do some research.
  • They went to Spain to brush up on their Spanish.
  • They went to Greece in order to brush up on their Greek.
  • They went to Germany because they wanted to brush up on their German.
  • They went to Portugal because they wanted to brush up on their Portuguese.
  • We went to Mérida because we wanted to see the Roman theatre.
  • He went to the Canary Islands because he wanted to study vulcanology.

vocabulary 139

to riseascender, subir
wrist /rɪst/muñeca (del brazo)
ups and downsaltibajos

translation list 48

  1. ¿Cómo lo habrías resuelto tú?
    How would you've solved it?
  2. Nunca me molesto en hablar con los testigos.
    I never bother [talking/to talk] to the witnesses.
  3. Reconozco que tus métodos funcionan.
    I admit [that] your methods work.
  4. Las cosas se harán a mi manera.
    Things will be done my way.
  5. Me cuesta trabajo mantenerme despierto.
    I'm having trouble staying awake.
    to have trouble + verbo - ing
  6. No saco buen provecho de mi tiempo.
    I don't [take good advantage/make the most] of my time.
  7. Él logró ganar el respeto de todos.
    He managed to gain everyone's respect.
    ganar: to earn, to win, to gain
    para 'respect' se puede usar cualquiera de los tres verbos anteriores
  8. Esto me duele tanto que me despierta de noche.
    It hurts so much that it wakes me up at night.
  9. El dolor se va a los diez minutos.
    The pain goes away after ten minutes.
  10. Él lleva una vida muy aburrida.
    He leads a very boring life.
  11. Llevo años esperando con ilusión este día.
    I've been looking forward to this day for years.
  12. Hemos pasado mucho tiempo juntos.
    We've [been together for a long time/spent a lot of time together].
martes 27 abril 2010
lunes 18 abril 2011


  • to go away = irse, en el sentido de desaparecer
    The pain goes away after ten minutes.
  • to leave = irse, marcharse (una persona)

so that

  • para que
  • se suele eliminar that

to stick at/to it

  • perserverar, seguir con algo = to stick at/to sth. [EN/AM]:
    stick at/to it

my vocabulary

  • My way or the highway = a mi manera
  • a pep talk = una charla de motivación
  • How are you?
    Same old.
  • What's up? (¿Qué hay?)
    hay que contestar contando algo, no se puede contestar fine:
    every thing is good
    all good
    all good here


  • tough /tʌf/


so as to = in order to

  • She quit her job because she wanted to look after her parents.
    She quit her job [in order/so as] to look after her parents.
  • I went to Australia because I wanted to do some research.
  • Study English, travel abroad.


so that, in order that

  • She started earning money because her children had to go to school.
    She started earning money so that her children could go to school.
  • Did you father save a lot of money so that you could go to University in the US?
  • And where did you go to University in the US?
  • Did you study a lot or did you go out a lot?
  • Sacaste buenas notas para que tus padres no te hicieran volver a España.
    I got good grades so that my parents didn't make me go back to Spain.
  • Did you have get a job while you were there?
    Yes, I got some jobs...
  • Why did you get a job?
    I took on a few jobs so that I had enough money.
  • He bought a bigger table because they wanted to have dinner together.
    He bought a bigger table so that they could have dinner together.
  • I came to Spain because I wanted to explore the country.
    You came to Spain so that you could explore the country.

to stick at it

  • Al principio te costará, pero sigue con ello.
    At first you'll find it tough/hard, but stick at it.
  • El curso le pareció muy difícil, pero siguió con él y aprendió mucho.
    He found the course very difficult, but he stuck at it and he learnt a lot.
  • Tienes que perseverar si quieres mejorar.
    You have to stick at it if you want to improve.
  • Yo nunca habría seguido si no hubiese sido por tu ayuda.
    I would've never stuck at it if it hadn't been for your help.
  • Ella perseveró y ganó una beca.
    She stuck at it and won a scholarship.
  • Tenemos que perseverar hasta encontrar la solución.
    We have to stick at it until we find the solution.
  • Seguiría con ello si mereciera la pena.
    I'd stick at it if it were worth it.
  • Si quieres tener éxito, persevera.
    If you want to be successful, stick at it.
  • Tiene cualidades naturales, pero deberá perseverar si quiere dedicarse a esto.
    He has natural qualities, but he will have to stick at it if he want to do this for a living.
  • No te rindas, sigue con ello.
    Don't give up, stick at it.

vocabulary 140

alouden voz alta
at besten el mejor de los casos