
Vaughan 4.0

clases 1 a 20
21 a 40
41 a 60
61 a 80
81 a 100
101 a 120
121 a 140
141 a 160
161 a 180
181 a 195

Common Mistakes

lunes 30 noviembre 2009
lunes 29 noviembre 2010


- There is hardly any water in my cup.
  Casi no hay agua en mi copa.

to get

- I'm getting tired of getting married.

to get = to receive, to obtain
- phrasal verb:
I get by = Me las apaño
You'll get over it = Ya lo superarás
- reflexive:
casarse = to get married
cansarse = to get tired
ponerse malo, enfermo = to get sick/ill
Ask me when the last time I got sick was.
When was the last time you got sick?
recuperarse = to get over
empeorarse = to get worse
mejorar = to get better
enfadarse = to get angry
disgustarse = to get upset
perderse = to get lost
confundirse = to get confused
liarse = to get mixed-up
no me malinterpretes = don't get me wrong
él siempre se sale con la suya = he always gets his way
acostumbrarse = to get used
- BR get, got, got
  AM get, got, gotten

my vocabulary

unless = a menos que
AM: to have a falling out with = to fall out with



  • The plant will grow if you water it every day.
    The plant won't grow unless you water it every day.
  • He'll help her if she pays him.
  • Your English will improve if you practice every day.

to fall out with someone

  • Did you fall out with your neighbours last year?
  • Ask me if I've ever fallen out with my boss.
    Have you ever fallen out with your boss?
  • Did you fall out with your best friend last month?
  • Do you fall out with people usually?
  • Did they fall out over the inheritance?


to get

  • Ella se asustó cuando vió la araña.
    She got scared when she saw the spider.
  • Siempre me aburro cuando él habla de política.
    I always get bored when he talks about politics.
  • ¿Cuánto tardas en organizarte al llegar al trabajo?
    How long does it take you to get organized when you get to work?
  • ¿Te deprimirías si te dijera que tu inglés está yendo cuesta abajo?
    Would you get depressed if I told you your English is going downhill?
  • Mi sobrino se aburre mucho cuando no va al parque.
    My nephew gets bored when he doesn't go to the park.
  • Si te tiro un vaso de agua, ¿te mojarías?
    Would you get wet if I threw a glass of water at you?

vocabulary 41

to enforcehacer cumplir
to dripgotear
to drop outdarse de baja
martes 1 diciembre 2009
martes 30 noviembre 2010


to get

  • to get: nervous, scared, bored, wet, drunk, high (to get high = colocarse), depressed, dressed, organized, dirty
  • to get = conseguir, obtener
    conseguir un objetivo = to achieve/accomplish your objective.
  • to get = llegar a
  • to get: verbo reflexivo
  • I'll never get tired of her [más categórico]
    I don't think I'll ever get tired of her [menos categórico]

to agree

You [don't agree/desagree] with me on this point.

my vocabulary

  • give or take = más o menos [tras decir una cifra]
  • tachar = to cross out
  • fair and square = con justicia (adverbio)
    You won fair and square
  • forrarse [de dinero]
    to make a killing
    to make a fortune
  • estar forrado
    to be loaded
    to be filthy rich
    to be rolling in it
    to be swimming in money
    to have big bucks
  • well off = acomodado [más formal]
  • tacaño = tight, mean [BR]


to get + adjective

  • Se casaron hace dos semanas.
    They got married two weeks ago.
  • Me estoy cansando de aprender inglés.
    I'm getting tired of learning English.
  • Me puse malo en el viaje.
    I got sick on the trip.
  • [Se] Están empeorando.
    They're getting worse.
  • [Se] Están mejorando.
    They're getting better.
  • Mi inglés [se] está mejorando.
    My English is getting better.
  • No te enfades.
    Don't get angry.
  • Me he perdido dos veces esta semana.
    I've got [gotten] lost twice this week.
  • Siempre me confundo con sus nombres.
    I always get confused with their names.
  • Ella se asustó cuando vió la araña.
    She got scared when she saw the spider.
  • Siempre me aburro cuando él habla de política.
    I always get bored when he speaks about politics.
  • A los gatos no les gusta mojarse.
    Cats don't like to get wet.
  • Sólo se emborracha en su cumpleaños.
    He only gets drunk on his birthday.
  • No te deprimas.
    Don't get depressed.
  • Se vistió rápidamente.
    He got dressed very quickly.
  • El equipo se organizó para el torneo.
    The team got organized for the tournament.
  • Los niños se ensucian cuando juegan.
    Children get dirty when they play.


to agree

  • Ask me if I agree with your points.
  • Ask me if I agree with Florentino Pérez's strategy.
  • Do you agree with Zapatero?
  • Do you agree with the high price Pérez paid for Cristiano Ronaldo?
  • Ask me if I agreed with George Bush.
  • Ask me if I agree with my boss.
  • Ask me if I agree with people very easily.
  • Do you agree with the Government raising taxes?
  • Ask me why I don't agree with anything.

estar forrado

  • ¿Se ha forrado ya?
    Has he made a killing yet?
  • Él está forrado.
    He's filthy rich, he's loaded, he's rolling in it.
  • Ella se forrará con ese invento.
    She'll make a fortune with that invention.
  • Ellos están forrados desde que nacieron.
    They've been filthy rich since they were born.
  • Aunque está forrado, es muy tacaño.
    Even though he's loaded, he's tight.

vocabulary 42

to cheathacer trampa
toothpastepasta de dientes
miércoles 2 diciembre 2009
miércoles 1 diciembre 2010


to get around to

  • No he encontrado el momento para comprarlo
    I didn't get around to buying it/I haven't got [BR]
  • To get around to doing something
    llegar a hacer algo (que hasta entonces se va posponiendo)

my vocabulary

  • wealthy = adinerado
  • to get around = viajar, moverse por ahí
  • cortar el césped = to mow the lawn
    cortacésped = lawnmower


to agree

  • Estoy de acuerdo contigo.
    I agree with you.
  • No estamos de acuerdo con los cambios.
    We don't agree with the changes.
  • ¿Estás de acuerdo con él?
    Do you agree with him?
  • Él está de acuerdo con vuestra decisión.
    He agrees with your decision.
  • ¿Estarás de acuerdo con el nuevo presidente?
    Will you agree with the new president?
  • La madre de Carlos no estaba de acuerdo con el matrimonio.
    Carlos's mother didn't agree with the marriage.


  • ¿Se ha forrado (él) ya?
    Has he made a killing/fortune yet?
  • Se forraron con su empresa.
    They made a killing with their company.
  • Él está forrado.
    He's [filthy rich/loaded/rolling on it].


to get around to

  • ¿Cuándo llegarás a hacerlo?
    When will you get around to doing it?
  • (Él) Nunca llegará a hacerlo.
    He'll never get around to doing it.
  • ¿Crees que él llegará a aprender ruso?
    Do you think he'll get around to learning Russian?
  • Llegué a hacerlo después de las vacaciones.
    I got around to doing it after my holidays.
  • No creo que jamás llegues a llamarle.
    I don't think you'll ever get around to calling him.
  • Él no llegó a mandarle ese e-mail.
    He never got around to sending him that e-mail.
  • Algunas semanas ella no llega a cortar el césped.
    Some weeks she doesn't get around to mowing the lawn.
  • ¿Has llegado a leer El Quijote?
    Have you got around to reading El Quijote?
  • Ellos nunca llegaron a hacerlo.
    They never got around to doing it.
  • Nunca llegaré a ordenar el armario.
    I'll never get around to tidyng the closet.


