miércoles 30 diciembre 2009
lunes 27 diciembre 2010
- ¿A qué sabe? = What does it taste like?
- ¿A qué huele? = What does it smell like?
- ¿A qué suena? = What does it sound like?
- "I wish somebody would ..." expresa un deseo puntual
my vocabulary
arrepentirse = to regret
to bug someone = dar la lata a alguien
I wish/If only
- You didn't do your tax return.
If only I'd done my tax return.
- You ate the poisonous mushroom.
If only I hadn't eaten the poisonous mushroom.
To be over the Moon
- Were you over the Moon when Spain won the European Cup?
- Ask me if I was over the Moon when I've found out that you were my student
I wish + sb + would
- He's making a lot of noise.
I wish he would [be quiet/shut up].
- She's frowning at me.
I wish she [wouldn't frown/would smile] at me.
- They're rude.
I wish they [wouldn't be rude/would be polite].
- The dog's barking.
I wish the dog [would be quiet/wouldn't bark].
- She never says what she thinks.
I wish she [would say what she thinks/wouldn't keep things to herself].
- He's always spending money.
I wish he [wouldn't spend so much/would save more] money.
- He's always bugging her.
I wish he [wouldn't bug her/would leave her alone].
- He always drives quickly.
I wish he [wouldn't drive quickly/would slow down].
- My neighbor is always wearing high-heeled.
I wish my neighbor [wouldn't wear high-heeled/would flat shoes].
vocabulary 61
to mistreat | maltratar
sculpture | escultura
privacy | intimidad
to look alike | parecerse
corporation | sociedad anónima o corporación
translation list 9
- La formación es una preocupación continua en esta empresa.
Training is an ongoing concern in this company.
- Hay bastantes pedidos nuevos.
There are quite a few new orders.
- Adivina quién va a convocar la reunión.
Guess who's going to call the meeting.
- Tengo intención de demandarles.
I intend to sue them.
- Guárdalo por si acaso.
Keep it just in case.
- Nunca sabes cuándo te puede hacer falta.
You never know when you might/may need it.
- Si bajas el precio ganarás cuota de mercado.
If you lower the price you'll gain market share.
- ¿Cómo se pronuncia ésto?
How do you pronounce this?
- No te voy a cobrar la mano de obra.
I'm not going to charge you for labour.
- Esto implicará a más gente de lo que crees.
This will involve more people than you think.
- Tropecé con él en un quiosco.
I run into him at a newsstand.
- Si pulsas ese botón, bajaremos.
If you press/push that button, we'll go down.
lunes 4 enero 2010
martes 28 diciembre 2010
my vocabulary
bromear, tomar el pelo a alguien = to have sb. on (NO en América)
gullible = crédulo
identical twins = gemelos
fraternal twins = mellizos
on my on = by my self
to study on her on
she reached a high level on her on
to take after = parecerse (en la forma de ser)
to look like = parecerse físicamente
wish + would
- Ojalá que él viniese = I wish he would come
- Ojalá que no hiciese tanto ruido = I wish he wouldn't make so much noise
- Ojalá que ella se diese prisa = I wish she would hurry up
to pull one's leg/to have sb. on
Are you having me on?
Ask me if I'm having you on.
Do you like pulling my leg?
Did anyone pull your leg last week?
Was he having her on?
Are you pulling his leg?
Are you pulling her leg?
Are you pulling my leg?
Does your brother have you on a lot?
Yes, he has me on a lot.
Do your parents pull your leg?
Tell me to stop pulling your leg.
Tell me to stop having you on.
Did anyone pull your leg this morning?
Did anyone have you on last month?
Ask me if I like pulling my mum's leg.
Did anyone pull your leg last week?
Yes, someone pulled my leg last week.
Did anyone have you on last week?
Yes, someone had me on last week.
How many times have your leg been pulled so far this month?
How many times has someone pulled your leg so far this month?
Does your sister have you on a lot?
When did you last pull your brother's leg?
to look like sb.
- Do I look like my mum?
- Do I look like your dad?
- No me parezco nada a George Bush.
I don't look anything like George Bush.
Do you look like a celebrity?
Ask me if I look like Nicole Kidman.
Do you look like your sister or your brother?
No me parezco en nada a mi hermana.
I don't look anything like my sister.
Por más que insistas, no te pareces a Elsa Pataky.
No matter how much you insist, you don't look like Elsa Pataky.
Me parezco a la familia de mi padre.
I look like my dad's side of the family.
Mis manos se parecen a las de mi madre.
My hands look like my mum's.
Cuando era pequeña me parecía más a mi madre, pero ahora me parezco maś a mi padre.
When I was a kid I used to look like my mother, but now I look like my father.
vocabulary 62
remark | comentario (con crítica)
danish | danés
chin | barbilla
to reinforce | reforzar
to tackle | resolver
martes 5 enero 2010
miércoles 29 diciembre 2010
my vocabulary
can you tell the difference between ... ? = ¿notas la diferencia entre ... ?
to go off: bombas y despertadores
doubt /daʊt/ [la "b" es muda]
to have sb on/to pull sb's leg
Are you having me on?
Ask me if I'm pulling your leg.
Were they pulling your leg?
Were they pulling my leg?
Ask me if I was pulling his leg.
to look like
Do you look like your father?
Do you look like your mother?
Ask me the same question.
Ask me if I look like my mother.
Do you have a brother or a sister?
Do you look like your sister?
to look + adjective
Do I look tired?
Do I look happy?
Does it look difficult?
Does that book look interesting?
Did he look angry?
Did she look sad?
Did the food look good?
Do they look bored?
Does José's class look boring?
Did he look upset?
Does he look frustated?
Does she look worried?
Did they look interested?
Did it look expensive?
Does the project look complicated?
Does Luis look happy?
vocabulary 63
I guess so | supongo que sí
fortnight | quincena
housing | vivienda
every now and then | de vez en cuando
frightened | asustado
translation list 10
- ¿Suben ustedes o bajan?
Are you going up or down?
- Menos mal que tengo un cerebro grande.
It's a good thing I have a big brain.
- ¿Qué tienen que ver los curas con nuestras perspectivas de futuro?
What do priests have to do with our future prospects?
- María es, sin duda, la mujer más inteligente que he conocido.
María is, without [a] doubt, the most intelligent woman I've ever met/known.
- Si abres tu portafolios, estallará la bomba.
If you open your briefcase, the bomb will go off.
- Me temo que nuestras pérdidas vayan a ser mayores de lo previsto.
I'm afraid our losses are going to be greater than forecasted.
- La impresora no imprime como se supone que debe hacerlo.
The printer doesn't print like it's supposed to.
- ¿Cómo se supone que debe imprimir?
How is it supposed to print?
- Esto nos proporcionará una oportunidad para romper el hielo.
This will give/provide us [with] an opportunity to break the ice.
- Deja una propina del 15%.