  • I went to Africa in 2004 (two thousand and four). What year did I go there?
  • My dog was born in the year 2000 (two thousand). What year was my dog born?
  • The Soccer World Cup will take in place South Africa in 2010 (two thousand and ten). When will it take place?
  • The Olympics tooke place in China in 2008 (two thousand and eight). When did they take place?
  • I started working with Vaughan Systems in 2004. When did I start working with them?
  • I met my girlfriend in 2006. When did I meet her?
  • The terrorist attack on New York tooke place in 2001. When did it take place?
  • The current recession began in 2008. When did it begin?
  • I first drank Casera in 2003. When did I first drink it?
  • I fell in love with Spain in 2003. When did I fall in love with Spain?
  • I started working on TV in 2009, when did I start working on TV?
  • Italy won the Soccer World Cup in 2006. When did they win it?
  • The Icelandic economy collapsed in 2008. When did it collapse?

vocabulary 43

cabbagerepollo, col
CEO Chief Executive Officerdirector general, presidente
ckecking account, current accountcuenta corriente
cattleganado (vacuno)
jueves 3 diciembre 2009
jueves 2 diciembre 2010


  • Finally I got around to calling him.
  • It took me seven days to get around to repairing a silly plug in the bathroom, I finally got around to doing it.
  • Some people never get around to doing anything in life.
  • Cómo se dicen los años:
    desde 2000, como el número
    antes, en dos grupos
  • by way of XX = vía XX
    She flew from A to B by way of C

to prefer

  • to prefer A to/over B
  • si A o B son verbos, se usa el gerundio:
    I prefer water to drinking coke
    I prefer learning french to learning german
  • Si se usa condicional: el verbo debe estar en infinitivo:
    Preferiría aprender francés a aprender alemán
    I would prefer to learn french than to learn german
  • I would rather: para expresar una preferencia
    I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
    I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
  • Which do you prefer?
    Which would you rather have? parece más "en caso de que te lo ofrecieran, ¿cuál prefieres?"
    respuesta: I'd rather have a million pounds than a million dollars.
    respuesta: I'd prefer that you give me a million pounds.
  • En inglés se usa "prefer" para preferencias muy generales, y se utiliza mucho menos que en español "preferir".

my vocabulary

  • cheat sheet = chuleta (hoja de papel para trampas)
  • to put off = aplazar
  • XX is not my cup of coffee = XX no es de mi agrado


to get around to + gerund

  • I'll get around to it [tomorrow].
  • ¿Cuándo llegarás a hacerlo?
    When will you get around to [doing] it?
  • I'll get around to [doing] it later.
  • Ask me if I have anything I have to get around to.
    Do you have anything you have to get around to?



to prefer + noun

  • Do you like tea? / I prefer coffee.
  • Do you like beaf? / I prefer chicken.
  • Does your mother like cheese? / She prefers ham.
  • Ask me if I like fruit.
    Do you like fruit?
    I prefer vegetables.
  • Do you like orange juice?
    I prefer coke.
  • Does your brother like apples?
    He prefers oranges.
  • Do you like movies? / I prefer books.
  • Ask me if I like English / Do you like English? / I prefer Spanish.
  • Does he like tennis? / He prefers football.

to prefer + gerund

  • Do you like watching tennis? / I prefer watching football.
  • Do you like making paella? / I prefer making omelettes.
  • Do you like driving? / I prefer walking.
  • Ask me if I like eating fruit.
    Do you like eating fruit?
    I prefer eating chocolate.
  • Does he like travelling? / He prefers staying at home.
  • Do you like drinking beer? / I prefer drinking rum.
  • Do they like gardening? / They prefer bird-watching.
  • Ask me if I like walking / Do you like walking? / I prefer jogging.
  • Does she like sailing? / She prefers driving.

I'd rather [not]

  • Shall we go?
    I'd rather stay.
    I'd rather not go.
  • Why don't you sell your car?
    I'd rather keep it.
    I'd rather not sell it.
  • Shall we make it up?
    I'd rather read it.
    I'd rather not make it up.
  • Shall we pick it up?
    I'd rather leave it there.
    I'd rather not pick it up.
  • Why don't we lock the door?
    I'd rather leave it open.
    I'd rather not lock the door.
  • Why don't we substitute him?
    I'd rather keep him.
    I'd rather not substitute him.
  • Shall we do it this way?
    I'd rather do it another way.
    I'd rather not do it that way.
  • Why don't we put off the meeting?
    I'd rather do it today.
    I'd rather not put it off.

vocabulary 44

to bleedsangrar
to be under oathestar bajo juramento
viernes 4 diciembre 2009
viernes 3 diciembre 2010


  • Normalmente es prefer + gerund, pero se puede decir "I prefer to watch"

my vocabulary

  • add = añadir
  • add up = sumar
  • drawbridge = puente levadizo


  • mountain /'maʊntɪn/
  • literature /'lɪtrətʃə(r)/


to prefer

Prefiero ir ... = I'd rather go ...
  • Do you like tea? / I prefer beer.
  • Do you like watching tennis? / I prefer watching. football
  • Do you like fish? / I prefer meat.
  • Do you like the beach? / I prefer the mountains.
  • Do you like pop music? / I prefer classical music.
  • Do you like French literature? / I prefer American literature.
  • Do you like acting in movies? / I prefer acting in movies to acting in the theatre.

I'd rather not

  • Why don't you sell your car? / I'd rather not sell it.
  • Why don't you study tonight?
  • Why don't you have your hair cut?
  • Why don't you have some water? / I'd rather not have some water.
  • Why don't you shut the window?
  • Why don't you shut the door?
  • Why don't you turn off the lights?


no, I'd rather

  • Do you want Juan to do it? / No, I'd rather you did it.
  • Does Juan want me to do it? / No, he'd rather you did it.
  • Do they want María to help them? / No, they'd rather Juan helped them.
  • Does Pepe want me to call him? / No, he'd rather she called him.
  • Do you want Jose to fix it? / No, I'd rather she fixed it.
  • Does he want you to organize the meeting? / No, he'd rather you organized the meeting.
  • Does she want me to send it? / No, she'd rather I sent it.
  • Do you want Georges to teach you? / No, I'd rather you taught me.
  • Do they want me to pick them up? / No, they'd rather he picked them up.
  • Do they want us to make diner? / No, they'd rather he made diner.

vocabulary 45

it doesn't make any senseeso no tiene sentido
contact lenseslentillas

translation list 1

  1. Voy a subir mi nivel de inglés.
    I'm going to raise my English level.
  2. ¿Has sumado todas las columnas?
    Have you added up all the columns?
  3. Nos quedan dos todavía.
    We still have two left.
    ¿Cuántos nos quedan? = How many do we have left?
    ¿Cuánto nos queda? = How much do we have left?
  4. ¿Cómo quieres que empiece yo la carta?
    How do you want me to start the letter?
  5. ¡Ésta no es una carta cualquiera!
    This isn't just any letter!
  6. Está dirigida al Presidente/presidente.
    It's adressed to the President/chairman.
  7. Fírmala en el reverso.
    Sign it on the back.
    ¿Lo has firmado en el reverso? = Have you signed it on the back?
    Why haven't you signed it on the back?
    Where do you signed it?
  8. Si no hubiera sido por tí ...
    If it hadn't been for you ...
    Si no hubiera sido por tí, no hubiéramos venido.
    If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't have come.
  9. Antes de que te vayas, quiero que eches un vistazo a esto.
    Before you leave/go I want you to take/have a look at this.
    Before leaving ...
  10. Quiero que me cuentes toda la historia de principio a fin.
    I want you to tell me the whole story from [begining to end/from start to finish].
  11. Va a haber otra reorganización.
    There's going to be another reorganization.
    Is there going to be another reorganization?
    Why isn't there going to be another reorganization?
  12. No se nos permite usar esos programas.
    We're not allowed to use those programs.
lunes 7 diciembre 2009
lunes 6 diciembre 2010