Leave a [tip of 15 percent/15 percent tip.]
- Por un lado, me gusta.
On [the] one hand, I like it.
- Pero por otro lado, nos podría crear algunos problemas.
But on the other hand, it could create/cause us some problems.
But on the other hand, it could create some problems for us.
jueves 7 enero 2010
jueves 30 diciembre 2010
I see no connection = I don't see any connection
on the other hand = [por otro lado/en cambio] para significar contraposición
to take a walk = to go for a walk
to go for a walk, for a drive, for a run, for a jog, for a swim
I go for a drive = voy a paseo (en coche)
I go out for a drive = salgo de paseo (en coche)
- hope, expect, wait
- Espero que no esperes que yo te espere.
I hope you don't expect me to wait for you.
- wait for: es algo negativo
expect: es algo positivo
I'm expecting a telephone call, I hope the person calls at the time I expect the call, and I don't want to have to wait.
If everything goes as planned, I expect to finish this class in about twenty minutes.
my vocabulary
stroll = paseo tranquilo
stroller = cochecito de niño [GB]
to look + adjective
Do I look tired?
Do I look angry?
Does this book look interesting?
Did he look angry?
Does it look difficult?
Ask me if the exam looks easy.
Do I look happy?
Did she look sad?
Did the food look good?
to go for a ...
I hope
- Espero llegar a tiempo.
I hope I get there in time.
- Espero que no tarden demasiado.
I hope it won't take them long/I hope it doesn't take them too long.
- Ask me if I hope it rains tomorrow.
Do you hope it rains tomorrow?
No, I don't hope it rains tomorrow.
- Ask me if people are hoping the recession will end soon.
Do you think that people ...?
Ask me if I hope the weather will cool down at the weekend.
- Ask me if I hope to travel to Ireland soon.
- Ask me if I hope I locked the front door this morning.
- Ask me if I hope to be home in no time this evening.
Do you hope to be ...?
- Ask me if I hope fewer people will be illiterate in the future.
- Ask me if I hope the long-range weather forecast will be good.
- Ask me if I hope to attend any concert soon.
- Ask me if I hope the phone won't keep ringing tomorrow.
- Ask me if I hope Spain's economy improves soon.
Do you hope Spain's economy will improve soon?
- Ask me if I hope that our students are practicing everyday.
Do you hope our students will be practicing everyday?
vocabulary 64
in no time | en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
illiterate | analfabeto
lock | cerradura
long-range | de largo alcance, a largo plazo
leak | gotera
viernes 8 enero 2010
viernes 31 diciembre 2010
join me = únete a mí
my vocabulary
Waiting "is not my cup of tea" (no es de mi agrado)
keep me posted = manténme al día, informado
figure BR /'fɪgə(r)/AM /'fɪgjər /
to go for ...
- Did you go for a four-mile walk yesterday?
- Did you go for an eight-mile run at the weekend?
- Is it a ninty-five-mile drive to Toledo?
- Ask me if I'll go for a six-mile jog at the weekend.
to hope
- Espero llegar a tiempo.
I hope I arrive on time.
- Espero que no tarden demasiado.
I hope it doesn't take them too long.
- Espero que me entiendas.
I hope you understand me.
- Espero que no os importe.
I hope you don't mind.
- Espero que sea verdad.
I hope it's true.
- Espero que te presentes a la siguiente clase.
I hope you show/turn up to the next class.
- Espero que vengas a la fiesta.
I hope you come to the party.
- Espero que les guste el regalo.
I hope they like the gift/present (BR/AM).
to wait for someone or sth.
- ¡Espera!
- ¡Espérame!
Wait for me!
- Te estoy esperando.
I'm waiting for you.
- Te espero abajo.
I'll wait for you downstairs.
(arriba = upstairs, fuera = outside, dentro = inside)
- Nos están esperando en la oficina.
They're waiting for us in the office.
- Esperé el autobús durante dos horas.
I waited for the bus for two hours.
During the class we talk about ... during a period, an activity ...
- Estoy esperando el tren.
I'm waiting for the train.
- What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for?
I'm waiting for my brother.
- Espéranos en el restaurante.
Wait for us in the restaurant.
- Espéranos fuera.
Wait for us outside.
- Le esperé en el cine.
I waited for him in the cinema.
at the theatre, at the movies
- ¿A qué estás esperando?
What are you waiting for?
- ¿A quién estás esperando?
Who are you waiting for?
- To wait for someone to do something:
Are you waiting for him to call you?
Are you waiting for them to send you a copy?
Are you waiting for it to get easier?
vocabulary 65
mandatory | obligatorio
luxurious | de lujo
loyal | leal
manufacturing | fabricación
narrow-minded | de mente estrecha, cerrada
translation list 11
- Esto no está al día.
This isn't up to date.
- Tenemos que actualizar las cifras.
We have to update the figures.
- El restaurante estaba tan lleno que fuimos a otro.
The restaurant was so crowded that we went to [another one/another].
- Por mucho que le hables no le vas a convencer.
No matter how much you talk to him you're not going to convince him.
- Ingresé en la empresa a mediados de los sesenta.
I joined the company in the mid sixties.
- Me casé con ella a finales de los cincuenta.
I married her in the late fifties.
- Me jubilé a principios de los ochenta.
I retired in the early eighties.
- Hasta ahora pareces tener todas las cosas bajo control.
[So far/Up to now] you seem to have everything under control.
- El paro ha bajado dos puntos en tres meses.
Unemployment has [gone down/fallen] two points in three months.
- Es cómodo tener una farmacia justo a la vuelta de la esquina.
It's convenient to have a farmacy/chemist just around the corner.
- Tenemos muy pocas cosas en común.
We have very few things in common.
- Ni siquiera sé cómo se llaman.
I don't even know what their names are.
lunes 11 enero 2010
lunes 3 enero 2011
to wait, to expect and to hope
my vocabulary
a binder = un cuaderno de anillas
to be bound to do sth. = it's going to happen
chemist /'keməst /
to wait
- Te estoy esperando.
I'm waiting for you.
- Estoy esperando a que me digas algo.
I'm waiting for you to tell me something.
- Esperé el autobús durante dos horas.
I was waiting for the bus for two hours.
- Estoy esperando a que él tome una decision.
I'm waiting for him to make/take a decission.
- Él me está esperando.
He's waiting for me.
- Él está esperando a que yo le llame.
He's waiting for me to call him.
to expect
- Do you expect I'll be here tomorrow?
- Do you expect it will rain tomorrow?
- Do you expect to get home safely today after this?
- Do you expect to see Alberto Alonso on TV tomorrow?
- Do you expect RM to win the league this year?
- Do you expect me to keep speaking English?
- Do you expect them to pay attention at home?
- Do you expect to learn a lot from these classes?
- Do you expect to stay in Spain forever?
- Do you expect me to stay in Spain forever?