  • prefer = preferencia general
    would rather > preferencia concreta, puntual
  • would you rather play football or tennis?
    would you rather + infinitivo (sin to)?
    would you like to + infinitivo?
    would you mind + gerundio?
  • to go home = ir a casa
    to get home = llegar a casa
    to leave home = salir de casa
    to be/stay at home = estar/quedarse en casa

my vocabulary

  • raise = subir
  • rise = subir por fuerza propia
    the sun rises, nobody raises the sun
  • personal = privado
  • personnel = relativo al equipo humano
  • to be on the right track = estar bien encaminado


shrewd /ʃruːd/


I'd rather + sujeto + verbo en pasado

  • Do you want Juan to do it? / Not, I'd rather you did it.
  • Does Juan want me to do it? / No, he'd rather I did it.
  • Do they want us to make dinner? / No, they'd rather they made dinner.
  • Do you want José to send it? / No, I'd rather you sent it.
  • Does Pepe want me to call him? / No, he'd rather I called him.


I'd rather + infinitive

  • ¿Preferirías jugar al tenis o al pádel?
    Would you rather play tennis or paddle?
  • Ella preferiría jugar con los niños.
  • Would you rather go to the cinema or to see a play?
  • Ask me if I'd rather play golf or play cricket.
  • Would you rather speak English or Spanish with me?
  • Ask me if I'd rather speak English or Spanish.
  • Ask me if I'd rather have a cup of tea or a cup of coffee.

going home

  • Quiero irme a casa.
    I want to go home.
  • ¿Te vas a casa ahora?
    Are you going home now?
  • Ella no quiere volver a casa todavía.
    She doesn't want go home yet.
  • Deberías irte a casa si no te sientes bien.
    You should go home if you're not feeling well.
  • Le dije a ella que volviera a su casa.
    I told her to go home.
  • ¿Irás a tu casa antes de ir a la fiesta?
    Will you go home before going to the party?
  • Cuando viajo siempre tengo ganas de volver a casa.
    When I travel I always feel like going [back] home.
  • Tengo que ir a mi casa a buscarlo.
    I have to go home to [look for it/pick it up].
  • Susan siempre vuelve a casa para comer.
    Susan always goes [back] home to have lunch.
  • (Yo) Estaba de camino a casa cuando me encontré con él.
    I was on my way home when I run into him.

vocabulary 46

martes 8 diciembre 2009
martes 7 diciembre 2010


  • ... if you are exposed to English for 585 straight hours
    straight hours = horas seguidas
    585 hours in a row
    585 consecutive hours
  • deep down = en el fondo
  • thank you for sticking up for me, thank you for covering for me, thank you for lying.
  • Would you rather learn English or have a beer?
  • to pick on = meterse con alguien
    Did you pick on people when you were younger?
    Did people pick on you?
    Yes, when I was in grammar-school I was picked on.
    Because I would never stick up for myself.
    stick up for oneself = hacerse valer, dar la cara, defenderse
    stick up for someone = defender a
  • to gang up on sb. = atacar en grupo a alguien
  • to back somebody up = respaldar a alguien
  • Tiene sentido = it makes sense
    ¿Tiene sentido? = Does it make sense?
    No tiene sentido = It doesn't make sense
  • ¿Darías la cara por mí? = Would you stick up for me?
    ¿Diste la cara por mí el año pasado? = Did you stick up for me last year?
  • Things are going fine, thanks for your concern and worrying about me.
  • ¿Me queda algo por hacer? = Do I have anything left?

my vocabulary

  • word of mouth = boca a boca (word in mouth is a good advertising tool)
  • to stick up for sb = dar la cara por alguien, defender, cubrir
  • to stand up for sb = defender a alguien
  • decidirse = to make up one's mind
    ¡decídete! = make up your mind!
    Did you ever have to make up your mind?
  • pace = ritmo
    The pace is too fast, I can't keep up, I'm falling behind
    "rhythm" es sólo para música
  • tendencia [personal] = tendency
  • tendencia [de una curva] = trend
  • left-overs = restos (de comida)
    I'm going to eat left-overs


I'd rather

  • Do you want to play tennis or would you rather play paddle?
    I'd rather play tennis.
  • Do you want to eat ice cream or would you rather not?
    I'd rather eat ice cream.
  • Do you want to go to the cinema or would you rather go to the theatre?
  • Do you want me to teach you English or would you rather I taught you Irish?
    I'd rather you taught me English.
  • Do you want to pay income tax or would you rather not?
  • Do you want the hot weather to continue or would you rather it didn't.
    I'd rather the hot weather continued.
  • Do you want me to look at you or would you rather I looked at the floor?
    I'd rather you looked at me.
  • Do you want to improve your English or would you rather not?
    I'd rather improve my English.


  • Quiero irme a casa = I want to go home
  • ¿Te vas a casa ahora? = Are you going home right now?
  • Ella no quiere volver a casa todavía = She doesn't want to go back home yet.
  • I wanted to go home yesterday. What did I want to do?
    You wanted to go home yesterday.
  • I would want to go home next month if I could afford it.
    You would want to go home next month if you could afford it.
  • I was going home yesterday when it started to rain. What happened?
    You were going home yesterday when it started to rain.


vocabulary 47

to recruitbuscar y contratar a personal
to kick outechar a patadas
to trainformar o entrenar
to aggravateagravar
to let downdefraudar, decepcionar

translation list 2

  1. Ya ha habido tres en los dos últimos años.
    There have already been three in the last two years.
  2. No pueden decidirse.
    They can't make up their mind (minds).
  3. Te acostumbrarás a nuestro ritmo.
    You'll get used to our pace.
  4. Tenían que haber llegado hace diez días.
    They should've [arrived/gotten here/been here] ten days ago.
  5. Él siempre convoca reuniones en el último momento.
    He always calls [meetings at the last minute/last-minute meetings].
  6. ¿Cómo van las cosas?
    How are things going?
  7. No nos podemos quejar.
    We can't complain.
  8. ¿Queda algo por hacer?
    Is there anything left to do?
    ¿Qué queda por hacer? = What is there left to do?
  9. Preferiría estar en la playa, ¿tú no?
    I'd rather be at the beach, wouldn't you?
    on the beach = sobre la playa, en la arena
    I'd much rather be at the beach than here.
  10. Hay muchos cabos sueltos que atar.
    There are a lot of loose ends to tie [up].
  11. Ella ni siquiera me saludó.
    She didn't even say hello to me.
  12. Sólo te han contado la mitad de la historia.
    They've only told you half the story.
miércoles 9 diciembre 2009
miércoles 8 diciembre 2010


  • Do you want this pencil or another pencil?
    Do you want this pencil or another?
    Do you want this pencil or another one?
  • How's this one? = ¿Qué tal éste?
  • I have other pencils too/ I've some other pencils too.
  • No quiero éste, quiero otro. = I don't want this one, I want another one.
  • No quiero estos porque quiero otros. = I don't want these, because I want some other ones.
  • I don't want these papers, I want [other/some other] papers.
  • No quiero esta taza, quiero cualquier otra = I don't want this cup, I want another.
  • I don't want these papers, I want [others/other papers].

my vocabulary

  • to tie my tie = atar la corbata
  • tight = apretado
  • loose = suelto
  • to complain = quejarse
    a complaint = una queja
  • different strokes for different folks
  • quilt = colcha, edredón
  • rattle = sonajero
  • broom = escoba
  • flask = termo
  • milk shake = batido
  • They pay him peanuts = Le pagan una miseria


another + noun

  • I didn't want that quilt.
    You didn't want that quilt, you wanted another quilt.
  • Sam doesn't want his piggy bank.
    ..., he wants another piggy bank.
  • You won't want that necklace.
    I won't want that necklace, I'll want another necklace.
  • They didn't want that lawnmower.
  • The baby doesn't want his rattle.
  • You didn't want that broom.
    I didn't want that broom, I wanted another broom.
  • They didn't want that beach towel.
  • The boy didn't want that teddy bear.
  • The woman didn't want that eyeliner.
  • You don't want that flask.
    I don't want that flask, I want another flask.
  • He didn't want his milk shake.

other + countable noun in plural

  • Not all people own a house.
    True, some people own a house, and other people don't.
  • Not all novels are entertaining.
    True, some novels are entertaining and other novels aren't.
  • Not all women like shopping.
    True, some women like shopping and other women don't.
  • Not all men play sports.
    True, some men play sports and other men don't.
  • Not all children break things.
    True, some children break things and other children don't.

vocabulary 48

to turn intoconvertirse en
to undermineminar
to jeopardizeponer en peligro
jueves 10 diciembre 2009
jueves 9 diciembre 2010


  • The more I look at it, the more I'm convinced this room is square.
  • dimensiones: six by five
  • metros cuadrados = metres squared [BR]/square meters [AM]
  • en total = in all
    6 m long, 5 m wide, 30 square meters in all
  • ¿Cómo es el tiempo? [¿Qué tiempo hace?]= What's the weather like?
    What are you like? = ¿Cómo eres?
    (What do you like? = ¿Qué te gusta?)
    ¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
    ¿Cómo eres? = What are you like?

my vocabulary

  • preocupado = worried [con ansiedad], concerned
  • polka-dot = lunar [en un diseño]
  • metro = metre [BR]/meter [AM]
  • plot of land = parcela, terreno
    parcel = paquete, envío
  • for good = para siempre


dimension: dos pronunciaciones /de'mentʃən/ , /daɪ- /


another + noun

  • My neighbour doesn't want his car.
    Your neighbour doesn't want his car, he wants another car.
  • My sister's boss doesn't want his mobile phone.
  • George doesn't want his belt.
  • Sara won't want that polka-dot dress.

other + noun in the plural

  • Not all people own a house.
    True: some people own a house and other people don't.
  • Not all novels are entertaining.
  • Not all couches are comfy.


metres squared

  • Ask me how big my neighbor's plot of land is.
    How big is your neighbor's plot of land?
  • Ask me how big my parent's house is.
    How big is your parent's house?
  • Ask me how big the president's yacht is.
    How big is the president's yacht?
  • How big is your house?
  • How big is your bedroom?
  • Ask me how big my apartment is.
  • Ask me how big Carlos's parent's farm is.
  • Ask me how big my co-worker's studio is.

vocabulary 49

to think overreflexionar
box officetaquilla

translation list 3

  1. ¿Te puedes imaginar cómo sería esta oficina sin Pedro?
    Can you imagine what this office would be like without Pedro?
  2. Cuanto antes hables con él, mejor.
    The sooner you [speak/talk] to him, the better.
  3. Él está esperando que digas algo.
    He's waiting for you to say something.
  4. ¿Qué quieres que le diga?
    What do you want me to tell him?
  5. Había doscientas personas presentes en la inauguración.
    There were two hundred people [on hand/present] for/at the inauguration.
  6. Diviértete y no te metas en líos.
    [Have a good time/have fun/enjoy yourself] and don't get into trouble.
  7. Eso es lo último que esperaba de tí.
    That's/was the last thing I expected from you.
  8. ¿Para qué sirve llamarla ahora?
    What good does it do to call her now?
    What's the point of calling her now?
  9. Es una pérdida de tiempo.
    It's a waste of time.
  10. La he dejado para siempre.
    I've left her for good.
  11. Empezaron mal.
    They got off to a bad start (they started badly).
  12. Estás luchando por una causa perdida.
    You're fighting for a lost cause.
viernes 11 diciembre 2009
viernes 10 diciembre 2010


whether = si (conjunción copulativa):
I don't know whether the weather will be good tomorrow or not.

my vocabulary

  • pointless = sin sentido, inútil
  • for good = definitivamente
  • for ever = hasta la eternidad
  • I don't get it = no lo entiendo
  • to keep track = mantener en la cabeza un récord (una cifra, una cantidad)
  • to attend = asistir a
    Asisto a tu clase = I attend your class
  • either way = en cualquier caso


whether /'hweðər / AM /'weðə(r)/ EN


metres squared

  • Ask me how big my neighbour's plot of land is.
  • Ask me how big my sister's bedroom is.
  • Ask me how big my house is.


  • No quiero seguir.
    I don't want to go on.
  • Despídete de ellos.
    Say goodby to them.
  • Cuanto antes hables con él, mejor.
    The sooner you speak to him, the better.


it depends on

  • It depends on the weather.
  • It depends on my schedule.
  • It depends on the situation.
  • Depende de a qué hora llega el vuelo.
    It depends on what time the flight arrives.
  • Depende de los puntos que tengas.
    It depends on the points I have.

it depends whether

  • Depende de si me llama o no.
    It depends whether she calls me or not.
  • Depende de si hay entradas o no.
    It depends whether there are tickets or not.
  • Depende de si tengo suficiente dinero o no.
    It depends whether I have enough money or not.
  • Depende de si nos pagan o no.
    It depends whether they pay us or not.
  • Depende de si hay clases o no.
    It depends whether there are classes or not.
  • Depende de si hace buen tiempo o no.
    It depends whether it's nice weather or not.
  • Depende de si me cae bien o no.
    It depends whether I like him or not.
  • Depende de si vienen a la reunión o no.
    It depends whether they attend the meeting or not.
  • Depende de si aprueban los cambios o no.
    It depends wheter they approve the changes or not.
  • Depende de si (él) coge el tren o no.
    It depends whether he catches the train or not.

vocabulary 50

to investinvertir (dinero o tiempo)
to think out loudpensar en voz alta
to insinuateinsinuar
lunes 14 diciembre 2009
lunes 13 diciembre 2010


depende de = it depends on
no es necesario usar "on" con "it depends" cuando hay una palabra interrogativa:
it depends what time it is
it depends when they arrive
it depends on how much ...