- Do you expect to snow in Madrid this winter?
- Do you expect to be cold in Canada this winter?
- Are you expecting a baby?
- Am I expected to keep speaking English?
Do you expect me to keep speaking English until the show is over?
- Do you expect your mother to call you soon?
- Do you expect to learn from this episode?
- Do you expect David B. to make another album?
- Do you expect him to grow his hair back?
- Am I expected to correct all your mistakes?
- Are you expected to answer the questions properly?
- Do you expect to answer this next question properly?
- Do you expect them to answer it properly?
- Are you expecting an important phone call right now?
to be bound to do sth
- It's bound to rain (In my mind it's obvious).
- Do you think she'll pass the exam?
She's bound to pass the exam.
- Did you know he failed the exam?
He was bound to fail the exam.
- Do you think he'll go to the party?
He's bound to go to the party.
- Did you know and John and Mary broke up?
They were bound to break up.
- Do you think my couple will go to Mexico?
- Will your cousin call you tonight?
Oh, he's bound to call me tonight.
- Do you think she's at the Gym?
I think she's bound to be at the Gym.
- Will the packet arrive this afternoon?
It's bound to arrive this afternoon.
- Did you know the packet was lost?
It was bound to get lost.
- Have you heard the company went bankrupt?
It was bound to go bankrupt.
- Will it rain this evening?
It's bound to rain this evening.
vocabulary 66
open-minded | mente abierta
pullover | jersey
nest | nido
overpopulated | superpoblado
out of stock | agotado
martes 12 enero 2010
martes 4 enero 2011
Con el verbo to expect se puede usar indistintamente of o from (más físico):
Do you want to know what I expect of/from you?
You wouldn't happen to know by any chance where camera one is, would you?
¿No sabrías por casualidad dónde está Pepe?
Primera versión:
You wouldn't know by [any] chance where Pepe is [would you]?
la pregunta es "you wouldn't know . . . "
es condicional y negativo:
you wouldn't + verb + by [any] chance
¿No sabrías por casualidad dónde está Pepe?
Segunda versión:
You wouldn't happen to know where Pepe is?
you wouldn't happen to + verb
You wouldn't have by any chance a felt-tip pen, would you?
You wouldn't happen to have a felt-tip pen, would you?
Combinación de las dos versiones:
¿No tendrías por casualidad una taza igual que ésta?
You wouldn't happen to have, by any chance, a cup like this one, would you?
En afirmativo: I happen to know a person ... = Resulta que conozco una persona ...
my vocabulary
estar en la punta de la lengua = to be on the tip of my tongue
casualty = herido, víctima, urgencias de un hospital
"injure" más grave que "hurt"
holy = santo
feel like = apetecer, siempre con gerundio
price/prize (precio/premio)
do you expect ...?
Do you expect you'll be late?
Are you expecting a baby?
Did you expect to be here today?
Did you expect to see me today?
Did you expect to be on this program this week?
Are you expecting a lot of questions?
Are you expecting a thunderstorm tomorrow?
Are you expecting me to stand up?
No, I'm not expecting you to stand up.
Are you expecting me to kill you?
to be bound to
Do you think she'll know the anser?
She's bound to know the answer.
Did you know that Paul and Beth have split up?
They were bound to split up.
Did you know that the Italians lost the football match?
Yes, they were bound to lose the football match.
Do you think he'll be late?
Do you think he'll be nervous?
by chance/happen to
Would you happen to know what time the meeting begins?
By chance, you know Tim.
Would you happen to know Tim?
Yes, I happen to know him.
By chance, were you there when the bomb went off?
By chance, I was there when the bomb went off.
I happen to be there when the bomb went off.
You want to know where the hospital is:
Would you know by any chance where the hospital is?
Would you happen to know where the hospital is?
Would you happen to know what time it is?
Would you happen to know where she works?
Yes, I happen to know where she works.
Cuánto tiempo llevan viviendo aquí:
Would you happen to know how long they have been living here?
vocabulary 67
refreshing | refrescante
puppet | marioneta
screw | tornillo
room and board | habitación y pensión completa
raw materials | materias primas
translation list 12
Eso va en contra de la política de la compañía.
That goes against company policy.
Me lesioné la espalda en el accidente.
I injured/hurt my back in the accident.
Quiero introducir progresivamente la nueva organización.
I want to phase in the new organization.
Entonces, quieres "discontinuar" progresivamente la antigua.
So/then, you want to phase out the old one.
Los fines de semana para mí son sagrados.
Weekends for me are sacred.
Tengo ganas de acostarme.
I feel like going to bed.
Le mandaron al extranjero en cuanto supo suficiente inglés para apañarse.
They sent him abroad as soon as he knew enough English to get by.
El fin no justifica los medios.
The end doesn't justify the means.
A juzgar por su aspecto yo diría que está desesperado.
Judging by his appearance, I would say [that] he is desperate.
Creo que ha habido un malentendido.
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
No me importan los problemas de Oriente Medio.
I don't care about the problems in the Middle East.
Cuanto antes, mejor.
The sooner, the better.
miércoles 13 enero 2010
miércoles 5 enero 2011
it's about time
ya es/era hora
it's about time + sujeto + verbo presente/pasado
my vocabulary
to deal with = tratar con
by chance/to happen to
By chance, you know my brother.
I happen to know your brother.
By chance, you live in the same town.
I happen to live in the same town.
By chance, you're very familiar with Cleveland.
I happen to be very familiar with Cleveland.
By chance, you love baseball.
By chance, you were there when he arrived.
I happened to be there when he arrived.
By chance, you grew up in the same town.
I happened to grow up in the same town.
By chance, we sat next to each other.
I happened to sit next to each other.
You wouldn't know, by any chance, where the bus is?
Wouldn't you happen to know where the bus is?
You want to know who Hannah is:
You wouldn't know, by any chance, who Hannah is?
You want to know when the show starts:
You wouldn't know, by any chance, when the show starts?
You wouldn't happen to know when the show starts?
it's [about/high] time
El verbo en inglés debe estar en
pasado (en español está en presente de subjuntivo)
it's about time > más énfasis
it's high time > y más énfasis
Ya es hora de que empieces a tomar el inglés en serio.
It's time you started taking English seriously.
Ya es hora de que te cases.
It's time you got married.
Ya es hora de que escuches la verdad.
It's time you heard the truth.
Ya es hora de que termines tus estudios.
It's time you finished your studies.
Ya es hora de que nos devuelvan la llamada.
It's time they called us back.
Ya es hora de que trates con ellos.
It's time you delt with them.
Ya es hora de que ganen un partido.
It's time they won the match.
one, twice
He estado en Bilbao una vez y en San Sebastián, dos veces.
I've been to Bilbao once and San Sebastián, twice.
Ask me how many times I've been to Vietnam.
Ask me how many times I've been to Tailand.
Ask me how many times I've played pocker.
Ask me how many times I've gone snowboarding.
How many times have you been to Madagascar?
Ask me how many times I've gone skiing.
vocabulary 68
the forties | los cuarenta (años)
thickness | grosor
territory | territorio
theoretical | teórico
take it easy | tomárselo con tranquilidad
jueves 14 enero 2010
viernes 7 enero 2011
It's about time you come = Ya es hora de que vengas
It's about time you came = Ya era hora de que vinieras
¿No crees que ya es hora de que ella haga algo? = Don't you think it's about time she do something?
¿Cuánto pesa ella? = How much does she weigh?
the passive voice
No se ha hecho./No ha sido hecho.
It hasn't been done.
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.
Cervantes wrote El Quijote in the early sixteen hundreds.
El Quijote was written by C. in the early sixteen hundreds.
¿Cuándo se hará?
When will it be done?
¿Cuándo se hace?
When is it done?
¿Se está haciendo?
Is it being done?
¿Cuándo se hizo?
When was it done?
¿Cuándo [ha sido hecho/se ha hecho]?
When has it been done?
Se descubrió.
It was discovered.
Se va a descubrir.
It's going to be discovered.
¿Cuántas veces se ha hecho?
How many times has it been done?
my vocabulary
to get along with sb = llevarse bien con alguien
sewn |səʊn|
it's time
Ya es hora de que empieces a ahorrar dinero.
It's [about/high] time you started saving money.
Ya es hora de que te compres una casa.
It's time you bought a house.
Ya es hora de que se vayan.
It's time they left.
once, twice
Van después de "to be", delante de otros verbos
He ido a Barcelona una vez y a Bilbao, dos veces.
I've been to Barcelona once and Bilbao, twice.
Una vez fuí a Sevilla.
I once went to Seville.
Una vez estuve en Polonia.
I was once in Poland.
Una vez estuve en Berlín.
I was once in Berlin.
Passive voice (present simple and present continuous)
vocabulary 69
thoughtful | considerado
to attempt | intentar
to bear | aguantar
to be overweight | estar en sobrepeso
thoroughbred | purasangre
translation list 13
Hemos tenido un aumento enorme en las ventas este año.
We've had a huge increase in [the] sales this year.
¡Acelera el ritmo!
Speed up the pace!
No hay mucha probabilidad de que eso ocurra.
There isn't much likelihood that that will happen.
Es un alivio saber que no tendrás que pasar por esas penurias otra vez.
It's a relief to know that you won't have to go through those hardships again.
Esta lista se está poniendo difícil.
This list is getting difficult.
¿Crees que te lo mereces?
Do you think you deserve it?
Ella vale su peso en oro.
She's worth her weight in gold.
Puedes hacer caso omiso a ese punto.
You can disregard that point.
¿Qué tal te llevas con ellos?
How do you get along with them?
Deberías poner un encabezamiento aparte para esta información.
You should put a separate heading for this information.
Hay un antiguo refrán que dice lo mismo.
There is an old saying that says the same thing.
Tenemos que elaborar un presupuesto.
We have to draw up a budget.
viernes 15 enero 2010
lunes 10 enero 2011
to translate into English
sacar provecho de algo, aprovechar = to take advantage of
¿Estás aprovechando este programa? = Are you taking advantage of this program?
hacer lo mejor posible = to make the most of
you have to make the most of your time
to make the most of your time = to extract the greatest amount of advantage from your time
passive voice
Se va a hacer.
It's going to be done.
Se hará.
It will be done.
Está a punto de hacerse.
It's about to be done.
¿Cuándo se hizo?
When was it done?
¿Se ha hecho ya?
Has it been done yet?
¿No se ha hecho?
Hasn't it been done?
¿Por qué no se ha hecho?
Why hasn't it been done?
Si no se ha hecho todavía, ¿cuándo se hará?
If it hasn't been done yet, then when will it be done?
¿Cuándo se va a hacer qué?
When is what going to be done?
When is the house going to be painted?
¿Cuándo se va a pintar la casa?
Ya se ha pintado/Ya ha sido pintada
It's already been painted.
Has the house been painted yet?
Se pintará pronto.
It'll be painted soon.
No se pintará pronto.
It won't be painted soon.
¿Se pintará pronto?
Will it be painted soon?
¿La casa se va a pintar mañana?
Is the house going to be painted tomorrow?
No se va a pintar mañana.
It's not going to be painted tomorrow.
¿Se va a pintar mañana o no?
Is it going to be painted tomorrow or not?
Si no se va a pintar mañana, entonces ¿cuándo se va a pintar?
If it's not going to be painted tomorrow, then when is it going to be painted?
Se va a pintar cuando yo diga que se pinte.
It's going to be painted when I say that it's time to be painted.
Está a punto de pintarse.
It's about to be painted.
Pero al final no se pintó.
But finally it wasn't painted.
¿Y por qué no se pintó?
And why wasn't it painted?
No se pintó porque nadie quería que se pintase.
It wasn't painted because nobody wanted it to be painted.
Nunca se pintará.
It won't never be painted.
Nunca se va a pintar.
It's never going to be painted.
my vocabulary
idle time = tiempo muerto
passive voice
Se vende en Francia.
It's sold in France.
Where is it sold?
It's sold in France.
What's sold in France?
Cheese is sold in France.
El puente se está construyendo ahora.
The bridge is being built right now.
Se hace todos los días.
It's done everyday.
No se hace todos los días.
It's not done everyday.
Se está haciendo ahora mismo.
It's being done right now.
passive voice (future)
Se hará pronto.
It'll be done soon.
No se hará pronto.
It won't be done soon.
¿Se hará pronto?
Will it be done soon?
Se va a hacer mañana.
(It's going to be done tomorrow.)
No se va a hacer mañana.
(It's not going to be done tomorrow.)
¿Se va a hacer mañana?
Is it going to be done tomorrow?
Está a punto de hacerse.
It's about to be done.
No está a punto de hacerse.
It's not about to be done.
¿Está a punto de hacerse?
Is it about to be done?
What will it be done tomorrow?
Se pintará pronto.
It'll be painted soon.
No se pintará pronto.
It won't be painted soon.
¿Se pintará pronto?
Will it be painted soon?
Se va a pintar mañana.
(It's going to be painted tomorrow.)
Está a punto de pintarse.
It's about to be painted.
No está a punto de pintarse.
It's not about to be painted.
¿Está a punto de pintarse?
Is it about to be painted?
Se cancelará dentro de una semana.
It'll be cancelled within a week.
to make the most of
Are they making the most of this course?
How are they making the most of this course?
by studying, reading out loud, by listenig to the radio ...
Do you make the most of your summer vacation?
Do you make the most of your weekends?
Did you make the most of last weekend?
Do you make the most of your trips to Ikea?
Are you making the most of your studying time?
Do you make the most of the money you spend?