my vocabulary

Gross Domestic Product, GDP = producto interior bruto, PIB
income = renta, ingresos


it depends on

  • Depende del tiempo.
    It depends on the weather
  • Depende de tí.
    It depends on you.
  • Depende del día.
    It depends on the day.
  • Depende del sitio.
    It depends on the place.
  • Depende.
    It depends.
  • Depende de la persona.
    It depends on the person.
  • Depende de la situación.
    It depends on the situation.

it depends whether

  • Depende de si me llama o no.
    It depends whether he calls me or not.
  • Depende de si hay entradas o no.
    It depends whether there are tickets or [not/there aren't].
  • Depende de si tengo suficiente dinero o no.
    It depends whether I have enough money or not.
  • Depende de si me contrata o no.
    It depends whether he hires me or not.


it depends (sin "on")

  • Depende de lo que quieras.
    It depends what you want.
  • Depende de cuándo termines.
    It depends when you finish.
  • Depende de cuánto tengas.
    It depends how much you [have/'ve got].
  • Depende de dónde vivas.
    It depends where you live.
  • Depende de cómo lo hagas.
    It depends how you do it.
  • Depende de a qué hora empieza.
    It depends what time it starts.
  • Depende de cómo lleguemos.
    It depends how we [get/arrive] there.
  • Depende de si mi profesor es un profesor bueno.
    It depends if my techer is a good one.

vocabulary 51

to digcavar
to tightenapretar
nervous breakdowncrisis nerviosa/ataque de nervios

translation list 4

  1. Como regla general prefiero dejar a mi gente sola.
    As a general rule I prefer to leave my people alone.
  2. Que yo sepa, no ha habido cambios.
    As far as I know, there haven't been any changes.
  3. En cuanto a mí, puedes hacer lo que quieras.
    As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want.
  4. En el mejor de los casos tenemos suficiente dinero para llegar a mayo.
    At best we have enough money to get through April.
    At best we have enough money to get to the end of May.
    At best we have enough money to get to May.
  5. Tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar detenidamente sobre el asunto.
    We had the chance to [talk/speak] at length about the [affair/ matter].
  6. ¿Eres consciente de lo que podría ocurrir si fueras adelante con esa idea?
    Are you aware of what could happen if you went ahead with that idea?
  7. Hemos tardado meses en romper el hielo.
    It's taken us months to break the ice.
  8. Volverás con las manos vacías, ya verás.
    You'll come back empty-handed, you'll see.
  9. Tenemos que partir de cero otra vez.
    We have to start from scratch again.
  10. A la larga todo saldrá bien.
    In the long run everything will turn out fine.
  11. Mientras tanto quiero que hagas esto.
    In the meantime I want you to do this.
  12. En nombre del Presidente quiero expresar nuestro agradecimiento.
    On behalf of the [President/chairman] I want to express our appreciation.
martes 15 diciembre 2009
martes 14 diciembre 2010


  • That's what it's for = es por lo que está
  • Who is in charge of the cameras?
  • "responsible" es un adjetivo:
    I'm responsible for certain elements
  • el responsable = the manager
    I'd like to see the manager, please
    can I speak to the person in charge?
  • in charge of + gerund (después de preposición, gerundio)
    who is in charge of telling me that it's time to take a break?
  • How much is it worth?
    to be worth = valer
  • It's not worth it = no vale la pena

my vocabulary

scratch = rascar
scratch = cero en los dos casos siguientes:
to play scratch golf = jugar golf con handicap cero (jugador profesional)
to start from scratch = empezar de cero


progress /'prɑ:grəs / ||/'prəʊgres/ nombre
progress /prə'gres/ verbo


it depends

  • Depende de lo que quieras = It depends what you want
  • Depende de cuándo termines = It depends when you finish
  • Depende de cuánto tengas = It depends how much you have
  • Depende de dónde vivas = It depends where you live
  • Depende de cómo lo hagas = It depends how you do it
  • Depende de cómo lo hagan = It depends how they do it


in charge of

  • Are you in charge of the sales department?
  • Ask me who is in charge of that department.
  • Who is in charge of you?
    Your boss is in charge of you, unless you're self-employed
  • Ask me if I'm in charge of helping you [to] improve your English.
  • If you were the CEO of the company, would you be in charge of everything?
  • Is Bill Gates in charge of Microsoft?
  • Ask me if I'm in charge of teaching you English.
  • Who is in charge of Vaughan Systems?
  • If you report to Sara, who is in charge of you?


  • Ella hizo una entrevista para ser responsable del departamento de marketing.
    She had an interview to be in charge of the marketing department.
  • No te gustaría ser responsable de tanta gente.
    You wouldn't like to be in charge of so many people.
  • ¿Estarías dispuesto de encargarte del proyecto?
    Would you be willing to be in charge of the project?
  • Prefiero que él sea el responsable de eso.
    I prefer him to be in charge of that.
  • Él será el responsable del progreso de sus alumnos.
    He'll be in charge of his students progress.

to be worth

  • ¿Cuánto vale? = How much is it worth?
  • ¿Vale la pena? = Is it worth it?
  • Valió la pena = It was worth it
  • Vale la pena = It's worth it
  • No vale la pena = It's not worth it
  • Ask me if I think it's worth it to study everyday.
  • It's worth it to practice your English.

vocabulary 52

rulerregla para medir
también es el jefe de un grupo humano, país
to underlinesubrayar
miércoles 16 diciembre 2009
miércoles 15 diciembre 2010


  • grado de temperatura: centigrade or Celsius
  • above/below zero
    what's the temperature?
    it's 17 degrees above zero
  • z [BR zed, US zɪ:]
  • grade = calificaciones (notas), categorías (gasolina)
  • to tell = percibir
    you can't tell how hot it is here
  • freezing (it's freezing)
  • to chill = enfriar (un vino, comida)
  • chill out! = ¡tranquilo!
  • chilling = escalofriante
  • breeze = brisa (marina y cualquier corriente de aire)
  • mild weather = clima templado
    mild = suave
    mild cigarette
    mild manners
  • warm (it's warm)
  • sunny, cloudy, overcast, rainy, foggy, boiling hot
  • a principios de los cincuenta
    the early fifties
  • a mediados de los cincuenta
    the mid fifties
  • a finales de los cincuenta
    the late fifties


in charge of

  • Are you in charge of the sales department?
  • Are you in charge of me?
  • Who is in charge of the Vatican?
  • Who was in charge of the Spanish Team when they won the European Championship?
  • Who is in charge of them now?
  • Who is in charge in your house?
  • Who is in charge of me?
  • Who is in charge of the U.S. government?
  • Have you ever been in charge of a charging bull?

it's worth it

  • Do you think it's worth it?
  • Are you worth it?
  • Is becoming a doctor worth it?
  • Ask me if it's worth buying a travel card every month.


temperature and weather

  • I was in Leeds last week and it was around three degrees in the morning.
    What was the temperature? How hot was it?
    It was cold.
  • I was in Las Vegas last summer and it was over fourty five degrees in the shade.
    It was boiling.
  • My brother was in Iceland in winter and it was minus fifteen degrees.
    It was freezing.
  • My neighbor was in New York last fall and it was twenty three degrees.
    It was mild.
  • My friends were in Madrid last summer and it was about thirty eight degrees.
    It was hot.
  • Your sister was in Canada in December and it was minus five degrees.
    It was very cold.