Do you make the most of your electronic devices?
Ask me if I make the most of my phone.
Ask me if I make the most of my vacation.
Ask me if I always make the most of my trips to Canada.
Ask me if I'm making the most of my time in Spain.
Ask me if I make the most of my lunch break.
Ask me if I make the most of my money.
vocabulary 70
to bore | aburrir
to bend | doblar (antes de llegar a "to fold")
to beg | rogar
to demoralize | desmoralizar
to bluff | tirarse un farol
lunes 18 enero 2010
martes 11 enero 2011
my vocabulary
to call sb's bluff = poner a alguien en evidencia
passive voice (future)
Se hará pronto.
It'll be done soon.
Se va a hacer mañana.
It's going to be done tomorrow.
Está a punto de hacerse.
It's about to be done.
No se pintará pronto.
It won't be painted soon.
No se va a pintar mañana.
It's not going to be painted tomorrow.
No está a punto de pintarse.
It's not about to be painted.
¿Se enviará pronto?
Will it be sent soon?
¿Se va a enviar mañana?
Is it going to be sent tomorrow?
¿Está a punto de ser enviado?
Is it about to be sent?
to make the most of something
Are you making the most of this course?
Do you make the most of your summer vacation?
Espero que estés sacando mucho provecho de esta clase.
I hope you're making the most of this class.
Siempre se aprovechan de nosotros.
They always take advantage of us.
Does your boss advantage of you?
Do you make the most of your money?
Do your children advantage of you?
to need
Does your hair need cutting?
Does your face need shaving?
Does the grass need cutting?
Did the house need painting?
Do my shoes need polishing?
Ask me if my car needs washing.
Ask me if my nails need clipping.
Ask me if my hair needs brushing.
Ask me if my Spanish needs improving.
Do Tom Cruise's teeth need whitening?
Ask me if my watch needs winding.
Ask me if my coffee needs stiring.
Does your shirt need ironing?
Ask me if the floor needs scrubbing.
Ask me if the floor needs sweeping.
Ask me if my house needs cleaning.
vocabulary 71
to disappoint | decepcionar
to furnish | amueblar
to orient | orientar
to go for a drive | dar un paseo en coche
to have a drink | tomar algo de beber
translation list 14
Tiene un micrófono incorporado.
It has a built-in microphone.
Tenemos una amplia gama de alternativas.
We have a [broad/wide] range of alternatives.
Nuestro negocio básico es el acero.
Our core business is steel.
Te estás tirando un farol.
You're bluffing.
Esto nos permitirá doblar nuestros objetivos a un coste menor.
This will enable us to achieve our objectives at a lower cost.
Esta reunión no está llegando a ninguna parte.
This meeting is going nowhere.
This meeting [is getting nowhere/isn't getting anywhere].
¿No conocerías por casualidad a un tipo llamado Harvey, verdad?
You wouldn't know by any chance a guy by the name of Harvey, would you?
La naturaleza es muy sabia.
Nature is very wise.
Hablarías inglés mejor si no fueras tan tímido.
You would speak English better if you weren't so shy.
No te acerques al borde.
Don't go near [to] the edge.
No sé cómo puedes ser tan ingenuo a veces.
I don't know how you can be so [naïve/naive] at times.
Voy a retirar la oferta.
I'm going to withdraw the offer.
martes 19 enero 2010
miércoles 12 enero 2011
over, under, around and through
over, under
to oversleep = quedarse dormido (más de lo deseado)
to overspend = gastar más de la cuenta
to underestimate = subestimar
to overeat
you look overworked (estresado de trabajar demasiado)
to over cook
to under cook
more or less
my vocabulary
bargain = ganga
tuxedo (AM) = esmoquin
to need + gerund
Does your hair need cutting?
Does your car need washing?
Do your cloths need ironing?
Does your bicycle need repairing?
over, under
Do you always overspend at Christmas?
Did you under cook the turkey?
Did you overeat last Christmas?
Ask me if I overate last Thanksgiving.
Did you overwork last year?
Did I overwork last year?
Did the boss overwork yesterday?
Did some people overdo it [by] insisting too much?
Have you ever over cooked a pie?
Have you ever over cooked chicken?
Did you oversleep this morning?
Have you ever underestimate your own abilities?
Do you under use phrasal verbs?
Sometimes did the English teachers overuse them?
Am I underdressed for this TV show?
(If I wear here a tuxedo you'll feel underdressed.)
Do a lot of construction projects go overbudget?
Do you think Madrid is overbudget whit their Olympic bid?
Ask me if I under use accents in Spanish.
Ask me if I over cooked my dinner yesterday.
Ask me if I underdressed for my friends wedding.
Ask me if I overslept this morning.
numbers: approximately ... to ...
There were 7 to 8 hundred people at the concert.
Approximately, how many people were at the concert?
There were approximately 7 to 8 hundred people at the concert.
There were 12 hundred to 13 hundred students.
Approximately, how many students were there?
There were 350 to 400 books at the Fair.
Approximately, how many books were there at the Fair?
There were 100 to 125 pencils on the table.
Approximately, how many pencils were on the table?
There were approximately 500 to 550 razors.
vocabulary 72
to purchase | comprar
to pinpoint | localizar
to sweat | sudar
to run the show | dirigir el cotarro
to overlook | pasar por alto
miércoles 20 enero 2010
jueves 13 enero 2011
verbos con "over" y "under"
to oversleep
to go/be overbudget = pasarse de presupuesto
to be underbudget
to overestimate, to underestimate
"to overwork" no se usa, se usa to be/feel overworked
to overeat
to overtake: pasar a alguien (en coche o ¿caminando?)
to undertake = emprender (una iniciativa, acciones)
undertaker = enterrador
to overreact = tener una reacción exagerada
to overdo it = pasarse, hacer algo en exceso
to overcook, overcooked, undercooked
to overspend
passive voice
The painting was stolen. It was stolen last week, did you hear?
That's the second time in history that ML has been stolen.
Who stole it? Nobody knows. But it was stolen in broad daylight.
Who was stolen by?
When was stolen? It was stolen in the afternoon.
What time was it stolen?
It has only been stolen twice.
Will it be recovered? Will it be destroyed? Will it be damaged?
The only thing we know is that it has been stolen and that it hasn't been recovered yet.
We don't know where it has been taken, we don't know how it was stolen, we don't know who it was stolen by.
my vocabulary
curator of the museum = conservador del museo
I think you're getting hang of it
to get hang of it = cogerle el truco
lograr + verbo = manage to + verb
guinea pig = cobaya
y también, en sentido figurado conejillo de indias
to lose and to miss:
lose: you can find (you lose a pen)
miss: if you miss a work day, it's gone (you miss the train, the bus, an interview)
musemum |mjuːˈzɪəm|
verbos con "over" y "under"
Did you oversleep last night?
Did you undersleep?
Do you overuse expressions in English?
Are you overdressed today?
Am I underdressed?
Ask me if the producer gets angry if I overrun the time for this class.
Do you think I overuse typical Canadian expressions sometimes?
There were sixty to seventy people in the office. So, how many people were in the office?
There were eight to nine hundred people in the concert.
Ask me how many people there are in Canada.
How many people are there in Spain?
There are fifteen to twenty people at the party. How many people are there?
There are five to six hundred players in the league.
There are thirty to forty million trees in the province.
There are twenty to thirty unions registered in the system.
There are seven to eight hundred complaints filed.
There are five to ten different accents.
There are sixty to seventy people invited.
There are two to three thousand students enrolled.
passive voice (past simple)
Verb "to be" in Past Simple tense + pp
Se canceló.
It was cancelled.
No se canceló por la mañana.
It wasn't cancelled in the morning.
¿Por qué se canceló?
Why was it cancelled?
Se hizo la semana pasada.
It was done last week.
Se descubrió el mes pasado.
It was discovered last month.
Se rompieron dos veces el año pasado.
They were broken twice last year.
Se mandó cinco veces ayer.
It was sent five times yesterday.
¿Por qué se pintaron tantas veces?
Why were they painted so many times?
¿Por qué se entregó en la dirección errónea?
Why was it delivered to the wrong address?
¿Por qué se guardó el archivo?
Why was the file saved?
vocabulary 73
weakness | debilidad
witch | bruja
will | voluntad
wedding ring | anillo de bodas
vintage wine | vino añejo
translation list 15
Este cuadro presenta un desglose de las ventas por regiones.
This chart shows a breakdown of [the] sales by region.
Si no les animas, perderán su entusiasmo.
If you don't encourage them they'll lose their enthusiasm.
Este remedio servirá por ahora.
This remedy will do for [the time being/the moment/now].
¿Cómo va la campaña de publicidad?
How is the advertising campaign [going/coming along]?
Ella se negó a darle la mano a él.
She refused to shake his hand.
Es asombroso cómo logras convencer a la gente de lo que sea.
It's amazing how you manage to convince people about anything.
¿Cómo puedes permitirte el lujo de perder tantos días de trabajo?
How can you afford to miss so many working-days/workdays?
No hagas caso a lo que te dije ayer.
[Never mind what/Don't worry about] I told you yesterday.
[Don't pay any/Pay no] attention to what I told you yesterday.
Lo que importa es lo que te estoy diciendo ahora.
What matters is what I'm telling you now.
Es una etapa difícil de nuestro crecimiento.
It's a difficult stage in our growth.
No hacemos previsiones a largo plazo.
We don't make [long-term/long-range] forecasts.
short > se dice "short-term"
jueves 21 enero 2010
viernes 14 enero 2011
yet, already, still
I'm going to choose a pencil from this container.
I don't know which one yet, but I'm going to choose one and take it out.
Have I chosen a pencil yet?
I'm going to choose this one.
Have I chosen one yet?
Yes, you have chosen a pencil, you have already chosen one.
Have I taken it out of the holder yet?
No, you haven't taken it out of the holder yet.
Is it still in the pencil holder?
Yes, it is, it's still in the pencil holder.
to make do
I have to make do with this cup.
to make do with = conformarse con
I can make do with very few things.
to cancel
Se canceló.
It was cancelled.
No se canceló por la mañana.
It wasn't cancelled in the morning.
¿Por qué se canceló?
Why was it cancelled?
[answer] Paul forgot to cancel it.
[question] Who forgot to cancel it?
[answer] He forgot to cancel it yesterday.
[question] When did he forget to cancel it?
[answer] He forgot to cancel his appointment with the president.
[question] Who did he forget to cancel his appointment with?
[answer] The flight was cancelled because of strike.
[question] Why was the flight cancelled?
[answer] He cancelled the meeting by telephone.
[question] How did he cancel the meeting?
[answer] The opera would be cancelled if the soprano has laryngitis.
[question] Why would the opera be cancelled?
[answer] The show was cancelled in the morning.
[question] When was the show cancelled?
passive voice (present perfect)
Ya se ha hecho = It's already been done
No se ha hecho aún = It hasn't been done yet
¿Se ha hecho ya? = Has it been done yet?
La casa ya se ha vendido = The house has already been sold
La casa no se ha vendido aún = The house hasn't been sold yet
¿Se ha vendido la casa ya? = Has the house been sold yet?
Se ha enviado dos veces esta semana = It's been sent twice this week
No se ha enviado aún = It hasn't been sent yet
¿Se ha enviado ya? = Has it been sent yet?
Ya se ha decidido = It's already been decided
No se ha decidido aún = It hasn't been decided yet
¿Se ha decidido ya? = Has it been decided yet?
Se ha actualizado una vez este mes = It's been updated once this month
No se ha actualizado aún = It hasn't been updated yet
¿Se ha actualizado ya? = Has it been updated yet?
to make do
Did you make do with a knife?
Did you make do with a sandwitch?
Did you make do with a fifteen minutes break?
Did you make do with an older recipie?
Did you make do with one tank of gasoline?
Did you make do with two hundred dollars?
Did you make do with some old grammar books?
Did you have to make do with what was left from the night before?
Did you have to make do with original documents?
Did you have to make do with just one vehicle?
Did you have to make do with just one piece of bread all day yesterday?
Will you have to make do with last year's version?
Will you have to make do with a set of golf clubs?
Will you have to make do with whatever you have?
Will you have to make do with your tennis shoes?
Will you have to make do with a pen?
Will you have to make do with an imitation version?
Will you have to make do with a cheaper model?
Will you have to make do with just a few books?
vocabulary 74
wristband | puño (de ropa)
aside from | aparte de
artificial | artificial
would you mind (+ gerund)? | te importaría
an overview | resumen
viernes 22 enero 2010
lunes 17 enero 2011
my vocabulary
to raise/to lower
plenty of = más que suficiente
give up = abandonar, tirar la toalla
give in = dar el brazo a torcer
launch |lɔːntʃ|
lunch |lʌntʃ|
passive voice (present perfect)
La casa ya se ha vendido.
The house has already been sold.
La casa no se ha vendido aún.
The house hasn't been sold yet.
¿Se ha vendido la casa ya?
Has the house been sold yet?
Se ha hecho dos veces esta semana.
It's been done twice this week.
No se ha prestado a nadie.
It hasn't been lent to anyone.
Siempre se ha hecho a mano.
It's always been made by hand.
Siempre se ha guardado bajo llave.
It's always been kept under lock and key.
Se ha perdido.
It's been lost.
to make do with (to get by)
What did you make do with yesterday?
I made do with five euros.
Did you make do with pizza for dinner last night?
No, I didn't make do with pizza.
Will you be able to make do with the screwdriver?
Did you have to make do with the CD?
Yes, I have to.
Will you be able to make do with a jack if you had to change the tire?