vocabulary 53

to stuttertartamudear
to teasetomar el pelo
to tearrasgar
to simplifysimplificar

translation list 5

  1. Llegaron sanos y salvos.
    They arrived safe and sound.
  2. Tarde o temprano lo vas a tener que hacer.
    [Sooner or later/eventually] you're going to have to do it.
  3. Estás rizando el rizo.
    You're splitting hairs.
  4. Nací en los años cincuenta
    I was born in the fifties.
  5. No han cruzado la meta todavía.
    They haven't crossed the finish line yet.
  6. Tendrás que recurrir a enchufes para conseguir eso.
    You'll have to pull some strings to get that.
  7. Tuve que recurrir a amenazas.
    I had to resort to threats.
    No quiero tener que recurrir a amenazas.
    I don't want to have to resort to threats.
  8. Vamos a forrarnos en este negocio.
    We're going to make a killing in this business.
  9. No me gusta correr riesgos.
    I don't like to run risks.
  10. ¿Quién dirige este cotarro?
    Who's running this show?
    Who runs this show?
  11. No puedo aguantar el ritmo.
    I can't stand the pace.
  12. ¿Por qué no te echas una siesta?
    Why don't you take a nap?
jueves 17 diciembre 2009
jueves 16 diciembre 2010


  • to take risks = arriesgar calculando (en negocios)
    [business people are risks takers]
  • to wish = desear (I wish you a Merry Christmas)
    I wish I were ...
    I wish + pasado = Ojalá ... cuando no es posible
    I hope ... cuando sí es posible.

my vocabulary

  • to sizzle = chisporrotear
    a sizzling pace = un ritmo fuerte, sofocante
  • aprovechar (una oportunidad) = to take advantage of
  • aprovechar (tiempo, rendimiento) = to make the most of
  • it comes down to money, it boils down to money = se reduce a dinero


knew /nu: / ||/nju:/



boiling, hot, mild, cold, freezing
  • I was in Leeds last weekend and it was around three degrees in the morning.
    What temperature was it? How hot or cold was it?
    It was cold.
  • Last year I was there in August and it was around fourty degrees in the afternoon.
    It was boiling.
  • It was minus twenty degrees when I last went to Russia.
    What was the temperature?
    It was freezing.
  • Last night I couldn't sleep very well because it was around thirty degrees.
    It was hot.


I wish

  • Ojalá tuviera más dinero = I wish I had more money
  • Ojalá conociera a Brad Pitt = I wish I knew Brad Pitt
  • Ojalá fuera más alta = I wish I were taller
  • Ojalá no viviera en esta ciudad = I wish I didn't live in this city
  • Ojalá él fuera mi jefe = I wish he were my boss
  • Ojalá fuera rica = I wish I were rich
  • Ojalá no fuera tan torpe = I wish I weren't so clumsy
  • Ojalá tuviera un buen coche = I wish I had a good car
  • Ojalá no hiciera tanto calor = I wish it weren't so hot
  • Ojalá pudiera hablar francés = I wish I could speak French
  • Ojalá no fuera tan difícil = I wish it weren't so difficult
  • Ojalá tuviera más tiempo libre = I wish I had more [free/spare] time
  • Ojalá conociera a George Clooney = I wish I knew George Clooney

I wish/if only

  • Ojalá tuviera un buen coche
    I wish I had a good car = If only I had a good car
  • I wish it would rain = If only it would rain
  • I wish I had more money = If only I had more money
  • I wish I had more friends
  • I wish my English were perfect
  • I wish María told me that there are only ten seconds left

vocabulary 54

performanceactuación, rendimiento
issuecuestión a debatir
      problem, matter, issue: usar matter
to underrateinfravalorar
viernes 18 diciembre 2009
viernes 17 diciembre 2010


  • I wish I were.
  • I wish I did, but I don't.
  • Don't you ever wish you could get away from the noise?
    Don't you wish you could fly like Peter Pan?
    Don't you wish you could do that?
  • Ojalá hubiera una manera = I wish there were a way
  • ya que estamos ... = might as well ...
  • Why are you always in such a hurry?
  • bastante/bastantes:
    delante de plural: quite a few
    tengo bastantes problemas = I have quite a few problems
    delante de singular: quite a bit/lot of
    tengo bastante azúcar en casa = I have quite a bit/lot of sugar at home
    delante de comparativos: quite a bit/lot
    He's quite a bit taller than I am
    He's quite a bit taller than I thought

my vocabulary

to knit = tejer
seesaw = columpio, balancín, subibaja
outskirts = afueras
to be in a rush = tener prisa


I wish

  • Ojalá tuviera más dinero.
  • Ojalá conociera a Brad Pitt.
  • Ojalá fuera más alto.
    I wish I were taller.
  • Ojalá no viviera en una cueva.
  • Ojalá él fuera mi jefe.

I wish > If only

  • Ojalá tuviera un buen coche.
    If only I had a good car.
  • Ojalá no hiciera tanto calor.
    If only it weren't so hot.
  • Ojalá tuviera más vacaciones.
    If only I had more vacations.
  • Ojalá fuera más fácil.
  • Ojalá supieran la verdad.
  • Ojalá no fuera mi jefe.



  • Ask me if I'd like to earn more money.
    Do you wish you earned more money?
  • Ask me if I'd like to be happier.
    Do you wish you were happier?
  • Ask me if I'd like to have a house near the sea.
    Do you wish you had a house near the sea?
  • Ask me if I'd like my brother to live closer to Spain.
    Do you wish your brother lived closer to Spain?
  • Ask me if I'd like to know how to knit.
    Do you wish you knew how to knit?
  • Ask me if I'd like to have a house with a garden.
    Do you wish you had a house with a garden?
  • Ask me if the boy would like there to be a seesaw in the park.
    Does the boy wish there were a seesaw in the park?
  • Ask me if I'd like to live in the outskirts.
    Do you wish you lived in the outskirts?
  • Ask me if I'd like to work few hours.
    Do you wish you worked few hours?
  • Ask me if I'd like to know how to cook as well as my mum.
    Do you wish you knew how to cook as well as your mum?
  • Ask me if the model would like to be taller.
    Does the model wish she were taller?

vocabulary 55

reliablede fiar
prior toantes de
praiseworthydigno de elogio
to adviseaconsejar

translation list 6

  1. ¿Me puede sumar estas cifras?
    Can you add up these figures for me?
  2. Siempre tienes prisa.
    You're always in a hurry.
  3. Hemos tenido bastantes problemas con el nuevo sistema.
    We've had quite a few problems with the new system.
  4. Aprovecha mi generosidad mientras puedas.
    [Take advantage/Make the most] of my generosity while you can.
  5. Puede que él no sea tan generoso en el futuro.
    He may not be so generous in the futur.
  6. Es como si le conociera desde hace años.
    It's as if [I knew/I'd known] him from years.
  7. En cuanto llegues al banco, llámame.
    As soon as you get to the bank, call me.
  8. Él es bastante más alto de lo que pensé.
    He's quite a bit taller than I thought.
  9. Hemos sufrido una serie de contratiempos que están retrasando la producción.
    We've suffered a series of setbacks that are delaying production.
  10. Él es, [con mucho/con mucha diferencia], el mejor jugador del país.
    He's by far the best player in the country.
  11. Aparte de unos problemas al principio, todo anda bien.
    [Aside/apart] from [a few/some] problems at the beginning, everything is running/going well.
  12. Quedan bastantes.
    There are still quite a few left.
lunes 21 diciembre 2009
lunes 20 diciembre 2010