Can you make do with a needle and thread?
vocabulary 75
at length | detenidamente
attempt | intento
ribs | costillas
a breakthrough | un avance
at all costs | a toda costa
translation list 16
Sólo lanzamos misiles de largo alcance.
We only launch long-range missiles.
Esta reunión es una pérdida de tiempo.
This meeting is a waste of time.
Es inútil continuar.
It's pointless to go/carry on.
Me sentía tan violento que quería esconderme.
I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to hide.
Hay tiempo de sobra para todo eso.
There's plenty of time for all [of] that.
Él al final cedió ante la presión.
He finally gave in to the pressure.
No podía aguantar la presión.
He couldn't stand the pressure.
No estoy aquí para resolver tus problemas.
I'm not here to solve your problems.
Estamos ante un gran reto.
We are facing a great challenge.
Los políticos van a estropear todo.
The politicians are going to ruin everything.
No te quedes atrás.
Don't fall behind.
No lograron avisar a la gente a tiempo.
They failed to warn/advise the people in time.
lunes 25 enero 2010
martes 18 enero 2011
missile 'mɪsaɪl, US 'mɪsəl
[there's no/there isn't any] point in + gerund
You're not going to call him because ...
there's no point in calling him.
You're not going to tell her.
You're not going to go there.
You're not going to fix the machine.
You're not going to drive all the way to the city.
You're not going to request to the full license.
You're not going to pay the full subscription price.
You're not going to file the request.
You want to ask about tickets.
Is there any point in asking about tickets?
You want to call the reservation number.
Is there any point in calling the reservation number?
You want to look for a solution.
passive voice
Were you mugged last week?
Would you like to be promoted?
Did they steal your passport at the airport last month?
Will they paint your house next week?
No, my house won't be painted next week.
Did you see a pickpocket steal anyone's wallet yesterday?
Will they prevent forest fires next summer?
Yes, forest fires will be prevented next summer.
Did Madrid promot the city well enough?
Yes, Madrid was promoted well enough.
¿Pintarán ellos tu casa la semana que viene?
Will they paint your house next week?
Will my house be painted next week?
I last/first did something
The last time I ate spaghetti was last Thursday.
You last ate spaghetti last Thursday.
The last time she was with her cousin was last month.
She was last with her cousin last month.
The first time I came to Spain was when I was in college.
You first came to Spain when you were in college.
The last time I visited LA was at Christmas.
You last visited LA at Christmas.
The first time they closed the facilities was last fall.
They first closed the facilities last fall.
The last time he had a problem with his back was in 2007.
He last had a problem with his back in 2007.
The last time you were with your sister was two months ago.
I was last with my sister two months ago.
vocabulary 76
whistle | silbato, pito
to risk | arriesgar
horn | bocina, cuerno
the welfare state | el estado del bienestar
shut up! | ¡cállate!
martes 26 enero 2010
miércoles 19 enero 2011
when did you last ...?
When did you last study German?
(I've never studied German.)
When did you last speak to me about the problems in Turkey?
(I've never spoken to you about the problems in Turkey.)
When was the last time you flew to Pakistan? = When did you last fly to Pakistan?
(I've never flown to Pakistan.)
my vocabulary
to get lost: equivalente a "ir a freir espárragos"
to jump in a lake: idem
I'm not crazy about sherry = no soy gran aficionado del sherry
(it's not my cup of tea)
cardigan = rebeca, chaqueta de punto (jersey abierto)
to air = emitir
necessity = necesidad básica (food, shelter and clothing)
to stick = pegar (golpear con un palo y, también, adherir)
para abreviar ... = to make a long story short ...
passive voice
Me robaron el coche.
My car was stolen.
Me robaron el abrigo.
My coat was stolen.
¿Robaron (ellos) tu pasaporte en el aeropuerto el mes pasado?
Was your passport stolen at/in the airport last month?
¿Pintarán tu casa la semana que viene?
Will your house be painted next week?
the last time I did ... > I last did ...
The last time I went to the cinema was last Saturday.
I last went to the cinema last Saturday.
The last time they visited me was two years ago.
They last visited me two years ago.
The first time I came to Spain was when I was seven.
I first came to Spain when I was seven.
The first time he spoke to me was in January.
He first spoke to me in January.
I last went to France in May.
When did you last go to France?
I last went shopping at Easter.
When did you last go shopping?
She first came to Madrid when she was three years old.
When did she first come to Madrid?
He was first promoted for an half year ago.
When was he first promoted?
She last ironed her cardigan two days ago.
They first told us what their plans were a few months ago.
When did they first tell us what their plans were?
I last ran into him on Wendsday.
You were last in a bad mood one week ago.
Paul last baked a cake in 2003.
It was first aired in January.
I first travelled abroad when I was nine.
vocabulary 77
to run over | atropellar
thunder | trueno
role | papel
inconvenient | incómodo
to translate | traducir
translation list 17
Me quedan bastantes listas para escribir.
I have quite a few lists left to write.
Es impresionante lo informado que está ese tío.
It's impressive how knowledgeable that guy is.
Tenemos que casar nuestros recursos con vuestras necesidades.
We have to match our resources with your needs.
Ensaya tu discurso todas las veces que puedas.
Rehearse your speech as [many times/much] as you can.
Ponte delante de un espejo.
Stand in front of a mirror.
He venido para pedir un anticipo.
I've come to ask for an advance.
¡Eres un pesado!
You're a pain in the neck[/ass]!
Este "celo" es muy pegajoso.
This tape is very sticky.
Él pasó su niñez en un orfanato.
He spent his childhood in an orphanage.
¿Quién es el encargado aquí?
Who's [the manager/in charge] here?
Who runs the show here?
Ésta es mi última advertencia: no te acerques a mi novia.
This is my last warning: [don't go near/stay away from] my girlfriend.
Estas directrices fueron elaboradas por un equipo de expertos.
These guidelines were drawn up by a team of experts.
miércoles 27 enero 2010
jueves 20 enero 2011
La última vez que la ví fue en Semana Santa.
I last saw her in Easter.
La última vez que comí pasta fué ayer.
I last ate pasta yesterday.
La última vez que hablé con él fué hace dos años.
I last spoke to him two years ago.
what's the point?
¿Para qué intentarlo si no vas a esforzarte al máximo?
What's the point of trying if you're not going to try your hardest?
¿De qué sirve limpiar la cocina si se va a volver a ensuciar?
What's the point of cleaning the kitchen if it's going to get dirty again?
¿Para qué preguntarle si sabes que no va a contestarte?
What's the point of asking him if you know he's not going to answer you?
¿Para qué llevártelo si sabes que no vas a usarlo?
What's the point of bringing it if you know you're not going to use it?
¿Para qué ir al gimnasio si luego no comes sano?
What's the point of going to the gym if you're not going to eat well?