  • We're ten classes away from the end = estamos a 10 clases del final
  • quedan ... = there are ... left
    me quedan ... = I have ... left

it's a good thing

  • ¡Menos mal, que ella está aquí! = It's a good thing she's here!
  • No se usa that para formar la frase
  • It's just as well = Menos mal (más formal que "it's a good thing")
    It's just as well you came when you came.
    Menos mal que viniste cuando viniste.

to look forward to

  • to look forward to:
    I'm looking forward to sending you a letter and I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.
  • to look forward to
    forward = hacia adelante
    backward = hacia atrás
    toward = hacia
  • "to look forward to" es una expresión muy corriente, tanto formal como informal
  • para terminar una carta de trabajo:
    "looking forward to your reply, yours ... " = en espera de su respuesta, ...
  • I'm looking forward to it = lo espero con ilusión
  • I'm looking forward to + gerund
  • "I look forward to hearing from you" = a la espera de sus noticias (formal)
    por eso se suele usar en presente continuo, es más natural y coloquial:
    I'm looking forward to seeing you in our next class


  • no pain, no gain = no sufres, no consigues

my vocabulary

drowsy = somnoliento, amodorrado



  • Ask me if I'd like to own a yatch.
    Do you wish you owned a yatch?
  • Ask me if I'd like to know Brad Pitt's phone number.
  • Ask me if I'd like there to be a cinema near my house.
    Do you wish there were a cinema near your house?


it's a good thing (it's just as well)

  • Menos mal que no llovió = It's a good thing it didn't rain
  • Menos mal que nevó = It's a good thing it snowed
  • Menos mal que no había mucha gente = It's a good thing there weren't many people
  • Menos mal que no llovió = It's just as well it didn't rain
  • Menos mal que nevó = It's just as well it snowed
  • Menos mal que no había mucha gente = It's just as well there weren't many people

to look forward to something

  • Are you looking forward to your holidays?
  • Are you looking forward to our next class?
  • Are you looking forward to your birthday?
  • Are you looking forward to going to the doctor's next week?
  • Are you looking forward to visiting your parents next month?
  • Are you looking forward to cleaning your house?
  • Ask me if I'm looking forward to the weekend?
  • Ask me if I am looking forward to my birthday?
  • Ask me if I am looking forward to going to the gym after class?

vocabulary 56

to keep up withmantenerse con (el ritmo)
to look upbuscar (como consulta, en diccionario, en internet)
to ignoreno hacer caso
to make certainasegurarse
to manufacturefabricar
martes 22 diciembre 2009
martes 21 diciembre 2010


  • ... and then María would be in the dog house.
  • "lately" siempre con present perfect o present perfect continuous
  • a shop es también un taller
  • bring it in = tráemelo (aquí dentro)
  • think about, think of
    Pienso llamarla mañana = I'm planning to call her tomorrow
    Estoy pensando en llamarla mañana = I'm thinking about calling her tomorrow
  • I'm still in bed

my vocabulary

trustworthy = digno de confianza
to master = llegar a dominar


it's a good thing / it's just as well

  • Menos mal que no llovió.
    It's a good thing that it didn't rain.
  • Menos mal que no había mucha gente.
  • Menos mal que sabían reparar la máquina.
    It's just as well they knew how to fix the machine.
  • Menos mal que el coche paró a tiempo.
    It's a good thing the car stopped in time.

to look forward to

  • Are you looking forward to your holidays?
  • Are you looking forward to resting tonight?
  • When you were kid, did you use to look forward to going to school everyday?
    Yes, when I was a kid, I used to look forward to going to school everyday.
  • Are you looking forward to our next class?
  • Are you looking forward to the next exercise?
  • Are you looking forward to finishing this class?


thinking about

  • Are you thinking about moving house?
  • Are you thinking living now?
  • Have you ever thought about learning Arabic?
  • Are you thinking about eating a ham sandwich right now?
  • Are you thinking about not answering my next question?
  • Are you thinking about writing a book?
  • Are you thinking about composing a greate opera?
  • Are you thinking about giving up English?
  • Are you thinking about working harder on your English?
  • Are you thinking about making me a cup of coffee?
  • Are you thinking about inventing an electric aeroplane?
  • Are you thinking about eating raw chicken?
  • Are you thinking about giving up smoking?
  • Are you thinking about taking up smoking?
  • Are you thinking about what to eat for diner?
  • Are you thinking about Brad Pitt?
  • Are you thinking about telephoning Brad Pitt?
  • Are you thinking about running for President?
  • Are you thinking about baking a cake?
  • Are you thinking about invading Brazil?
  • Are you thinking about cutting your hair?
  • Are you thinking about eating raw chicken?

vocabulary 57

to refusenegarse a
to misspellcometer faltas de ortografía

translation list 7

  1. El llegar a dominar el inglés cuesta mucho trabajo.
    Mastering English takes a lot of work.
  2. Quiero averiguar quién lo hizo.
    I want to find out who did it.
  3. Cuídate.
    Take care of yourself.
  4. ¿Estás levantado?
    Are you up?
  5. Me estoy quedando atrás.
    I'm falling behind.
  6. Ellos carecen de recursos naturales.
    They lack natural resources.
  7. Están obligados a importar materias primas.
    They are forced to import raw materials.
  8. Los costes laborales han subido.
    Labor costs have [risen/gone up].
  9. No pierdas tu tiempo cumplimentando esos pedidos.
    Don't waste your time filling those orders.
  10. No es probable que prorroguen el plazo.
    [They're not likely to /It's not likely that they will] extend the deadline.
  11. Será un proceso doloroso, pero no tenemos más remedio.
    It'll be a painful process, but we [have no other choice/don't have any other choice].
  12. Tenemos que eliminar los obstáculos que nos impidan progresar.
    We have to remove the obstacles that keep us from progressing.
miércoles 23 diciembre 2009
miércoles 22 diciembre 2010


  • I'm really glad/I'm delighted -> NO "very glad"
  • to think about = reflexionar, meditar, pensar en
  • I'm thinking about + gerund = estoy pensando en +
    I'm thinking about going to NY
  • I'm planning = pienso (planeo, tengo intención de)
  • that keep us from progressing = que impiden progresar
    ella impide que yo pueda salir de aquí = she keeps me from leaving this room
    to keep from + gerundio = evitar/impedir + verbo
    a fence is to keep the dog in
    the purpose of the fence is to keep the dog [from going out/in]
  • Saludo: "Cuídate" = "take care"
    'Take care of yourself' es un consejo.
  • Pienso mañana pensar las posibilidades de qué hacer este verano
    I'm planning to think about what I'm going to do this coming summer
  • to plan = planear, planificar
    se usa "present simple" or "present continuous"
  • back to back = consecutivos
  • I prefer that this be = prefiero que esto sea

my vocabulary

remover = stir
quitar = remove
homebody = casero, hogareño


to plan to

  • Are you planning to go away this summer?
  • What are you planning to do at the weekend?
  • Ask me if I'm planning to go out at the weekend.
  • Are you planning to sell your house next month?
  • How long are you planning to stay in London?
    I'm planning to stay in London for two weeks.
  • Ask me if I'm planning to teach Korean next week.
  • Is your neighbor planning to move?
  • Who are you planning to visit next month?
  • What are you planning to wear to the party?
  • When are you planning to do it?
  • When are you planning to call them?
  • When are you planning to call your brother?
  • Ask me when I'm planning to call my brother.
  • Ask me when I'm planning to visit my family in California.
  • When are you planning to visit your relative in Extremadura?
  • What time are you planning to have dinner tonight?
  • Ask me what time I'm planning to have dinner tonight.
  • Who are you planning to have dinner with?
  • What are you planning to do after dinner?


  • Un vuelo de tres horas = A three-hour flight
  • Una reunión de dos horas = A two-hour meeting
  • Una carta de cinco hojas = A five-page letter
  • Un niño de tres años = a three-year old child
  • Escribieron un informe de doce páginas sobre el tema.
    They wrote a twelve-page report [on the matter/about the subject].
  • Él escribió un libro de doscientas páginas.
    He wrote a two-hundred-page book.
  • Vimos una película de tres horas.
    We saw a three-hour movie.
  • Me gustaría tener unas vacaciones de dos meses.
    I'd like to have a two-month holiday.
  • Necesito unas vacaciones de dos semanas.
    I need a two-week holiday.
    holiday (sin "s")

vocabulary 58

to sign up forapuntarse (a un curso)
prescriptionreceta (médica)
pressure groupgrupo de presión
to make sureasegurarse
to make sensetener sentido
lunes 28 diciembre 2009
jueves 23 diciembre 2010

my vocabulary

actual = real, contrario de "fictitious"
actualmente = currently



to plan to

  • Are you planning to go away this summer?
  • What are you planning to do at the weekend?
  • Are you planning to catch up with your friends tonight?
    to catch up = ponerse al día
  • What are you planning to do for homework?


  • Ayer estuve en una reunión de ocho horas = Yesterday I was in an eight-hour meeting
  • Fué un vuelo de tres horas = It was a three-hour flight
  • Escribieron un informe de doce páginas sobre el tema =
    = They wrote a twelve-page report [on the matter/about the subject]
  • Ella me mandó una carta de cinco páginas = She sent me a five-page letter
  • Vimos una película de cuatro horas = We watched a four-hour [film/movie]
  • Estudié una carrera de cinco años = I studied a five-year degree


  • Siento haberlo hecho = I'm sorry I did it
    No debería haberlo hecho = I shouldn't have done it
    Ojalá no lo hubiera hecho = I wish I hadn't done it
  • I'm sorry I saw him
    I shouldn't have seen him
    I wish I hadn't seen him
  • I'm sorry I lost the match
    I shouldn't have lost the match
    I wish I hadn't lost the match
  • It's a pitty they didn't bring me some water
    They should've brought me some water
    I wish they had brought me some water
  • I'm sorry your English isn't perfect
    Your English should be perfect
    I wish your English were perfect
  • I'm sorry I came
    I shouldn't have come
    I wish I hadn't come
  • I'm sorry I wrote it
    I shouldn't have written it
    I wish I hadn't written it

I wish

  • You didn't know the answer
    I wish I'd known the answer
  • You didn't win the tennis match
    I wish I'd won the tennis match
  • You went to that party
    I wish I hadn't gone to that party
  • They didn't call
    They wish they'd called
  • He took that job
    He wishes he hadn't taken that job
  • You sold your house
    I wish I hadn't sold my house
  • You didn't go to the doctor when you were sick
    I wish I'd gone to the doctor when I was sick
  • They had some milk for breakfast
    They wish they hadn't had any milk for breakfast
  • I didn't turn off the lights this morning
    You wish you'd turned off the lights this morning
  • She cut her hair before her wedding
    She wishes she hadn't cut her hair before her wedding

vocabulary 59

to shaveafeitarse
coppoli (policía)
round tripida y vuelta

translation list 8

  1. Has hecho una evaluación precisa de la situación actual.
    You've made an accurate assessment of the current situation.
  2. ¿Te importaría decirlo para que todo el mundo te pueda oir?
    Would you mind saying it so that everyone can hear you?
  3. Lo traje para que tú lo usaras.
    I brought it so that you could use it.
  4. Él se ha marchado de la empresa para siempre.
    He's left the company for good.
  5. Estoy confiado en que los acontecimientos me darán la razón.
    I'm confident that the events will prove me right.
  6. ¡Menos mal!
    It's a good thing!
  7. Que yo sepa, las cosas marchan bien.
    As far I know, things are going [well/fine].
  8. Es muy arriesgado levantar el embargo.
    It's very risky to lift the embargo.
  9. He encontrado un atajo que nos ahorra mucho tiempo.
    I've found a shortcut that saves us a lot of time.
  10. ¡Habérmelo dicho!
    [Why didn't you tell me!/You should've told me!]
  11. Casi nunca piden perdón ellos por sus errores.
    They hardly ever [apologize/apologise] for their mistakes.
  12. Tendrás que pasar por un período de prueba de tres meses.
    You'll have to go through a three-month trial period.
martes 29 diciembre 2009
viernes 24 diciembre 2010


  • I didn't do it.
    You should've done it
    I know I should've done it.
    I wish I had done it
  • I wish I had, but I didn't

my vocabulary

casi nunca = hardly ever
casi siempre = almost always
things are running smoothly = sin sobresaltos
trial by fire = prueba de fuego
can you tell? = ¿lo notas?
to put down sb. = insultar a alguien
to yell at sb. = gritar, regañar a alguien
to give up = darse por vencido
to be over the Moon = to be very happy


rephrase with "I wish"

  • You didn't win the tennis match.
    I wish I had won the tennis match.
  • You went to the party.
    I wish I hadn't gone to the party.
  • You broke his nose.
    I wish I hadn't broken his nose.
  • You were late.
    I wish I hadn't been late.
  • You lost all your money.
    I wish I hadn't lost all my money.
  • You didnt know.
    I wish I had known.
  • You weren't there.
    I wish I had been there.
  • You didn't know what to do.
    I wish I had known what to do.
  • You were very rude.
    I wish I hadn't been so rude.


I wish

  • You didn't do your tax return on time.
    [I wish/If only] I'd done my tax return on time.
  • You ate the poisonous mushroom.
    I wish I hadn't eaten the poisonous mushroom.
  • You didn't hear the news.
    I wish I'd heard the news.
  • You put them down.
    I wish I hadn't put them down.
  • You lost your wallet.
    I wish I hadn't lost my wallet.
  • You yelled at her.
    I wish I hadn't yelled at her.
  • You spoke to her.
    I wish I hadn't spoken to her.
  • You took an antihistamine.
    I wish I hadn't taken an antihistamine.
  • You didn't find your passport.
    I wish I'd found my passport.
  • You gave up.
    I wish I hadn't given up.

to be over the Moon

  • Were you over the Moon when Spain won the European Cup?
  • Were you over the Moon when this class started?
  • If I bought you a present would you be over the Moon?
  • Did you use to get over the Moon when it was Christmas?
  • Ask me if I would be over the Moon if I won the lottery.
  • Were you over the Moon when I told you the good news?
  • If your boss gave you a new company car, would you be over the Moon?
  • Were you over the Moon when your alarm clock went off this morning?
  • Will you be over the Moon in our next class?

vocabulary 60

plot (or land)parcela
to loosenaflojar
to make ends meetllegar a fin de mes
to make fun ofburlarse de