¿De qué sirve comprar un ventilador si hace frío?
What's the point of buying a fan if the weather is cold?
¿Para qué trabajar si no pueden pagarte?
What's the point of working if they can't pay you?
¿De qué sirve pescar si no hay peces?
What's the point of fishing if there are no fish?
¿Para qué comprarlo si mañana será más barato?
What's the point of buying it if tomorrow it'll be cheaper?
¿Para qué pedir más comida si no puedes comerte la que ya tienes?
What's the point of ordering more food if you can't eat what you already have?
¿De qué sirve comprarse un coche si no tienes dónde aparcarlo?
What's the point of buying a car if you have nowhere to park?
¿Para qué sirve querer aprender inglés si no estás dispuesto a responder en voz alta?
What's the point of wanting to learn English if you're not willing to answer out loud?
provided/providing [that]
I'll go to your house for dinner if I'm not tired after work.
I'll go to your house for dinner provided that I'm not tired after work.
I won't go to the doctor if I'm feeling better.
I'll make a big dinner if I'm really hungry.
We'll study English if we have enough time on/at (US/BR) the weekend.
I'll go to the football game if it doesn't rain.
He'll go to the meeting if he gets back from his trip on time.
She'll go to the cinema if there's an interesting movie.
vocabulary 78
to throw | lanzar
shortage | escasez
scared | asustado
to suggest | sugerir
a postcard | postal
jueves 28 enero 2010
viernes 21 enero 2011
telephone numbers
se dicen cifra a cifra, y "o" para "0", en lugar de "zero", aunque también se use.
lo mismo para "scores" (puntuaciones en juegos, por ejemplo).
zero to zero
nil to nil [BR]
3 - 0: three to nothing [US]
3 - 0: three nil [BR]
empate = tie [US], draw [BR]
en US no suelen usar "double" en cifras o letras (spelling), mientras que en BR, sí, incluso "treble":
"007" = double o seven, y en US lo dicen al estilo BR
spelling the word "book": BR b-double o-k, AM b-o-o-k
habitaciones de hotel:
3 dígitos: se puede decir en forma decimal, cifra a cifra, o piso y habitación
4 dígitos: nunca en forma decimal, se suele decir en dos grupos decimales
my vocabulary
expenditures = gastos de inversión
expenses = gastos corrientes
Tottenham /ˈtɒtnəm/
what's the point of
¿De qué sirve estar a régimen si te comes quince galletas cuando tienes hambre?
What's the point of being on a diet if you eat fifteen biscuits when you're hungry?
¿De qué sirve comprarse muchas camisetas si siempre llevas puesta la misma ropa?
What's the point of buying a lot of t-shirts if you always wear the same clothes?
¿De qué sirve pedir un consejo si nunca lo sigues?
What's the point of asking for advice if you never take it?
No sirve de nada hacer eso.
There's no point in doing that.
provided/providing [that]
= siempre que, siempre cuando
"that" es opcional
I'll go to the party if you come with me.
You'll go to the party providing I go with you.
It'll be a fantastic surprise if he doesn't find out.
It'll be a fantastic surprise provided that he doesn't find out.
vocabulary 79
to spill | derramar, tirar
to skip | saltar, omitir
sample | muestra
runway | pista de aterrizaje
shotgun | escopeta
translation list 18
El plazo termina mañana.
The deadline is tomorrow.
Tengo derecho a una pensión.
I'm entitled to a pension.
Tendrás que tragar tu orgullo.
You'll have to swallow your pride.
Has hecho progresos fenomenales en los tres últimos meses.
You've made terrific progress in/over the last three months.
Fue una experiencia gratificante.
It was a rewarding experience.
¡Vaya follón!
What a mess!
¿Cómo voy a salir de este lío?
How am I going to get out of this mess?
Están conspirando para derrocar al gobierno.
They're plotting to overthrow the government.
Hicieron puente.
They took a long weekend.
¿Cuándo piensas renovar tu permiso?
When [are you planning/do you plan] to renew your permit?
El chismorreo ha alcanzado niveles insoportables.
Gossip has reached unbearable levels.
Doy por sentado que sabes el desenlace.
I take for granted you know the outcome.
viernes 29 enero 2010
lunes 24 enero 2011
I'm glad to know you're ok.
I'm glad to meet you.
I'm glad he's happy.
I'm glad he knows.
I'm glad you're here.
I'm glad I have this job.
I'm glad I [came/have come] yesterday.
Si en español se usa subjuntivo, en inglés se usa indicativo.
my vocabulary
to bet = apostar
¡A por ello! = Let's have a go at it!
to have a go at = hacer un intento
let me have a go at it! = ¡déjame intentarlo!
Se dice "o": room numbers, dates (years), time (it's four-o-five), telephone numbers.
"Nil" es BR
En el año 1805 Juan ganó el partido 6-0, 6-1, 6-0.
In eighteen o five Juan won the match six-love, six-one, six-love.
Dormí en la habitación 302.
I slept in room number three-o-two.
Mi abuelo vino a Canadá en 1908.
Son las tres y cinco.
It's three-o-five.
Murió en 1903.
He died in nineteen-o-three.
I'm glad
Me alegro de haber venido a España hace dos años.
I'm glad I came to Spain two years ago.
Me alegro de que no tuvieras que ir a una reunión tan aburrida.
I'm glad you didn't have to go to such a boring meeting.
Me alegro de que no tuvieras que hacer la cena para tanta gente.
I'm glad you didn't have to [make/cook] dinner for so many people.
Me alegro de que al final no fueras a Australia.
I'm glad you didn't go to Australia [in the end/after all].
Me alegro de haber estudiado mucho.
I'm glad I studied a lot.
Me alegro de haber llegado a ser médica.
I'm glad I became a doctor.
Me alegro de haber cocinado [mucho/tanto].
I'm glad I cooked [a lot/so much].
Me alegro de haber llegado a ser taxista.
I'm glad I became a taxi driver.
Me alegro de haber llegado a ser cocinero.
I'm glad I became a cook.
being sarcastic
(You fail an exam.) I bet you're glad you took the exam. [En tono sarcástico.]
Yes, I'm glad I took the exam. [En tono sarcástico.]
I bet you're glad you studied for the test.
Yes, I'm glad I studied for the test.
I bet you're glad you drank that bottle of wine.
Yes, I'm glad I drank that whole bottle of wine.
I bet you're glad you called there.
Yes, I'm glad I called there.
to have a go at
Did you have a go at learning Swahili last year?
Ask me if I had a go at skiing.
Have you ever had a go at playing guitar?
No, I've never had a go at it.
Ask me if I've ever had a go at playing guitar.
... But I have a go at it sometimes with my friends.
Ask me if I've ever had a go at salsa dancing.
vocabulary 80
to frighten | asustar
to give up | rendirse
onion | cebolla
to throw a party | hacer una fiesta
out of context | fuera de contexto